Abusive hiding needs to be penalized

Currently, there is nothing that stops survivors from crouching in 1 area and moving a little every so often and then crouch circling a structure if the killer comes by.
This can go on indefinitely, way beyond what is necessary for the survivor to get away. Some survivors troll for long periods of time and do not even attempt to do their objective. They just troll.
There needs to be either a timer or a perk for killers that sniffs out hiders that abuse the mechanic. This is way too powerful. Do I need to download walls (since there is no security) to prevent time wasters from ruining my day or can we add something in game?
Whispers my friend learn to use it and you'll fall in love with it like a cool ocean breeze on a hot summers day
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Doctor with Whispers is *chefs kiss*
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Abusive hiding to the point when game no longer progress is a bannable offence. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do right now is to start recording mid game when it starts to happen and once you have enough footage to show that survivors refuse to do their objective and just hold the game hostage, you then report them via ingame report system after the game end (you find and kill them etc or DC) and then submit a ticket at official DBD site for additional report infromation.
It's a bother but currently we don't have anything that could cut the match short and this can go on forever. Hopefully in the future we'll get some feature that helps to end matches once they get excessively long for both sides.
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Just gotta keep patrolling gens. They have one way out, you know it and they know it
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I literally made this post during the time 2 survivors were hiding and not doing any of the generators that were remaining. We're about 45 minutes in. I am far ahead and I do not want to reward their bad behavior by giving them a free DC win. This is ridiculous honestly. The maps are so enormous and their prestige 3 skins blend in enough, I cannot find them. It is way too easy to hide indefinitely in this game if you are willing to not do the objectives or attempt to escape.
As for recording which was suggested. Nobody gets banned in this game. People blatantly troll, flame, hack and DDOS... nothing happens. It doesn't matter if I record it.
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If there is no progress on gens, start checking spots and take the long route back to the gens
You can do it man!
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I have checked the entire map about 10x, all the lockers and have patrolled the gens many, many times. They haven't touched them. They just keep hiding and moving when they see me in the open with crouch. There are no scratches and no blood. There is NOTHING to go off of. This is insane that this is still a part of the game with this many users.
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I refuse to purposefully DC in a game - had this happen once as a killer. After like 10 mins I just went and stood in a corner - made a sandwich- ate the sandwich - came back and they had finally come out and did gens. They got horrible scores and I had a nice sandwich so it wasn't too bad :) When it comes to crappy players (killers or survivors) I just do what I can to make sure they get as few points as possible.
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Just pay attention to the crows. They always give survivors away
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none went off
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You're complaining about someone being useless? That's a thing when playing killer?
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They are just stalling and wasting my time. The game won't finish
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Oh no whatever will you do. Kill the other 3, close the freaking hatch, patrol the gates. They'll either get out or die trying. They aren't taking the game hostage. You're in complete control. If you're slugging and sick of the hiding, you can end that. There's still something you can do to keep the game going.
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If it's nearing the end of the match with two players left and they are both hiding and not progressing the game that is reportable because they are holding the game hostage. However if during the match one of the four survivors wants to just hide then great one less person on gens so I don't have any problem with that lol.
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Identity V has slightly more agressive afk crows than dbd. Not working on a generator in X secnds will spawn the crows until you work on a gen.
Could maybe work in dbd too.
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If I realized I've hooked like 4+ times and I don't see 1 survivor in particular. I will make them my #1 target. Especially if I know they are saving people and or popping gens whenever I'm on someone else, they just want to keep hiding from me. Even if I have to slug to focus on them, I will. Because if they 3-gen themselves guess who's the higher liability of making my 4k keep the game hostage for a little while?
In the case there is a 3-gen situation and unfortunately the survivors become overly stealthy. I start to play dumb and act nice. I hit generators or stand in a pallet and hit the pallet, or I act dumb and start walking around a particular tile looking confused and dumb and opening lockers in case that helps. Sometimes it helps them come out and try to be nice to me and sometimes it makes them come out and try to do gens. And then I slaughter as many of them as I can.
I don't think they should be punished for being overly stealthy because some survivors are only overly stealthy on last hook, or to cleanse hex ruin before they do generators and I think those are smart strategies. Not how I play, but I respect it.
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I ran around for 10 minutes or more on a map because the last 2 survivors was doing this. All they did was avoid me and didn't even touch a generator until they knew I wasn't going to go away from the gens. I wasn't going to let these do this as the cows would get tem eventually.
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not if 2 of them hide as long as possible on a huge map
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I disagree, there is crows and you have the option to run locating perks, stealth is an intended game design the only thing that I have a problem with is player cosmetics. Which are absolutely horrid on Autohaven and Milfwitch.
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LOL "Milfwitch"
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Whispers will forever be your friend. It's a good perk for tracking, which helps the killer tremendously.
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it a waste of a perk except for people not trying to win the game and deliberately trolling
nurses calling, bbq, infectious fright and discordance all significantly better... not enough perks to go around with only 4 slots
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and it is abused without time limits. it's too strong with how big the maps are
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But you're complaining about something that Whispers counters. so stop complaining if you're not going to deal with a counter. none of the perks that you listed helps with hiding survivors. especially if locker hopping.
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Hiding has already been penalized enough. You have so many ways to find survivors what more do you need? A survivor literally can't breathe in this game without being detected by a killer. If you can't find a survivor that's your fault.
Lol at it being "way too powerful" you do realize that's one survivor that is nothing but complete dead weight doing nothing to escape.
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At some point the time spent is not worth the extra points you get by finding & killing the stealthers. Don’t DC, that just punishes you for their gameplay. Instead just go afk and do something else. Play on your phone, clean your room, pet your dog.
This way they don’t get a free win. If they want out, they actually have to go do some work and hold m1 for a while. And hey, if they wait too long, you could “wake up” at any moment while they’re mid-repair!
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If survivors are just hiding and not doing gens, eventually you'll find and down one and they'll be screwed by the lack of gen progress. If you're talking about slugging for the 4K, you're in control of the situation and the only person dragging it out is you.
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They aren't taking the game hostage.
Devs don't agree with you on this one. If all Survivors are hiding for long periods of time and none of them are doing gens, that is a reportable offense.
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this and reporting doesn't stop people from being toxic in this way... need in game mechanics that passively negates this type of trolling behavior