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Why I think NOED should be changed



  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Fair point. But i always go for totems unless i´m being chased. And then i remember the spot to go back later. I wonder why so few people do bones.

  • sirmoobs1984
    sirmoobs1984 Member Posts: 12

    I don't know. So many people act like they were the only ones doing anything. Reading that gets old. Most of the time they are lying. It is safe to assume you were exaggerating.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    If I'm lucky I get some decent solos teamed with me otherwise if I don't make sure I'm putting in 110% to make sure everything gets done it's a guaranteed loss. But if you want to believe otherwise please feel free.

  • Righi
    Righi Member Posts: 19

    I don't agree with the change. Some killers, like the doctor, the hag, etc don't have the special attack that downs the survivor with a single hit, and so in general it takes longer to put them into dying state. If I use Hillibilly or Bubba for example, I don't even bother to waste a perk slot if I can use the chainsaw.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    This once again boils the problem down to matchmaking and not NOED.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    I know that contributes to it and I have stated that in previous comments but thank you for being someone else that's contributed to me realising you can't have an idea on a DISCUSSION post asking for ideas on a change without people instead of giving constructive ideas and compromises just like to tell you that your wrong and they're right 👍🏻

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710
    edited January 2021

    Ok then here lets discuss this. Let me describe to you a bad matchmaking experience i had last night, I'm a rank 13 killer for reference, fairly new lots of learning left. This came on the heels of losing a few games, to mostly bad matchmaking so i threw NOED into my build played a couple more games where it didnt even come into play. Edit: just for reference my losing condition is 0 kills.

    Then I run into this mess of a game 4 man swf all rank 1 and 2. Match starts i find 3 of them slamming a gen I chase them off and spend the rest of the match in a 3 vs 1 chase, while i never see the 4th person running around doing gens. Every time i get one of them injured they force me to switch off with head on stuns, pallet stuns, even just looking away to dodge a flashlight blind or body blocked in a doorway. 4 gens are done at this point because they've been healing in between switches, 1 of them leaves to slam out the last gen faster. I finally manage to get a down and get the guy on the hook, i take a look aroumd with bbq and see the 2 in the distance seconds before they pop the last gen and the close one coming in for the borrowed time save. The gen pops NOED kicks in and i down the guy coming in for the rescue, look around ive got my totem close by one on the hook one on the ground an exit gate pretty close and an empty hook pretty close. So i rush the exit gate force it open to start endgame collapse and hook the 2nd guy. I got 2 kills in a game where i worked my butt of to get them. Where after i got outplayed all match, i managed to capitalize on a single mistake and turn it around. Look at the builds post game all 3 of the loopers had head on, quick and quiet, adeenaline, and iron will. If it wasnt for NOED they would have gone for the saves came off the hook healthy and all gotten out body blocking for the 1 Injured guy.

    The moral of the story is that bad matchmaking for solo q you make a case for NOED to be changed. While bad matchmaking for killer makes a case for it needing to be exactly the way it is.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited January 2021

    Well of course, nothing is guaranteed by RNG. I think the devs tried to implement its hex nature to counter its hefty payload, but totems are rather inconsistent. I've had NOED cleansed the moment the endgame collapse happened, and just had it never cleansed 30 minutes into all the exit gates being powered.

    NOED applies more than once. Adrenaline procs once. Hope procs for a limited amount of time. Besides that, they are two separate perks, as opposed to the all-in-one deal of NOED. It definitely is a counter to those, but it really seems too powerful to be a counter to those perks that are weak in comparison. It's like DS having anti-tunnel capabilities, but being far more powerful than a simple anti-tunnel perk.

    For The People is like the discount Walmart version of NOED. You won't use them any time other than the endgame, in order to grasp at a last chance to win. In a similar vein, NOED is meant to help lower-level killers get kills. It's literally useless for the overwhelming majority of the game, only helping in the salvage operation at the end. That's precisely why it's a general killer perk. "Crutch" perk might be a bit overstated, but it is meant to be a beginner perk. It gets the job done using brute force, plain and simple. That being said, having every survivor exposed during the time when they are concentrated in two locations only can be a bit more than a beginner perk, more than a salvage. Far from being a last hope, it's an ace in the hole to drag the game into their favor.

    Of course, survivors can do totems, but as stated before, RNG depends on your credit rating with karma. The few times I play survivor, I've seen NOED spawn both right next to me and in the lost city of El Dorado.

    Even for survivors with a sixth totem sense, NOED can be annoying. I've gotten all the way to rank 6 from rank 18 with NOED (as clown), and I, without reservation, suck at clown. Whenever I try to switch to any other perk, I tumble down the ranks. When I eventually get survivors that run small game, I get absolutely demolished. Far bigger than the payload being a bit too excessive is the nature of countering NOED.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The start of me commenting on this post was just a suggestion as to ideas as how it could be changed if it was to. Honestly the only time I get annoyed with noed is if I've not gone down all match and I've ended up cleansing 4 totems but still get hit with noed. As much as I think it's annoying feeling like you've only gone down all match because the killer has it I agree it's also an issue with other survivors electing to not cleanse totems as well. After talking it through with another player I actually thought the best idea would be to include a totem counter because not only would it add emphasis on the fact totems are a secondary objective for survivors it will hopefully also make them more likely to try and cleanse them and also help out solo survivors. I think if this was implemented it would work well and I don't feel like any changes would be needed for the perk.

  • Generalmahler
    Generalmahler Member Posts: 29

    Il just count the Killer Perks , if i cant count 4 different perks i start Cleansing. thats it.