Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Remove the ability to suicide while on the hook to stop early 3v1 situations

Member Posts: 288
edited January 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The game is ideally balanced around 4 survivors to 1 killer.

When a survivor is first hooked and immediately suicides it creates an immediate 3v1 situation. The match is now unbalanced and diminishes the remaining survivor's experience. Also, it tends to create negative feelings toward the killer who is not at fault for playing the game in that role.

When survivors are allowed to exit the game early with NO PENALTY (unlike a disconnect), it harms the rest of the participants in the match. This is especially prevalent in the Solo Q.

BHVR, look at your statistics where players have suicided on hook early in the match and see how that has affected the balance of the game. I would love to see what the data says.

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  • Member Posts: 1,927

    They need to make struggling automatic so they aren't able to suicide. Sadly though while they have the option not to if they don't want to play then they're going to do it. I honestly think though that even if they did change this if someone really didn't want to play in the match then they would either just stand there and tab out of the game till they are hooked and killed or they would just run at the killer.

  • Member Posts: 288

    I agree. Anything is better than what we have now. Even if the killer has to down them again and hook for a few seconds, it's a few more than we get now.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I've always thought this was a major problem with this games design. If 1 player just quits or lets themselves die on first hook, or even is just AFK for the first 2 or so minutes the match can become completely unwinnable for the other players through no fault of their own. And most of the time the killer won't even have control over this.

    I HATE when a player kills themselves on hook early as killer as it makes the game an easy win. You either have to play dumb and give the survivors some leeway, farm or just straight up quit and find another match.

  • Member Posts: 379

    I agree.

    Get rid of self-unhooks as well (with the exception of Deliverance). Self-unhooking attempts as a base ability has such a low chance of succeeding anyway (even with Slippery Meat) that it's not even worth having in the game.

    Ultimately you could just sit there on hook and afk if you wanna die and unfortunately there's nothing you can do to stop people from not playing if they don't want to, but this at least makes them have to endure that time.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    As killer, I just ignore afk survivors. It's a 3v1 in all but name, and the afk survivors usually help me by giving me stacks on things like STBFL anyways. So, afk survivors over dead survivors means no opportunities for hatch among other things 3v1 games usually get.

    I'm not sure why you'd want afk survivors over survivors killing themselves on first hook or sandbagging you because you kept them in the game longer than they wanted (by instantly unhooking them or something).

  • Member Posts: 79

    That 4% unhook chance is too give some players crazy experiences and makes them feel lucky. It’s taken advantage of, but those opportunities is what behavior loves, taking an unexpected turn. So it’s for them to change that.

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