A Proposal to Punish Face Camping

Most of the time, when face camping occurs, it means that one survivor is out of the game for good, therefore no gens, no points, one death, and less points for the rest of the team. Now, of course, the rest of the team gets to gen rush in this instance, and the killer ends up looking like an idiot with only one kill and hardly any points, but still the camped survivor is SOL.
I propose a bloodpoint multiplier that starts after the Killer spends a certain amount of time camping. Each time a generator goes up while being face camped, the hooked survivor gains a sizeable reward with the distraction score event, increasing the amount of points gained with each succesive generator fixed. These points cannot be deducted from their final score.
This change would mean three things, 1: The camped survivor isn't being punished for the Killer being petty. 2: It encourages teammates to counter camping with genrushing instead of unsafe hook rescues, therefore increasing the team's odds of survival. 3: It will teach lame killers NOT to facecamp by making them realize that doing so only helps the survivors.
I understand it can be annoying sometimes but sometimes you just get camped, sometimes you get slugged or tunnelled, sometimes none of these happen. Just ready up roll the dice and see what happens and if it does just try to work on being able to get better in chases so even if you get caught first you can get some bp and take it on the chin and move onto the next match.
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Most killers don't care about how many bloodpoints survivors get, if killers did care they wouldn't face camp. Second, I think just having a different score event that's also called distraction that's worth more would work better than the normal distraction score event. Most killers that face camp will also face camp regardless because they know that some survivors are not smart enough to just do the gens.
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Well, The hope is that this increased score will lead to people learning to do gens instead of unsafe unhook.
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Obviously that would be the hope, but some people are still greedy for altruism so they'll be like "Oh great so they can get altruism but I can't?" So personally I don't think it would help but I think it might keep people from killing themselves while being facecamped.
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wait so you want to punish a killer for camping because you teammates are doing unsafe unhooks? Or just more point because you got caught and lost? You already stated the killer is going to lose BP and probably lose the match. How long did the killer chase you? How many gens are left? Is your entire ream circling the hook? How about don't get caught. you should not get extra points for losing.
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Its not about punishing the camper per se. I suppose the title is a bit poorly worded. Its more about preventing 20+minute que times for survivor ending in an unlucky hook camp through negatove reinforcement. At the same time, we can all agree face camping is a toxic thing to do, so we should do everything in our power to teach bad killers that face camping simply isnt the way.
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I agree it sucks. When I'm a killer its boring if you have to sit there and have swf group hook dive. Might as well give them an option to jump on the hook themselves. But ultra altruistic teams force you to do it and its usually swf not wanting their buddy to die. Otherwise if you catch a God looper you'd be crazy to let him off the hook. That's just measuring the lesser of two evils. On a side note: 20 minute wait times? I've been playing ps5 and have not seen that in cross play. Anything over 2 minutes i cancel and go to the other side. Too many survivors im a killer or vice versa
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This would be appreciated.
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I think if the killer stays close to the hook for too long, his aura should start to show, unless he's in a chase with a survivor.
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sure this is a good change
getting camped usually means way less bp and even a forced depip this helps counter that a little and it makes sense as to why you get bp.
I think this would be a great addition as it doesn't affect balance but addresses a common frustration players have about getting camped.