75 pages on how to fix/improve Dead by daylight - would like people to give feedback

I've spent the past 6 months watching streamers, youtubers, reading forums, creating discussions and doing testing to create a document that gives all my ideas and thoughts on Dead By Daylight. It details how to fix the numerous issues it has plaguing it (in terms of balance/gameplay etc) but also just improvements in general to make it more player friendly and more fun.
I've done this by myself, I'm 19 and I'm not a god Dead by Daylight player by any means, so I know some of the things I'm suggesting are probably whack and I'd like feedback on them before I send it off to BHVR so they can hopefully read it.
I posted this on reddit and they were less than helpful. The only comment I got was it needs to sound more formal... which Im in the process of doing that but the things I actually needed feedback on no-one mentioned.
Here is the link to the google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BAcPfuM4IrJH2cmn-DhdgLi6UUWbCW11Kbhq5ArwVQg/edit?usp=sharing.
So yeah, just give me your thoughts. Please be kind and thank you for reading!
Wow that's a lot I'm not shure for you but when I opened it it is a mess and easy to lose where you reading but still 74 pages that is literally a story
This is what I see the the whole time
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Wow! Thats impressive. I wonder if this will be pinned.
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>>you should be able to always see lockers within 12m when you have less than max hatchets
Please no. Don't you know how annoying this auras are? Try to play with Pungent Phial. It has 36 meters radius though. But you actualy very rarely need to reload when you have hatchets. And when you play enough, you actually have basic idea where the closer locker is.
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Damn dude. That's some serious dedication.
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I did mine on the computer so it looks fine for me, if that's on your phone it probably pushing it into one "column" because I used the fitted paragraphing setting. Rip, I may need to change that.
Thank you! I did try obviously haha. And oh you never know!
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Again, is this the only thing you had a gripe with? lol.
But yes I was hesitant to add that because I assumed it probably wasn't a massive issue, but I find it incredibly hard to find lockers on some maps. Maybe making it so it only activates when you have 0 hatchets instead since that's when you need to go and find them anyway.
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Oh my god you're serious... Thats some ######### dedication, good job for talking about DbD for 75 pages without losing it
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I didn't read whole dissertation. Huntress changes are most interesting to me.
It's actually how it works right now. You see locker auras only when you out of hatchets. It's already default feature.
In my opinion Huntress is fine. Only thing that require rework is iri hatchets. And she also need some second red add-on. But I'm affraid devs won't be satisfied with only add-ons rework and decide to mess with her base power and make her barely playable without add-ons. Like they did with Billy and Nurse. Devs are notorious for fixing things that not broken.
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Please charge your phone, that 6% is hurting me.
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Wow that shows you how much I play huntress, didnt realise that was already a feature lmao. Honestly I agree, she is in a great spot however I do think the 1% speed bonus for each missing hatchet would be a nice touch just so she doesnt feel totally useless when shes out of hatchets and a slightly more precise hit box wouldn't hurt either honestly so you could make more 'trick' shots.
Yes I did rework her add-ons along with iri head (that is OP AF) as most of them are eh. Her power though as you said otherwise is fine and I pray they dont muck it up.
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Ok you never know who might be reading it in a taxi on their phone but now you know what it looks like from mobile devices
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That was before I fell asleep dont worry