Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

This game is completely killer sided💁

Member Posts: 8
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I can confidently say this game is 100% killer sided, I play both killer and survivor and I win way more as killer than survivor, it's almost too easy, the perks I can use that let me see the survivors are op. Theres so many perks I can use for that but as a survivor I can only use one or two perks that let me see the killer but only for a few seconds.. Killers can go through Windows and make it to where the survivors can't go through them, we have no ed and we can slug the whole team and just wait for them to die and if they have unbreakable its no issue because we can just down them again easy peasy and they can't use it again after. And the doctor, holy Jesus... The fact that he can shock you while trying to unhook someone and the fact that there's no cool down for it and it fazes the survivor and doesn't let them unhook their teammate... Not fair man. And not to mention the killers are really fast, the teleporting killers get it super easy and the plague can use throw up to down someone even if the survivor is 20 feet away. Make it harder for us to win, all these killers complaining about how "the survivors get it easy" just suck at the game plain and simple. I need more challenge.

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    "the plague can use throw up to down someone even if the survivor is 20 feet away"

    Hmmm, I take it you don't play on console? I guess if you want a challenge as killer, that's what you should do: get a PS4, Xbox One, or if you want to go for the serious hardcore killer challenge get a Switch.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    but as a survivor I can only use one or two perks that let me see the killer but only for a few seconds


    • Breakdown
    • Babysitter
    • Alert
    • Object of Obsession
    • Dark Sense

    This is way more than 1 or 2. If you slap one of these perks onto a build actually made for it then they can be just as "OP" as the killers are. That is not killer-sided at all.

    Survivors have teammates to "fall back" on if they screw up, while if killers have one single mistake, it can cost them the whole game. How is that killer sided, especially with all of the crutch perks survivors have?

    I might've fell for the bait but there are people that will actually agree with this post so I just had to set things straight.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Yeah, man. Then it became an LOL button (or was there already an LOL button? whatever, for a while there were just two buttons, Upvote and LOL) and people used that as a replacement for Downvote, so now it's just Upvote.

  • Member Posts: 52

    this guy needs to hit high ranks

  • Member Posts: 303

    I was waiting for the "I've played nurse once and she was so easy, I 4k'd at five gens" Okay but seriously I 50/50 survivor and killer depending on queue times and this is honestly not true.

    Doctor is a mid-tier killer at BEST, and I mean that is a bit generous IMO.

    Plague, quite literally, has the lowest kill rate (besides nurse bc god knows she's not beginner-friendly to say the least) because her power is entirely in the hands of the survivors, and you can literally just have you whole team keep cleaning and her pool's are all emptied. Not to mention the walls at most loops, especially the fortress-like walls on the new Macmillan are nearly impossible to land hits over not to mention the current bug where you hit a survivor with vile purge, the make the puking sound and they don't even get infected.

    Bamboozle is honestly a meme perk at best unless you're playing Bubba or Billy (All 3 Billy mains that are even left). Even killer's who can utilize it well like legion rarely choose this perk over other more useful ones.

    I really hope you aren't referring to the 'perks that let you see survivors' as BBQ, because it is literally not OP at all and only gives you a general direction to go in, most good killers use it for the BP anyway, not to mention you can literally just locker hop or hide behind the gen.

    Finally, NOED is the only perk I could say ANY argument for whatsoever, but honestly if a killer is wasting one of four perk slots on a perk that entirely relies on them not being able to keep the generators from being completed they probably aren't that great anyway. If you really hate noed just bring detective's or small game.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Man, it would be good to see all the bait posts be downvoted.

  • Member Posts: 3,546


  • Member Posts: 4,531


  • Member Posts: 1,927

    Prime bait good sir, but not good enough. 🥱

  • Member Posts: 785

    ex super d

  • Member Posts: 8

    Not bait😂 just speaking from experience, this is my first time using this website thing but for the doctor it did happen to me, trying to unhook my friend but the doctor just stood there right next to me shocking me the whole time so I couldn't unhook them, there should at least be a small cool down for the shock therapy💁 for plague no one really plays as her so not much of an issue but her throw up being able to hit you from so far away and not being able to avoid it much is kind of really annoying

  • Member Posts: 8

    first account first post💁 you expect me to post 40 times in one day as soon as I make an account?😂

  • Member Posts: 8

    I do play on console, ps4 actually, I mainly get stuck with pc killers when I'm playing as survivor

  • Member Posts: 8

    But if our teammates are garbage and leave us for dead then what? We lose and it isn't our fault, we are stuck with trash teammates while the killer slaughters us because they can't work as a team. As for those perks you mentioned, good job 3 more👏 but why would I waste a perk slot if I can only use it for a very very very short amount of time?

  • Member Posts: 8

    Oh and about the "one mistake and we lose the game" thing, not necessarily, killers have no ed and if they have strong perks then they win pretty easily, especially since no ed doesn't have a cool down and can be used on all of the survivors, and please don't even mention the totem, they are hard to find and if you get stuck with really bad killers they will camp the exit gate or camp or trap the totem💀

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Haven't been able to play survivor much lately because the queues are too long, so I dunno what kind of killers I'd get. But I know that playing killer on PS4 I'm fighting not just the survivors but also the low fps, the frame drops, and the poor controller sensitivity, and there's the pop-in that has me thinking that bush over there was moving when in fact it just didn't exist until a moment ago. Killers like Blight, Oni, and Nurse, who are touted as being so great on PC, are apparently a lot, lot less fun on console. And I don't know if the sound is worse on console or if it really is this bad for everyone, but yeah, the audio has gotten worse and worse the past couple years.

    You did say "Make it harder for us to win.... I need more challenge." So, if you're already playing killer on PS4, then I guess a Nintendo Switch is what you're looking for.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Amd sometimes the totem is stuck somewhere we can't reach

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    but why would I waste a perk slot if I can only use it for a very very very short amount of time?

    Same could be said for BBQ & Chili. Other than bloodpoints, it's the exact same thing, a minor aura show. It just depends on the build you're going for & why.

    That's basically saying that If I want to run a chest build but only get to search 3 chests, why would I run it? Well, because I personally like the build & plan to get the most out of it. See what I mean?

    But if our teammates are garbage and leave us for dead then what?

    Welcome to what killers have to deal with, relying on yourself because you either don't have teammates or have awful ones.

    This is a solid point, but unfortunately it isn't what should make the game "killer sided", as well as the killer being bad shouldn't make the game "survivor sided". Obviously there are going to be games that don't go in your favor whether it's because of your teammates, you, or the killer. The main point is, you're not going to get more bad teammates than you do decent/good teammates. This all depends on rank but you're supposed to look at the majority, not the minority.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    I agree, survivors do have all the power

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Guys... I don't think its bait... I think he's just yellow rank lol

  • Member Posts: 482

    You can argue the game is killer sided when you're playing solo, as the solo experience is a dumpster fire.

    Troubles arise when the Killers face against SWF, who also happen to have a thousand or more hours of experience between them and know the ins and outs of the game, then it's a whole different experience that typically frustrates most killers to tears.

    Striking a balance between solo and SWF game play is what the Devs need to figure out.

  • Member Posts: 410

    I mean, some things are more killer sided than survivor but overall i would say its more survivor sided.

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