A question to the devs: is there any plans to fix broken audio levels/sounds for accessibility?

There is no shortage of things to be fixed in dead by daylight, but it continuously breaks my heart to see sound so neglected, especially for accessibility reasons. With the devs working on a colourblind mode, is there any plans to improve accessibility for sound/fix sounds in general?
I am hard of hearing and can barely hear anything over the blaring chase music. The chase music is so incredibly loud that it drowns out so much information from the survivors, foot steps don't work half the time, and I get free iron will as a survivor most games after being unhooked (and don't make sound again until I crouch). With sound so incredibly broken and the chase music so loud, I basically need to exclusively use buggy scratch marks to track survivors.
The sound design in this game is amazing! So many maps have atmospheric sounds, but the ear bleedingly loud chase music and buggy sound makes it so much more frustrating to chase survivors.
Are there any plans to fix the sound design for accessibility for hard of hearing? Sound keeps on getting more and more broken each patch. There was a golden week two summers ago where they actually fixed sounds! They had reduced the sound of the chase music so you could actually hear survivors, and that alone made the game so much more accessible and enjoyable.
It has been crickets since then, other than the 4th anniversary title card claiming that the excruciatingly loud chase music was intended to deliberately cover up survivor footsteps (even though footsteps are clearly audible in 2016/2017 youtube videos before the Legion update completely shattered audio balance).
People with perfect hearing can't hear anything over the chase music.
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Quite possibly the only feature in the game that actually works as intended and doesn't bug out
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^ This.
The devs have said the purpose of the loud chase music is to give injured survivors a chance to escape, but... ugh, the loud chase music, the loud screams, some of the loud killer sound effects, but the itty bitty barely audible noise of grass rustling, it's like the devs want us to mute the [BAD WORD]ing game.
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I've played this game without sound a bit, and you just have to treat it like you're playing against stealth killers as survivor and use intuition as killer. I always do feel sound is overrated BUT I see no reason this game shouldn't have minecraft style subtitles. Those sounds are there to aid your experience, right? Right?
Sometimes I think I do better when I don't have the sound on because I can't be scared off of a gen by the terror radius and commit, since the killer is either chasing you or they aren't, but that's just me.
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Wait, the sound is this horrible for EVERYONE and they haven't done anything to fix it? Here I am thinking it is my deafness in one ear, but everyone is getting spammed with tribal drums drowning out any possible tracking/enjoyment of other sounds in the game.
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Indeed. It's not just you, we are all royally [BAD WORD]ed by the audio mixing, and it often somehow gets worse every update.
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Sound is like pretty much THE most important part in the game.
Like hearing the noises of stealth killer or the sound of grass from survivor crouching through it is incredibly important.
It's a shame that the sound in this game is extremely inconsistent
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Nope,they are just breaking the sound somehow even more with every patch and it just doesn't get adressed at all.Not the only thing that gets ignored by the devs...
opimization 👀
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I'm still waiting for them to fix the Nurse bugs introduced in her rework over a year ago. So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "No, there are no plans to fix audio"
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I don't want to play the "survivor bugs seem to be fixed instantly card", but its so disheartening to see bugs and sound going neglected for so long but content is still pushed every 3 months. I'd pay a DLC price for a health chapter at this point xD
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I'm the same. I "try" not to be bias but the devs make it really hard not too sometimes.