What's the one thing...



  • Captaincrazy83
    Captaincrazy83 Member Posts: 22

    Being hooked and waiting for the killer to leave. I hate when I get hooked and someone rushes to pull me down, and the killer has not even left yet or they don’t have borrowed time!!!!! I mean are you trying to get us both killed? Are you wanting the game to end that fast? I mean come on lol...

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    That you shouldn't drop pallets early, i would drop every pallet i see so i wouldn't "waste time" during a chase droping them.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    It would've been nice to know that kicking generators doesn't automatically reduce the amount they've been worked on (unless you have Pop Goes the Weasel), it just starts an extremely slow reduction that can be stopped if the survivors touch it for a split second. Basically, it would've been nice to know that kicking generators is basically useless 9 times out of 10.

  • xxirontigerpawxx
    xxirontigerpawxx Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2021

    Giving penalties to all killers that camp and troll game play.

    I record every match and report those types of player

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 443

    I Actually lol'd at this because that was exactly the same as me the red stain!!!


    1) You DON'T have to commit to every chase if the survivor is in a strong position, just because you 'found someone' because they can waste so much time (and its definitely harder to find survivors when first playing, I'll play killer and a pal who doesn't play will watch me ans he can't believe how good i am at spotting survivors- experience). Commit to one chase all game and its GG.

    2) Time Time Time Time TIME!!! Be efficient, if there's a survivor scared and hiding all game fine they're not doing gens - pressure the others doing objectives. Can't tell you how long it took me to realise that.

    3) To play M1 killers first and learn the basics of anti-looping.

    4) Camping (which let's all be honest we all did in the first few games) especially at the start is inefficient. As long as the survivors have a brain you'll be there for 2 minutes watching the gens fly or other survivors will body block their way to the save.

    5) Turn to a wall if possible or look away to stop flashlight saves. Again took a while for me to learn that one

    6) Get BBQ ASAP - BP at beginning is invaluable but also promotes anti-camp so for beginners a solid good reward

    7) SWF exist and they WILL outplay you when you start as killer. Don't be disheartened or rage persevere. Everyone has to start somewhere and with increased experience you'll get better at dealing with them.

    8) As killer you are faster (nurse aside) but physics exist in the game - hugging loops is efficient whereas slopping loop movement can negate your speed advantage. Kinda common sense but took me a while to master

    9) When selecting perks for killers with special attack (Cannibal, Billy etc) keep a close eye to make sure its not basic attack only (sloppy butcher for example) potentially wasted perk slot.

    10) Watching the best play makes you better. You have to learn the absolute basics but seeing how some of the most popular twitch, YouTube etc streamers play will undoubtedly make you stronger. I cant tell you how many tips I picked up this way from the red glow as @MandyTalk mentioned to determining of loops are safe or not etc. Learn from the best.

    11) To be a truly efficient killer (or survivor) you really have to play both killer and survivor. Focusing only on one only gets you so far.

    You asked for 1 but here's a wee list. Happy reading lol

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,710

    I wish I had known earlier that it's ok to dip from chases to if they're taking too long and pressure gens instead.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 443

    Couldn't agree more I was exactly the same. Tbh on an absolute beginner who's playing dbd for the first time sprint burst is a bad perk because they'll not get the proper use out of it. I didn't for a while

  • Happsta
    Happsta Member Posts: 79

    Don't follow survivors when they try to run to the other side of the map especially when that side has its generators done. Sometimes it's better to break chase then walk away from your generators

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    That patience is the most important perk to level up in this game as killer.

  • MindGame3301
    MindGame3301 Member Posts: 129

    I wish I'd known how to most affectively spend my bloodpoints. I have over 150mil bp earned with all teachables but sadly I have all perks on Kate and Adam and there not even prestige 1...

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    That in order to tractor tech on 4.4/4.6 m/s killers you need to force your character to walk slower.

  • Overdrive_85
    Overdrive_85 Member Posts: 1

    you can see how far a gen has been done by the number of pistons moving

  • Shinigami_KiD
    Shinigami_KiD Member Posts: 1

    hi was wondering if anyone could give any suggestions on how to stop my dbd from automatically closing my app and signing me out of ps4. My friend and I have been wanting to play but can't and we already deleted our games and the data on it then reinstalled it but after a week it goes back to closing app and logging us out of our accounts. pls help😓

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298
    edited February 2021

    Try to make a post on Technical issues subforum for a qualified response

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    How to loop, to not hide in a corner because of the tr, to not waste good/god pallets, how to prevent 3 genning. Mostly the basics like that.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    One thing I wish I had known was to use your time wisely to do gens, heal under hook instead of running across map, don't hide every time you hear a heartbeat, and don't crouch walk everywhere. Oh and save your teammates, but not in front of the killer. Sorry that's a lot but just things I remembered from being new and still see to this day. But if it has to be one thing, learn to be efficient.

  • halfempty
    halfempty Member Posts: 3

    I didn’t know looping was a thing. I used to think killer was so op because I’d insta-throw a pallet and last 2 seconds in a chase. 😂 also, that skill checks appear after the audio cue. Took me too many audio cues/skill checks to realize that haha

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    I wish that I had known to familiarize myself with the nearest vaults and pallets to the gen I was working on. It may sound silly now but I can not tell you how many times I was caught out of position and had no idea where to run simply because I was not paying attention to my surroundings.

  • Thiccness123
    Thiccness123 Member Posts: 16

    I think for myself I think once I kind of got into the game so post 20 hours or so I forget to just enjoy the game for a while and got genuinely upset at how games turned out.

    Been a long time but just sometimes people "like me" need a reminder to just enjoy the game and being immersed in the gameplay, also not to read or involve yourself in post game chat it almost never ends well

  • Imaginathan
    Imaginathan Member Posts: 1

    I keep hearing back and forth on this one, so better to use med kits and not get the teachable?

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    Fr when ever I play survivor people run bc they hear tr for a sec. I stay on that gen till they bonk me of that #########

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    The first time I faced the new ghostface skin I I literally thought it was another survivor, so I just walked up to him.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    As Killer i would have love to know about crows.

    Crows are sometimes time savior when you are searching for survivors.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I wish I knew to have my messages turned off

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    At the end of the day. Always remember to have fun.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    that as a survivor hearing the TR doesn't mean the killer is going to you every time.\, I picked up that quickly but not all players do.

    I also saw a lot of other players start hiding as i was being chased during that time since i ran bond, new players just don't do gens once they hear the heartbeat.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    There is something called "Scratch marks"

  • Raz_
    Raz_ Member Posts: 296

    There is something i still havent figured out and maybe someone can help me.

    how do i deal with survivors who are scared of gens while i get chased for 4 minutes.. what is the trick here to improve? suicide, DC, Deinstall dbd? SWF? what, pls someone tell me, thanks.

  • xSymantha
    xSymantha Member Posts: 58

    As survivor, I wish I had known when to use Urban Evasion properly instead of going Gen to Gen crouching/sneaking, when I could have just ran... so much wasted time.

    As Killer (that I can think of at the moment), I wish I had knowning that certain bloodpoint perks dont increase the maximum of bloodpoints you get, they just get you to base maximum bloodpoints faster in the according category.

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    i wish i knew the stress this game would bring, and not to get hooked on it

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Survivor: Trying to escape from the hook by yourself without Luck/Deliverance/Slippery Meat is a BAAAAAAAD idea.

    Killer: Somehow I missed that I can reload Hatchets at a locker. I thought I had only 5 for the whole match XD

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    To be fair to you NOTHING else in the bloodweb was/is permanent. So it would stand to reason that a perk was just as much a one-use item as the offerings were.

  • That totems were generally spread around the map like a clock. I thought it was just random spots when I first started.

  • kynac
    kynac Member Posts: 6

    I wish someone told me that the game took a while to get perks, items, etc.

    ^ I think I P1'd one of my characters and didn't know it removed all my items

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    As survivor I wish I had known that crouching and walking everywhere wasn't always good

    As killer I wish I had known the tracks were scratch marks and not actual footprints

    As both I wish I had known more about teachable perks

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    lockers are not a safety zone they are death traps.

    most killers will search lockers immediately when they cant find you, at the start i would think these are safety zones till after 5 grabs back to back

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    As a Survivor:

    Vaulting windows fast gives loud noise notifications to rat you out.

    As a Killer:

    You get exactly ten grunts while carrying a Survivor before they get free.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    To buy CIV5

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    That I would become addicted to this game and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

  • Killer: Do not kick every gen that has progress on it.

    Survivor: It's okay to play while injured, you do not need to be healed every time you get hit.

  • Peppa_Pigsaw
    Peppa_Pigsaw Member Posts: 184

    That as time progressed the game would steadily get worse and worse so I could have refunded when I still had the chance

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    You can open lockers and grab people in Feral Frenzy and Spinechill doesn't mean they're behind you.

    I ran into so many Ghosties and Myers like that....

  • BottledWater
    BottledWater Member Posts: 248

    That you guys where going to ruin the Hud because then I wouldn't have started to tell people how nice and simplistic it is

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    It's necessary use NOED, at the beginning I never using it because was frowned upon for the community and received many complaints, later I seen it is because nobody wanna cleanse totems and the objetive is to make gen rush, now when I play all matches with NOED getting 4k in every game.

  • ArisExists
    ArisExists Member Posts: 1

    I wish I knew what tunneling was when I started because then I'd know not to do it

  • HoleProofSock
    HoleProofSock Member Posts: 6

    That the game health will only go down hill. save my money.

  • KiliHD
    KiliHD Member Posts: 52

    To not buy this game because it ruins your mood. Very sad about the recent patches.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    I learned about tunneling when I was new to survivor. My friend was like sorry the killer tunneled you and I'm like what? They were like they went for you right after you got unhooked.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Wish I had been less afraid to leave the hook. It's better to tie up 3 survivors by chasing another than hooking and camping.