What's the one thing...



  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Umm, I guess when I was new it would be taking this game serious is pointless because it is so buggy and unbalanced that you shouldn't get mad if you cant catch a survivor or escape while playing solo.

  • themirrortwin
    themirrortwin Member Posts: 280

    That you can't hide nearby while making a ton of noise. The killer will "find" you.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    The big ones for me were

    • don't Run everywhere
    • Self Care isn't as good as it sounds
    • Don't rush unhooks unless you know you can do it safely.
    • don't let annoying killers get to you

    As Killer

    • sometimes it's better to break off a chase then win it
    • Searching every locker you see is pointless.
    • If you feel stuck look down there could be someone blocking you
    • Don't let annoying survivors get to you
  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
    edited January 2021

    I wish I knew, since January 2017, how incredibly unbalanced dbd is for all killers except Nurse and Spirit( and maybe others like Deathslinger, Oni when lucky, Hag) and that you just have to accept that you're not gonna win against really really good players, it's just not gonna happen

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    I'm colour blind - I don't see red on dark backgrounds at all!

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    Do the tutorial

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    When I first started to play, I didn't know that there was a tutorial. I just read the killer section of the how to. So I didn't know about the killer's terror radius or red stain until I tried to play survivor like a month later

  • Waldbeere
    Waldbeere Member Posts: 168

    The 2 things I can remember:

    - What is a pip? I took me some time to notice the small markers and that this are the pips.

    - What are dull totems for? I wouldn't believe that they did nothing. My brain told me, that it doesn't make sense to have something on the map that does nothing. It makes more sense, if you know how "noed" can be activated, I think.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422
    edited January 2021

    Dash jumping through windows gives the killer your location.

  • BlooperReel
    BlooperReel Member Posts: 127

    Two things that are relatively equivalent is that:

    1) Walking around to avoid leaving scratch marks isn't really as helpful as it might sound

    2) Lunge attacks do exist (I'd been playing survivor a lot and so the whole killer lunge thing just went pop right out my brain)

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    That killers can see you even though your a P3 Claudette and are not moving.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    How to counter certain killer things like

    Crouching across PH's ToT

    Hiding in lockers from Doc

    Flash lighting the wraith while cloaked

    Flash lighting hag traps

    Also that all Claudette's suck and aren't coming to save you

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    Wish I knew how big the scratch marks are when you run. I started out as a survivor main and couldn't figure out how the killer kept finding me.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    How to lunge, took me a few matches

  • RaingerPlaysDBD
    RaingerPlaysDBD Member Posts: 27

    I wish people would stop saying Self-Care is a bad perk when it's not. It's simply niche. There are moments you should use it, and moments you shouldn't that can make it detrimental. The same should be said for Spine Chill, Urban Evasion and Sprint Burst. They all (if used improperly) can waste a lot of time and make you a detriment for your team. But when used properly, they create a very strong build.

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    It only gets worse

  • Matko
    Matko Member Posts: 7

    To not read on websites which perks are the best and which are useless.

    Use the ones you enjoy playing with ;)

  • jadedcaffeinated
    jadedcaffeinated Member Posts: 38

    you know, a lot of people i know thought that when they were new to the game. seems like it would do that, right?

    SOMENINJANAME Member Posts: 294

    As Survivor, I wished I'd realized how easy and quickly you can do gens instead of hiding, running, looking for items etc. . As Killer, I would of liked to understand how important it is to apply constant pressure on gens.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    When i first started playing killer, i didn’t know what scratch marks were. I thought they meant nothing.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    As a killer, the survivors are not intimidated by you because they can take you one on one

    Also, sometimes it's better to give up trying to catch that one survivor. The whole reason he keeps drawing aggro from you is to distract you.

  • B_Deity
    B_Deity Member Posts: 46

    I would've told myself that stealth is way too overrated for survivor.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    I really wish I had known/understood how exhaustion perks worked. I initially equipped multiple exhaustion perks, only to be confused by why only one would work, and why sometimes even the first one I tried didn’t work.

    Turns out it was because I was exhausted, either from the use of the first exhaustion perk, or from the killer’s attack, (that was quite difficult to figure out). I eventually understood of course, but for a long time I had trouble with lithe not working because of an attack that left me exhausted.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,218

    As Survivor, I didn't realize that you had to KEEP running to a window and interact to fast vault. I spent around five months slow vaulting everything in a chase.

    As Killer, I wish I realized that breaking every pallet you run into is not that great of an idea.

  • Buy all the DLC killers, and just spam them before playing the killer I actually like to have the perks necessary to win.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    that as survivors there is such a thing as scratchmarks. i mean noone cares on open maps, but on inside maps.... damn

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    99% sabo was a waste of time. Not many regrets tbh. Maybe don't drop pallets so early also.

  • elpoh
    elpoh Member Posts: 222

    i have a tiny list:

    i had know the killer/survivor can see the scratchmarks/redstain/soundbubbles.

    i had know every aurareading/exposed/healing perk/power/item/addon.

  • SpoopyGirl
    SpoopyGirl Member Posts: 23

    Killer: I wish I knew what a lunge attack was. I used to think you had to be right on top of them to get a hit. One kinda cool thing about this tho was I used to get a lot of grabs in my early days lol.

    survivor: I would always unhook my teammates INSTANTLY. Even if the killer was less than 10 meters away. (Idk how I ever thought this was a good idea) One time my teammate messaged me angrily because I had gotten him killed from my ignorant hook bombing. This actually marks the turning point from being a poor player... I started watching YouTube videos and understanding how to be an efficient teammate and killer. I was mind blown when I saw killers perform lunge attacks lol

  • Doing_gens_wbu
    Doing_gens_wbu Member Posts: 61
    edited January 2021

    A few things I would like survivor side would be these two new updates to the tutorial. One would be about the terror radius, and the other about safe unhooks. I understand that early on in the game's life it's meant to be played as hide and seek. With pallets being the LoS breaker to allow survivors to disappear and hide. However this evolved into looping which is a totally different mechanic. I would say early on people play too immersed and this in turn ends up hurting the team as the time spent hiding could be spent working on generators. People stay stuck in low ranks because they are too afraid and play too passively. Thus this hurts everyone because people aren't either willing to learn. Or don't learn because they don't know there are alternatives.

    The first tutorial update would be braving the terror radius. You would play as an injured Dwight and David will say "I'll distract the killer. Go finish the last generator so we can escape" before heading off.

    The David will then go away behind a wall so that there is no line of sight of the killer. Next to the generator is a locker, meaning they need to know what those are first, the idea is that just because you are in the TR doesn't mean you should always hide. Especially if you know if a survivor is being chased.

    The generator would have about 30 charges left. As soon as the player touches the generator the killer will spawn 24 meters away. So just barely inside of the TR. When the generator has 70 charges left. The killer gets close to around 10 meters. Now the bait is that you only have 50 seconds to complete the generator. If the player doesn't complete the generator within those 50 seconds then the killer would come and of course sacrifice them. This way it helps reinforce that playing immersed is not always the right call. You can keep your life by escaping, and the only way to escape is doing generators.

    The second biggest issue is selfcare and running into the corner of the map that is a dead zone. It's called a safe unhook for a reason. This would be apart of the unhooking tutorial. The exit gate is across the map and you are hooked. Claudette will rescue you and try to heal you. If you try to run away. After 5 seconds or traveling 10 meters or so the killer will appear and will sacrifice you. So letting the Claudette heal you is to help reinforce the idea that it's safe. Thus, safe unhook. While also teaching that the time spent running away to the corner of the map would take the same amount of time to heal, 16 seconds, that would now be doubled, and even quadrupled if they self care. After being healed you now can brave the killer and take a hit allowing you to escape the trail alive.

    Edit: I don't recall there being a tutorial on looping a killer. Though I don't know if that's something you want to reinforce, but I think the devs have acknowledge this playstyle and adapted the game to fit this new mechanic. A short minigame would be interesting for both killer and survivor. Where in the tutorial Ace bets how long you'll live with two connecting TL walls with one pallet each. (I don't know how serious you'd take this. I would see this more as a joke. Otherwise just have it as a portion to test your mettle) The longer you live you get a certain amount of BP and shards for the surviving 5 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, and 40 seconds. (AI killer gets no bloodlust and can only M1) As for the killer you get a reward based on how fast you can down the survivor. You get no bloodlust, but you can use your power. You get a reward for downing survivors in 40 seconds, 25 seconds, 15 seconds, and 10 seconds. Afterwards you can post how long you live/quick you down on the leaderboards and judge your time with the community which would be cool to see.

  • ProfGameAndTalk
    ProfGameAndTalk Member Posts: 326

    I'd change to have customizable chase music depending on who I'm chasing. Imagine every time I chase a Dwight that the Benny Hill Theme song came on, or every time I chase a Claudette I hear Simon and Garfunkel singing, "Hello Darkness, my old friend..."

    That would be AWESOME!! haha

    Or customizable sound drops when I hook someone, like hearing a fart noise every time stupid Meg gets hooked. Total awesomeness!!

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    I wish i would've known that This-is-not-happening was a waste of a perk slot...


  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    For survivor - I wish I knew to ration pallets. It sounds obvious, but 3 years ago/whenever I started playing right after the Freddy dlc but right before pig, I was to afraid of being hit, and would use pallets as soon as I found them.

    Ie run immediately to pallet or window and throw or leap through. Hell I remember ranking up at the time, by reading the wiki, and realizing I could get Sabo points - saboing for boldness after doing a generator and then ranking up due to the old blood point system of rank

    As killer... - I wish there had of been a way for me to learn this or pick up on it easier, but I really really struggled with the idea of survivor tracking/where survivors would go. At the time I only ever played kill your friends matches and no one really bothered to teach me about the game. Eventually stumbled into owning doctor, due to wanting fengs perk technician due to being abhorrent at skillchecks at the time.

    Doctor made the game a cake walk in those kill your friends lobbies, made learning the game so much easier. People's patterns, passively giving them madness and finding where they were. It helped a lot. - expecially since that lobby of friends banned red items, BBQ and nurses (of which I had no idea what they did at the time)

    Starting out, I had no idea where people go, or where people started etc, or how to even follow blood or scratch marks (not that there incredibly easy or difficult to follow mind you, just that sometimes I was following them in the wrong direction or not at all).

    Doctor unironically saved my ability to play dbd and encouraged me to play more and get to the point of where I'm at today with almost 2k hr's, typically red rank both sides etc. Just tracking did not come naturally to me.

    So tips? Survivors spawn opposite you, usually prioritizing the nearest far generator. For survivors it's to use pallets when you think your about to be or would be hit, and to otherwise run around in circles forcing the killers to be delayed by things in their path.

  • Sniper_Era
    Sniper_Era Member Posts: 19

    I wish I knew not to attempt to unhook myself, since the chance is so low lol

  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    I wish someone had told me to try both survivor and killer equally so i'd have an equal skill in both. Sadly now i'm addicted to killer.

  • FacuMart
    FacuMart Member Posts: 45

    i dont know how to use keys, im still dont know

  • offwhiteknight
    offwhiteknight Member Posts: 172

    Killer: That the quickest way to find survivors is to head towards the farthest generator.

    Survivor: It's okay to run often.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    its ok to run even when not in a chase

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    You don't always need to hide from the killer.

    Killer's gonna chase someone eventually and you'll only get better at running the killer for long periods of time if you try to run them instead of escape or hide.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,940

    I think this is a really good one. I think many people when they start off playing tend to hide a lot more and are less confident in their ability in a chase - my biggest advice to new survivors even now is to always get involved in the match, make saves don't feel that you have to hide from the killer constantly. You can always tell the ones that hide a lot, because they usually go down instantly when they're eventually chased or drop every pallet instantly.

  • AiresBattleblade
    AiresBattleblade Member Posts: 25

    That you have to actually equip the perks your character comes with. I played Dwight as my main for a long time and never checked the load out section.

  • How to use exhaustion perks. I struggled so much with Sprint Burst in the beginning because I didn't understand the exhaustion status effect.

  • mrpieseller
    mrpieseller Member Posts: 134

    I wish somebody told me that perks were permanent. Yes, i was that stupid. I thought that the perks i found in the bloodweb would get lost if I used them, so for about a week or so, I didnt use any perks.

  • Jackpot
    Jackpot Member Posts: 10

    Take note of your surrondings even before going into a chase, especially when going to a generator to have an escape plan.

    Last thing you need is something like a ghostface stalking you or an undetectable killer grabbing you... Or getting hit before even making it to a pallet or windows, generally teaching players to be on their feet for when a killer comes so that they can extend chases and NOT hide...

    Well sometimes hiding can be more ideal, since it wastes the killer time but if others are on deathhook and you've not been hooked, please do take a chase.


    Take note of your surrondings. Have escape options.

    Be ready to be chased and not hide, especailly if others were hooked more than you.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    You shouldn’t run all the time. Use it for those crucial moments to bamboozle them into searching lockers.