Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Are Ultra-Rare Addons too common?


i play both killer and survivor (surv 70/30 killer) and i get more and more the feeling, that those ultra rare addons are too common. As a prestige 1 huntress, i got 25 iri hatches within 55 bloodweb level and 27 from the purple addon for 2 extra hatches.

This is way too much, if you can even get the white ward / black ward to protect them.

Also i think, that purple addons for survivor are not strong as killer addons. For using a purple flashlight, you still need to know how to flash (since they are patching the flashing with like every update, it gets harder and harder imo). Also the purple and pink medkit addons are not that strong, only in certain situations. The only strong pink addon/item is the key, where you still have to find the hatch and do a certain number of gens before you can use it.

It is good, that they nerfed the moris (for all the survivor addon nerfs) but in my opinion, the iri/purple addons are way to common. In my opinion you should only get one every 5th bloodweb or so.

The addons spices things up, but only from the killer´s side. A pink survivor addon does nearly nothing in comparison.

To use a pink/purple addon you should be in the situation where you really think for yourself : "do i really want to use it now?"

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  • Member Posts: 2,731

    The way blood web generation works is the node rarities are selected and the nodes are given items based off their assigned rarities. While there is usually only 1 ultra rare per web, there is far less possible things to come up in those nodes (for killer, 2 addons and an offering, for survivor a couple items and a few addons)

    So ultra rares are rarer than browns/yellows/greens/purples in the sense that you get less of them overall, per item they are a quite bit more common than the less rare things.

    So say in a survivor web you get 6 green nodes and 1 pink node. That pink need has 1/5 chance of being any individual pink such as a key. However those 6 green nodes have many many possibilites. You have every green, addon, item, and offering that can show up in those nodes.

    I'm not sure exactly how many greens there are, but I'd guess it's 20+. So you get a a lot more greens but individual greens are much rarer than the less diluted pinks.

    Comparatively any individual green thing is much rarer than any individual pink thing.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    it's a result of the devs giving out bloodpoints like candy to compensate for the lack of implementation of an alternate perk leveling system. So, in short, yes.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    i feel like some are way rarer than others

    like for myes how many tombstones do you have to the one that gives infinite EW3?

    because i swear i get like 4x or more the amount of tombstones then the other.

  • Member Posts: 161

    I want to bring this up again. I leveled my Huntress up 20 levels just to look, how many iri hatches i get. I got 17 (!!!!) iri hatches addons. I now have 47 seven of them and could play with them literally every round (i have around the same amount of the 7-hatches-addon).

    This addon is clutch, but the amount of them in the bloodweb is just ridiculous. I don´t want to play it because it is a 90% chance of a 4 kill/5gen because everyone knows, that it is stupid. But i see in my survivor rounds, that there are enough huntress players who use it and i don´t want to wait 15 minutes for a lobby just to get stomped by a iri hatches huntress or any other pink addon using killer.

    But in the killer´s world, where devs do everything for their little babies, it seems like it will never change...

  • Member Posts: 811

    Huntress has only 1 pink addon, it's easy to get a lot of it since the bloodweb will either have a mori or the addon.

    Also gameplay for Survivor and Killers are different so it doesn't make sense to compare addon rarity of both sides.

    You are complaining a lot about Killer addons, I'm almost sure you don't play Killer enough to understand how important they are, at the point that some Killers are unplayable without them.

  • Member Posts: 161

    I know you didn´t say it directly, but do you really want to say, that these iri hatches are completely balanced?

    No killer should need a pink addon to win, on most killers they are a free 4k.

    Many killers have crutch pink addons (Clown, Huntress, etc.), while every pink survivor addon was completely destroyed (they were op, but now they are completely useless).

    And why tf is every one saying things like "you must not play killer that much, because you don´t understand": You guys know, that this is very stereotypical, huh? Just because i don´t have the same opinion as you, i don´t mean that i am not as good as you or other people. This is just a cheap way to "destroy" other opinions.

    "bUt YoU mUSt bE a kILleR mAiN, bEcAuSe yOu hAvE aNotHeR oPinIOn"...

  • Member Posts: 5,784

    Purple addons not being as good for survivors,

    Styptic agent

    All 4 key Purple addons

    Crystal bead

    All of these are really good addons

    Examples of purple addons being op for killers

    Rust colored egg

    Vermillion Webcap

    Lifeguard whistle

    Ghostfaces addons

    Franks Mix tape

    Stab Wounds Study

    Lock of hair

    Vanity Mirror


    Tuned Carburettor

  • Member Posts: 161

    But only the keys on survivor side (not even the addons, just the purple and pink keys) are the only crutch items, which can single handely turn a match in the complete opposite.

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