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Please buff Legion

MuteKidVR Member Posts: 1
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

so i bought legion when he first came out, he was a really fun killer but now his ability does NOTHING

if you hit someone twice while running you get stunned????

you have to walk normal speed to down someone and that makes Legion a killer without any ability oh wow he can run but you get stunned after you run so running is a stupid thing to do, the best way to play him is to hit someone while running and then hit him with normal walking speed and thats just boring, i cant win any rounds with him and thats just stupid.

People say that Legion is "OP" because he can run and vault pallets but that doesnt do anything for you because you still get stunned for a long time so the survivor can just run away, i dont know if there is a add on that makes you have no stun after you run but that would be stupid because you would need that add on to play him normal.

just PLEASE buff Legion.

btw does someone know why freddy can hit you while you are not sleeping? some killers are so scuffed ngl


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Legion is middle of the road. They by far have the easiest time injuring and some game stall with mending.

    But they also don't have any (worthwhile) way of downing with their power. The only way to buff that part of him is to completely rework him.

    But since they probably won't do that, I'd get rid of the stun if you miss his power, and get rid of basic attacks just deleting some of your power gauge for some reason.

    And, as for why Freddy can hit awake survivors, he used to not be able to, and was regularly considered the worst killer in the game.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    As a Legion main, you are severely underestimating them. I agree that they should get some small buffs, but saying that have no ability is incorrect.

    Also, Freddy can hit you while you're awake because having to wait seven seconds to put them asleep is part of what made his original iteration so bad.

  • Sukyandaru
    Sukyandaru Member Posts: 7

    The funniest thing I've seen all day is the fact that apparently some people find Legion "OP" they must be really bad at the game. Legion is vastly unpowered and needs a rework and that's coming from a Wraith main when I play killer. I surely hope he gets the rework or buff he desperate needs but I believe the devs are focusing more on the map reworks atm

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,260

    Field Of view perks can help Legion a little bit while he get stunned.

    Nurse stun is a little similar but with practice you will find survivors still.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Legion is widely called underpowered because people are used to playing him as a normal killer, but played correctly he can be devastating in early game.