Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Hellraiser Killer/Survivor Concept

Member Posts: 81
edited January 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Got bored, so I came up with up with some Hellraiser stuff and perks for shiggles.


Hook Throw: Pinhead within range of a hook can throw it in a line from the hook towards a survivor. There must be no obstacles that interfere with the path. A successful hook will drag a survivor towards the hook prompting three difficult skill checks. If the survivor passes the skill checks then they break free but suffer injury or dying state depending on their status, otherwise they are dragged to the hook. (The hook will go towards a point along the center of the Pinhead's vision, charging the ability will increase the distance away from Pinhead; so for example, tapping would be 5 metres, but fully charging would be 20 metres.) The ability would have a 10 second cooldown.

From Hell: After 5/4/3 generators have been completed, the killer can spawn a hook onto the map.

Ultimate Pleasure: Survivors who see the auras of their fellow survivors are more deeply linked. Survivors within 12/24/36 meters of each other will suffer with their fellow survivors. A survivor will suffer injury if they witness another survivor being injured.

Hex: Your Desire: A Hex rooting its power on hope. While this Hex is active, survivors will perceive the Red Stain and the Terror Radius as though the killer were right behind them. The totem activates after 5/4/3 generators are completed.

Kirsty Cotton
Rescue: Gain 3/5/7% movement speed when within 12/24/36 metres of a hooked survivor.Or Alternately: Gain 150% movement speed for 3 seconds when within 28 metres of a hooked survivor if not exhausted. Cooldown will be 60/50/40. Also get an unhook speed boost 5/10/15%.

Intuition: A supernatural bond links you to the killer. If another survivor is within the Terror Radius and you are outside of the Terror Radius, then the killer's aura is revealed to you. As the Killer's Obsession, this effect applies to a maximum range of 56/64/72 metres. Otherwise, it applies to a maximum range of 44/56/64 metres. Suffer exposed status for 90/75/60 seconds.

Savior: Saving a hooked survivor will grant one token. Each token will give the survivor a 1/2/3% movement speed boost with a maximum of 3 tokens. Tokens are lost upon being hit by the killer.

Post edited by PBlackII on

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  • Member Posts: 4,620

    i really love the idea of pin head.....

  • Member Posts: 81


    Hook Throw:
    Pinhead within range of a hook can throw it in a line from the hook towards a survivor. There must be no obstacles that interfere with the path. A successful hook will drag a survivor towards the hook prompting three difficult skill checks. If the survivor passes the skill checks then they break free but suffer injury or dying state depending on their status, otherwise they are dragged to the hook.

  • Member Posts: 124

    Pinhead would be perfect and shouldn't cost much to license.

  • Member Posts: 81

    To clarify on the hook ability: the hook will go towards a point along the center of the Pinhead's vision, charging the ability will increase the distance away from Pinhead; so for example, tapping would be 5 metres, but fully charging would be 20 metres.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Alternately, I was also thinking this for the Rescue Perk:

    Gain 150% movement speed for 3 seconds when within 36 metres of a hooked survivor if not exhausted. Cooldown will be 60/50/40.

  • Member Posts: 37
    PBlackII said:


    Hook Throw:
    Pinhead within range of a hook can throw it in a line from the hook towards a survivor. There must be no obstacles that interfere with the path. A successful hook will drag a survivor towards the hook prompting three difficult skill checks. If the survivor passes the skill checks then they break free but suffer injury or dying state depending on their status, otherwise they are dragged to the hook.

    There is a gear at top right of your post where you should be able to access settings to edit :)
  • Member Posts: 37
    PBlackII said:

    To clarify on the hook ability: the hook will go towards a point along the center of the Pinhead's vision, charging the ability will increase the distance away from Pinhead; so for example, tapping would be 5 metres, but fully charging would be 20 metres.

    So similar to nurse blinks? That would make it awful on console due to fps just like anything that required precision currently is..(nurse, huntress,..)
  • Member Posts: 81

    I mean should we denounce ideas that involve precision due to what ought to be temporary issues on console? And yeah, somewhat similar to nurse blinks, maybe I should diagram it though to clarify.

  • Member Posts: 81

    So this is how I would describe Pinhead's ability visually. He would charge his ability and upon release it would throw the hook. How long the player would charge the ability would increase the distance away from him as represented by the red line (yes, much like nurse). But what's different here is that the projectile path is represented by the blue line where it intersects at the end of the red line. It would stop upon collision or at the end of the hook radius—and maybe a red meme addon would make it so it ignores the objects. Does this make more sense? This is why saying it's just an instahook huntress might be a little misleading.

  • Member Posts: 257

    I know this was posted a long time ago, but I love this idea! Every perk seems to be great, a bit of a concern with Ultimate Pleasure, but these are all great ideas! 😊👍🏼

  • Member Posts: 932

    Hex: Your Desire should let the killer choose what rarity. It would definitely add some more panic to an endgame build. (NOED, Remember me, Blood Warden, etc.)

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