Can we get a hill on Shelter Woods?

There shouldn't be a map that eliminates a perk. So please just put one hill on Shelter Woods.
Legit how have they not done this yet though.
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The tree
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Tree doesn't work anymore, for some reason it was fixed :c
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Good ol' basement stairs then.
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Even better than the tree, the shack stairs.
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Survivors have so much control over the map though that it honestly is fine for each map pool to have maps that disfavor them or make certain perks situational.
Like we can look at ensuring balanced landing is good on every map once we fix totem spawns and make Huntress better on indoor maps. And I don't mean that as a 'whataboutism.' I mean that in a sincere 'The maps are intentionally asymetric and we absolutely shouldn't prioritize making Balanced landing safer when the asymmetry already heavily disfavors killers and making maps more globally survivor positive actually will hurt the game' sense.
Balanced is an EXTREMELY strong exhaustion perk on certain maps, better than any other, and you not taking any map based risk for using it is a bad thing, especially because its not just strong, its worse, its FRUSTRATING for the killer. And the reason survivor Q times are 20 minutes long despite killer being the stronger role is survivors keep bullying through changes that make killer more and more frustrating despite the fact a good killer should almost always 4k.
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Hahaha very efficient.
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I mean you are guaranteed to get a BL proc :)
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I don't think it'd be hard to put in one hill. Not like I'm asking for a whole rework
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I agree. The map barely has anything to work with anyway, just a giant dead zone. Or at least put a cemetery on it to represent my end there hahaha
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They should/could add a huge treehouse on the tree in the middle allowing for some interesting Balanced Landing plays. Also... It would make the map look more... Interesting.
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Totem spawns have already been fixed. Or at the very least made significantly better than they used to be.
I don't really mind that Balanced Lading doesn't work on some maps (and again hey you can still use it in the shack!) but Sheltered Woods is one of those abominably bad maps that just needs to be fixed.
Balanced Landing was also already nerfed hard so I don't see why it needs to be next to useless on some maps on top of that. I don't agree with your "extremely strong" appraisal of BL. BL was nerfed hard and is a junk perk right now.
Maps have consistently been reworked for the past couple of years to favor killers more. Maps are no longer grossly in favor of survivors and Sheltered Woods is the most killer-sided map in the entire game.
Survivor queues aren't 20 minutes long for me I practically play nothing but survivor, even at primetime queue doesn't take longer than 5 minutes. So might just be your region.
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Yeah I was thinking they could do something with that middle tree, map doesn't really have any unique structures.
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Right but that is an incoherent response because my argument wasn't 'it would be too hard to rework.' It is 'It should NOT be reworked.'
I like a map that exists to tell a 4 stack balanced landing group who got black warded after trying to send me to Lampkin Lane to go to hell, personally.
Killers have to deal with their perks and, worse, powers, potentially not being helpful map to map. Survivors have more control over the map, arguably the consequences of not getting a good map should be worse. And that map pool generally has some pretty good drop options, so having a 'dud' in the pool for a BL strategy feels important to prevent it from people rolling it after Lampkin hopefully gets obliterated.
The map definitely could use a bit more because the pool isn't so strong that it needs a 'You might just lose sending killer here' like say... Farm does, but I think it being very flat helps keep the pool balanced.
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Love doing "fall from height" challenges and ending up on that map with no place to fall from.
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Yeah I play both sides and I can say Balanced Landing is a balanced perk. And you can't say we should keep a hill out of Shelter Woods for the very niche instance you get a Balanced squad. And Balanced isn't like Sprint Burst, Dead Hard or Adrenaline.
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I have literally never seen a 4 stack BL group in this game ever since the nerf. BL used to be everywhere but today you see one once in a blue moon. The perk is not that good.
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I have gone up against 2 BL squads at rank 1 today due to Lampkin. Its still solidly A tier, it just requires you to feel confident in the map pool your going to, which is part of why Lampkin is such a huge problem and why single realm maps overall create a big issue due to survivors having map control. So anything that makes balanced more risky to run even if you run an offering is good in my book.
BL is the best exhaustion perk if you KNOW a loop has a drop, especially a window drop, due to how those multiply the distance you get. Its so absurdly frustrating for the killer, which, again, matters way more than if its actually good. Because balanced landing has the least interaction of any of the exhaustions, you just get a metric crapton of free distance.
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What made the perk useful and unique was how it mitigated the stagger from drops, the perk did exactly what its name implied, but once that was removed it became just another exhaustion perk,. There are literally so many better exhaustion perk choices other than BL that it quickly fell out of favor.
That's BHVR for you though, instead of fixing the map where BL was a problem, they nerfed the perk instead.
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That's a ridiculously specific example for what is really a very simple request.
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And again, the simplicity of your request would matter at all if I was talking about 'difficulty to implement' and not 'effect on the map pool.'
Yes, adding a map would be a trivial effort. I don't think it SHOULD happen. It absolutely CAN happen. BL is meant to be a risky map dependent perk. Sometimes it coming up a dud is important because other times it absolutely trashes, and on most maps it does something.
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You shouldn't have a dud perk just 'cause the map you land. Like I don't even get the argument. 'Oops no Enduring for you, you landed Wretched Shop'.
No one's arguing Haddonfield is a fun balanced map, that's just a separate issue entirely.
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I would love a map with a treehouse like that. It's a beautiful idea! They had something like that in Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains and I'd love for them to try to see if they can make it work in Dead by Daylight. Great Idea. :)
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Either this, or flesh out the tree. There's nothing of note in that map besides the tree, and it's pretty lame. Should be able to get up it's roots easier or even go through it.
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The tree, as others have said, is no longer available. The basement stairs have had their highest drop-off points blocked off due to the shack changes, so the option for using Balanced Landing on the basement stairs is severely restricted, and with a killer near enough to prompt a survivor to use it, BL results in a hit taken regardless.
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Why would you jump off the deep end?
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I thought this might come up, but the distance lost depending on the direction chosen when entering the shack (i.e. the pallet side) would dictate that a survivor would get the most benefit out of the perk by using a deeper part (but not the deepest) than what is currently available.