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what do you guys think about decisive strike change?

in the next big chapter, ds will be receiving some changes. Here they are below:

What do you guys think about this change?

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  • Member Posts: 8,814

    It's a nice change. Still a little annoying that locker DS is a thing, but at the same time it's not that useful even if there's a generator nearby, because if someone's that kind of player then the killer can just bait them onto the gen to remove DS.

  • Member Posts: 234

    love it

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I think it will have the same fate as happened with the Memento Mori. But now it seems like a fair perk to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Considering the sheer multitude of things that disable it I'd prefer it if it didn't go down whilst being chased. I think we all agree that tunneling is boring for both sides and should be discouraged, they went above and beyond in making it no longer a free anti-momentum perk but I'm surprised they didn't go for no timer in chases.

    That said if this version makes it in I'm cool with it. I haven't used the perk myself in a few years and I only really remember it exists when I get punished for playing too well and getting too many hooks too fast.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    It's very epic.

  • Member Posts: 206

    As a killer it's great, but I have genuine concerns over how loosely worded the healing part is.

    Does starting a self heal action deactivate it?

    Does being healed but not to a full state deactivate it?

    We need details really because if the answer to either of the above is yes that's grossly unfair to survivors.

  • Member Posts: 987

    I honestly think it could be worst than self care when the wrong player has it on. They’ll be scared of getting tunneled they’ll just hide for 60 seconds. I think it will be very harmful to solo queue survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Awesome change. I still wish it didn't go down during chase and the locker crap is still dumb, but this is a massive step in the right direction on top of the OoO change.

  • Member Posts: 982

    “Also if the killer get's DS'd he can still catch up with the chase”


  • Member Posts: 3,437

    Should probably have timer increased or possibly even removed at an extreme seeing as it gets deactivated if a survivor tries to progress the game at all. Other than that it's really good, might feel more comfortable actually equipping it from now on.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    Looks good to me.

  • Member Posts: 207

    The changes were fair. But still, DS absolutely sucks as an anti-tunnel perk it tries to be. They should have reworked it to work better when the killer is really tunneling, not just give a direct nerf.

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    It should deactivate in lockers too, hope that will make it to live.

    Other than that, great change to the 2 most toxic perks. Just curious where the real devs are. Blink twice if y'all kidnapped :P

  • Member Posts: 169

    I can actually agree with you, as there's so much that can deactivate it, maybe you could argue that it should't deplete while in a chase or if you're down, adds a bit of strategic thinking on when you'd want to try to use it

  • Member Posts: 85

    How can a solo survivor survive?

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    So many thing where made to disable it, so I feel like it should get a buff where it goes down half speed when being chased/slugged, or paused completely.

    Also I hope it doesn't deactivate when you're getting healed (unless you've been fully healed). Cause there's still this thing called 'going back to hook' for killers.

  • Member Posts: 608

    I think the unhook nerf is just going to reward camping hooks.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited February 2021

    I love the change.

    I have one question though. The healing part. Does that also apply to teammates? Say I am pulled off the hook and someone attempts to heal me. The killer comes back. Did my teammate just remove my DS for me? Or does DS only deactivate if I try to heal myself?

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Locker DS shouldn't be a thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,531

    YES get in!

    They didn't remove locker DS because that's one of the ways for a killer to get the survivor and they may be grabbed whilst hiding and suddenly their anti tunnel is gone.

    This is great, and survivors who wait to see if they get DS use are just giving the killer free time!

  • Member Posts: 2,804

    My only complaint is because of how many different ways it's deactivated it really just shouldn't have a timer. Like you'd only have 2 options, do nothing the rest of the game if not immediately tunneled or do something.

  • Member Posts: 899

    What did this change accomplish though? It simply is going to make survivors abuse it before the change and there will be no difference after the change. 60 seconds of a gen isn't much when there are 3 others doing them. Im not saying its a bad change but this isnt the end of DS.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    It addressed the issue with ds. If you are sitting on a gen or run in for save in front of a killer because you are "invincible" for a minute you can be easily punished and actually be hooked

  • Member Posts: 2,223

    Omg finally!!! I have been waiting for this for ages...

    Btw next big chapter update means the midchapter? With clown rework?

  • Member Posts: 899

    The o0o change isnt final yet but you do realize that every 30 seconds after bbq the survivor will see your aura?

    Thats what i am getting from the perk

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Its an amazing change it just needs to also deactivate on locker interaction to both get rid of "locker tech" and to make it so inner strength can't bypass its self healing deactivation condition.

  • Member Posts: 517

    True, but I guess the major upgrade here is that:

    • Survivor cannot constantly see killer aura
    • Survivor cannot choose when they see killer aura. It'll either be like an aura spine chill kind of thing, or it'll be once every 30 seconds

    It's definitely not been nerfed into uselessness, but it's also not going to be a nightmare for setup killers anymore. Or a nightmare in general on certain maps. You could definitely make the argument that the amount of time between aura viewings should be a little longer but imo this feels fair. Doesn't nerf the perk into the ground but also addresses the major complaints about it.

    I think everyone's going to be seeing this perk A LOT less, so that's a win in my book

  • Member Posts: 795
    edited February 2021

    Its a good change for killers that play fair aka no tunneling. But, now this perk has so many downside for a potential upside. If they keep in this form, they need to make it pause the timer while in chase. It will become meme perk, or it will become a "throw the game" perk after a bad game.

  • Member Posts: 229

    Is fair for the killers even if you play as main survivor

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    It wouldn't be fit for purpose as anti-tunneling. Good survivors who get tunneled off the hook but manage to get a good run will be punished with a wasted perk slot still, meanwhile the aggressive plays are slightly nerfed, but probably not enough.

    Just make it double speed drop in those circumstances, and pause if being chased. Easy.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Yep, BBQ, Nurse's, I'm All Ears would all activate it. Which is incredibly interesting, imo. If it turns out not to be oppressive, I might actually run it as these perks aren't all that rare and it's a good counter. Not that I've been playing this past month...maybe 5 games, because the game feels trash on both roles.

  • Member Posts: 2,334
    edited February 2021

    I'm going to play Devil's Advocate for Decisive Strike and say maybe it's a bit too harsh but I'm not going to complain. On one hand this deals with perk abusers on the other hand I feel it's harsh on those attempting clutch moments.

    I proposed something similar a while ago but instead of immediately deactivating when performing any of the actions mentioned the timer for the perk would just tick at double or even triple the rate. That way it's not an immediate punishment for let's say you finally got some distance from the killer and thought oh okay finally I can get some points in objective but then they see you and break chase with that healthy survivor to focus you. That's where I feel the change I'm proposing would make a difference.

    To tl;dr - 60 seconds = 20 seconds when performing any of the above actions and I feel that would be a more subtle way to address the perk without people getting too frustrated over it. I feel both sides could agree because in normal means by the time you'd encounter someone with this faster tickrate of DS the timer would be over.

    Also mind you I'm a killer main - I primarily play Nurse if my bias needs to be said. I just feel the change is far too harsh on bad players and just enough for good ones and a nice in between needs to be found. I don't agree with the perk deactivating in lockers however because it ruins clutch plays with Head On. Yeah they could stall for a full minute but I feel this is a compromise killers need to accept if they want the perk changed in a fair manner.

    I'm all for the Object of Obsession change

  • Member Posts: 899

    i mis read if you are the obsession you will see the auras every 30 seconds indefinitely

  • Member Posts: 410

    I think decisive will be taken less. This in turn will embolden more tunnelling and less slugging. This will reduce the value of unbreakable and soul guard. It will be a whole new meta, which should be good. I'm afraid that the games will be less fun for survivors...but we'll see how it shakes out.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Survivors got their Ruin/Undying nerf, killers get their DS/OoO nerf in exchange.. now delete keys like moris were deleted and it'll be evening out

  • Member Posts: 828

    Locker DS is fine, they might as well be slugged if they're gonna sit in a locker

  • Member Posts: 1,873

    I like these changes. I want to agree that your DS shouldn't time out while you're actively in a chase, but there are specific scenarios where the killer has no one else to chase because there's one survivor left on the map, and I'm not sure DS should just last an infinite amount of time in that case.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I needed to a good reason to quit the survivor side. So I'm happy. Not playing a side which is totally controlled by the other side and you are inhibited from actually doing the objective.

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    I appreciate Decisive Strike won't be used to troll the killer anymore, nor to progress objectives without any risk.

    There are a couple of things I do not appreciate:

    1) a perk which forces a player to do nothing for an entire minute is not good per se: you can punish people for repairing gens, doing rescues in the killer's face and even for doing totems (which belong to the killer), but healing yourself or your mates is the survivors' most reasonable thing to do when they are in danger (i.e., injured), so they cannot be punished for doing so and it's wrong to force them to stay hidden in a brush, waiting for a crow, or to run in the middle of nowhere, with no interaction;

    2) a real anti-tunneling perk should make tunneling impossible, non only discourage it: tunneling it's a high-rewarding strategy for the killer, because if you kill a survivor within the first 2-3 gens, the game is over and you'll win, which creates balance issues (how can the devs balance loops, pallets and other props, and maps in general, if a fair killer fights against 4 people until there is 1 gen left and another one plays against 3 people with 2/3 gens left?), so, according to the concept "high risk / high reward", if you decide to tunnel deliberately someone, you deserve a properly high risk, for example 7 seconds of stun and 10 seconds of no scratch marks from the DS user;

    3) "tunneling" (and "camping", too) is a bad behaviour in the early and mid-game, because you have other objectives and decide to ruin just a survivor's experience, ignoring the others, but, when the gates have been powered, you have the compulsory need to stop any survivor from escaping, so DS should be disabled.

    In other words, Decisive Strike needs three changes to be perfect:

    1) healing yourself or others should not deactivate it;

    2) the stunning time should be 7 seconds and scratch marks should be deleted for 10 seconds after DS has been used (a real anti-tunnel perk, which punishes a high rewarding killer's tactic with a strong counterplay);

    3) DS should be deactivated after the gates have been powered.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    Love it, no more getting hit by a 59 second ds when grabbing some random meg off a gen

  • Member Posts: 767

    Good change but all the killer mains will keep crying about it. Now ds force survivors to use it in a way more offensive way because they cant do else.

    Good change tho one less excuse for killers to complain

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Great change. Fixed the issue while keeping the power relativelly in tact. Same with object tbh

    The one thing i am noticing though is that there is barrely an outcry, especially compared to when killer perks get nerfed.

    Every one seems to like these changes

  • Member Posts: 364

    Hopefully people will stop using the perk as a crutch. Hopefully they will see that many other perks exist.

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