The test with object of obsession is great

I really like that you show a early concept of the change. It doesnt matter when the live versions looks completely different, its good to get some insight in what you are doing.
I agree
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I agree, now if only the change they proposed wasn't awful xD
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Why is it awful?
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I agree, I feel these little sneak peeks in their development process help bring them closer to the community. Personally I wish they did it more often, if only this community wasn't so easy to backlash and overreactions...
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Agreed. I think it's better to give input in early stages, especially since by time anything hits ptb it's pushed out even if majority hates it. Hopefully they continue to share things in early stages so changes can be made before they're at point of no return.
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I think our major concern with showing things like this, is if something changes and then the Community doesn't like that change - the huge amount of negativity that comes with that. I personally love early discussions on things, because sometimes someone comes up with an idea based off the initial idea and then something even better comes out of it.
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Because it'd be the worst perk in the game. All the perk does is show you the killer when your aura is revealed, with the massive downside being that you're shown to the killer in short intervals. You have no control over it and the added bonus is not worth it, plus it still isn't useful against stealth killers because you can't see them (not saying the current OoO should, but you at least get an idea of what direction they are). Plus the effect only applies to the obsession, so this could mean one of 2 things: 1) The perk is completely useless if you're not the obsession or 2) The perk is MORE useful if you're not the obsession because the killer doesn't see you every 30 seconds. Plus now this change means that Sole Survivor won't Synergize at all.
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Distortion makes the perk worthless because now you're not getting information out of it because the killer can't see you're aura, it's just wasting a perk. Lockers are too inconsistent and it is not worth it to stop every 30 seconds to not be seen. If it was activateable, then it wouldn't be nearly as bad because you can actually control when you want to see the killer. I'm not saying OoO is a stealthy perk, but being forced to have your aura revealed is not a good change; original OoO you just had to look away if the situation was bad for the aura reveal. It also still doesn't cover how it now will no longer synergize with perks at all anymore, you'd literally be better off vaulting something over and over to tell the killer where you are with Spine Chill rather than run this perk.
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Also also, you'd have to be the obsession to be an agitator, if RNG ######### you, guess what, you now have a dead perk (assuming the first part now no longer works). Again, way less useful than running any other perk in the game and vaulting an object repeatedly or clicking a flashlight.
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If it was activation based with a cooldown, and you didn't have to be the obsession to get use out of it; it would be a good change that removes the annoyance that some find the original perk had. Sure you won't be able to use it like Prem anymore with a stealth killer, but it'd be a manageable trade off if they changed those 2 massive drawbacks about it.
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It's an unnecessary stipulation, just have the perk increase your chances of being an obsession like MoM does and leave it at that.
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No, my argument is:
1) Being the obsession should not be a requirement to have the perk work fully
2) The perk should be activatable instead of on a short cooldown. This means you press E, the perk activates for 3 seconds, then goes on cooldown for 40/35/30.
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I'm looking forward to the new OoO, I think it'll be a great change, and I think I'll enjoy it more both as killer and as survivor.
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When you do a gen you can hide behind it every 30 seconds. You would need to know the direction of the killer, but its not a big deal.
You cant give the 30sec effect to every survivor. 4 survivor could coordinate to monitor the killer almost the entire time.
This object of obsession can show you every perk and addon the killer uses to track you with aura. Its a good information perk.
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That's a better change
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Oh wow, that's actually a nice change. It... makes Distortion slightly less useful for a possible drawback I guess? Still looks neat.
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oh, cool. Another perk that doesn't give the killer any input on who the Obsession is even though, you know, the killer is the one who's supposed to be Obsessed.
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that's a fair argument Mandy, I liked the little preview of the idea. The same people that would complain about an idea change will complain if you showed them early or not
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I am happy with the suggested changes, but whether those changes make to the live game or not, more important is the fact that the Devs are opening this to discussion. Which is very much appreciated. Rather do that then surveys.
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If I understood correctly the perk would activate with BBQ or Nurse's as well. It could provide a lot of information to you even if you aren't the obsession.
I would be glad about such a change since Object was too oppressive for my liking (I always felt bad when I used it). Now it would be a simple "you see me= I see you" perk. And all killers are treated the same. No more abuse of Oblivious with object.
Yes you wouldn't have control over it but you can still mindgame with it during a chase since it doesn't depend on the TR.
And yes, Sole Survivor would need a change too since this Object Version is global. I tried to do it but I couldn't place the different tiers.
My version reduces the aura reading by 50% for the first dead survivor and adds 25% for the other two, so it gives 100% aura reading immunity if you are the last.
This would mean if one survivor died, BBQ only lasts for 2s (instead of 4) and Nurse's only triggers in a 14m radius instead of 28m.
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I really like how the devs proposed something and asked us for our input. This is greatly appreciated.
How about: Whenever the Object user hits E, the killer and the survivor can see each other for 5 seconds. Cooldown 80/70/60 seconds.
This would give the survivor the ability to activate Object when it matters instead of randomly triggering it.
To avoid intereference with DH, it shouldn´t activate while in a chase.
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Yes, but the perk still has the problem of being WORSE if you're the obsession, the current version they have planned means that running the perk would be nothing but a hindrance if you get bad RNG
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What do you mean with bad rng? There is nothing rng about this version of Object.
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Being the obsession is RNG based, especially if you're not the only one using an obsession perk
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Object forces the obsession on you regardless if other people use DS or not. Only 2 or more Object users would make this rng. And that is nothing new.
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Having my Obsession switch from one player that I've ended up playing with differently due to my perks to another really ruins the experience of having an Obsession in the first place.
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Blood Pact, FtP, and MoM exist
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As written you have zero control over it. And no, I am not going to jump into a locker every 30 seconds. I'm not Dwight.
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And so does Nemesis, Furtive Chase, Unique Wedding Ring etc. It should be that it gives you the Obsession 100% regardless what other Obsession perks get used. And maybe add that it ony gives you the information at 2x (=60s) or even 3x (=90s) cooldown when you are NOT te obsession. So it is still useful even if the killer doesn't have any aura reading when someone uses DS and you are no longer the obsession.
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The point is that the perk is worse if you are the obsession and whether or not you get use out of said perk is completely RNG based. There is always a chance you will not be the obsession on perks that say you have a higher chance, and there is always a chance that you will be the obsession on perks that say they lower it. The perk needs to not be a complete hindrance by being the obsession, hence why it's so counterintuitive to design it to be a survivor obsession perk when being the obsession doesn't benefit you at all.
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This is more due to the problem with their "the obsession can change" mechanic they implemented a while ago. 2 years ago being the obsession meant danger because of killer perks like Remember Me, Dying Light or even Rancor. It meant pure death if you had these claws around your icon if you did not run DS/Object. And that icon of death was yours until the end of that match.
They changed it and now they have to keep in mind that the obsession can change multiple times during a match. Which is completely out of your control. Being the Obsession means nothing now, since all dangerous perks were either never really good, or nerfed or reworked.
I think Object should get a longer cooldown if you are not the obsession. F.e. 60/70/80s instead of 30/35/40s.
This way it is still usable.
Also the survivor should still be able to chose to be seen with Object like they are now, before the perk goes on cooldown. This way you are not screwed when you are the last person alive.
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That's what I mean, if you are the obsession, you should be able to activate OoO instead of being forced into it. Yeah, they might have to increase its cooldown & up its total duration, but at least now being an obsession with this perk change wouldn't be a hindrance.