What is the deal with Autodidact?

akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

Why did the devs design this perk to be so bad? I can't think of a single reason why I'd pick it over any other healing/altruism perk.


  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited October 2018

    @akbays35 said:
    Why did the devs design this perk to be so bad? I can't think of a single reason why I'd pick it over any other healing/altruism perk.

    The idea behind the perk is it's supposed to get better over time, with 5 tokens meant to be an almost instant heal, but it's entirely dependent on RNG for skill checks. The healing time increase slightly increased the overall chances of a skill check showing up.

    I've been skeptic about Autodidact from the beginning, and yeah, I'd prefer using other healing perks, like We'll Make It. The concept is good, but the execution (RNG) was a bit lacking.

  • blaahval22
    blaahval22 Member Posts: 64
    edited October 2018

    It is extremely situational and requires a fair bit of luck, but if everything goes your way you'll be healing way faster than with anything else.

    Remember that the Autodidact percentage is not percentage that you heal faster, but a percentage that you will instantly heal upon hitting a skillcheck. So with five tokens you can pretty much heal a person in 5-6 seconds if the skillchecks appear quickly.

    Some matches you will get 3-4 skillchecks the first person you heal and you'll have an awesome match and the next you feel like you never get any skillchecks at all. It can be a bit frustrating, but overall I think the perk is pretty decent.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited October 2018

    With increased healing time it may be useful sometimes. I experimented a bit with it, the result was something like it proved very useful in three games out of ten. The other seven it did not, either because I didn't even get a chance to heal, or not enough to gather up my five tokens. Or, as in the most annoying cases, those damn skill checks just wouldn't show up.

    A very slight buff could actually make it a good perk, until then, we'd better just shelf it.

    Post edited by George_Soros on
  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    I honestly feel that every Survivor has that one amazing perk and the other two are just meh. For me with Adam, it's Deliverance being amazing and Distraction and Autodidact being meh. Same with Kate's Dance With Me being pretty useful, whereas Boil Over and Windows are just meh. They have their uses, but compared to other perks I won't pick them over more useful ones like DS or Dark Sense.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @CoolAKn said:

    @akbays35 said:
    Why did the devs design this perk to be so bad? I can't think of a single reason why I'd pick it over any other healing/altruism perk.

    The idea behind the perk is it's supposed to get better over time, with 5 tokens meant to be an almost instant heal, but it's entirely dependent on RNG for skill checks. The healing time increase slightly increased the overall chances of a skill check showing up.

    I've been skeptic about Autodidact from the beginning, and yeah, I'd prefer using other healing perks, like We'll Make It. The concept is good, but the execution (RNG) was a bit lacking.

    You can manipulate it with Spine Chill, but it's still bad, the main issue I have with it is the darn red colored skill checks, they are really hard to see and having to get 3 skillchecks before it has a positive outcome. In a normal match you don't have time to get that much healing off before someone dies or worse yet, you're being the one on the hook or attacked.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @TatsuiChiyo said:
    I honestly feel that every Survivor has that one amazing perk and the other two are just meh. For me with Adam, it's Deliverance being amazing and Distraction and Autodidact being meh. Same with Kate's Dance With Me being pretty useful, whereas Boil Over and Windows are just meh. They have their uses, but compared to other perks I won't pick them over more useful ones like DS or Dark Sense.

    Windows is actually her best perk imo especially if you can't keep track of where your team mates are wasting pallets it also counters doc's madness add on since you detect it further than his hallucination, also you can stash items by the windows and see their auras too or just find them easier if you're dealing with franklins. I'd say Nea, Meg, Claudette, and Min all have strong and mostly meta perks.
    My issue is that Autodidact actually starts with negative values and makes the skillchecks harder due to the color scheme.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    edited October 2018

    I love Autodidact, It's probs in my 10 fav perks 1st being Bond.

    @akbays35 Dance With Me is pretty good tho. Boil Over is the odd one out

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Read the title and heard Seinfeld's voice.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    Horrible perk! i cant healing myself with this caca!.

  • Taretsu
    Taretsu Member Posts: 46

    Tried running it, i am still to get five tokens for it to be profitable. Maybe they should add a passive effect that it increases the chance of triggering a skillcheck...

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    When I use it and I'm healing my first teammate (especially fresh off the hook) I fell SOOO bad for the first two tokens. I'm always in my head like "pls don't leave me i'm so sorry just give it a chanceeee"

    But all in all from my experience with it, I've had like 4 outta 20+ games where I used it and it was actually able to do good and get max tokens.