If DS get nerfed I delete the game

At least don't nerf the DS. It's an ocasional perk, it's not used always. And I don't want to lose 1 minute doing nothing just because I used this perk to save me from tunelers and campers. This perk is for those killers who don't know how to play this game and only tunnel someone. If a killer doesn't tunnel this perk don't activate. It's not my fault that the killer plays toxic. I'm not supposed to lose 1 minute for their toxic play.
You and other DS abusers will not be missed. See ya!
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You might as well since it is safe to assume you can't play without it lol
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You don't have 1min of doing nothing, you have 1min of tunnel protection. If you just so happen to choose to do objectives then you are obviously not being tunneled.
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As others have said many times on the many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many threads about this...
If you have the time to start working on gens or healing people, you were not being tunneled
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Nice not knowing you! I hear "In Silence" is a pretty good game.
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If you’re doing anything that progress the game, that means you’re not being tunnelled. So you shouldn’t have DS. Simple as that.
If you can’t accept it, go ahead.
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What is the Point of 1 min protection if I can't do anything!
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If the Killer doesn't tunnel, then you won't have an issue with it going away when you do a gen. If the Killer does tunnel, then you will be running anyways instead of doing something that disables DS.
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Good. Please do.
"If survivors are going to quit, they should just do it; and deplete the surplus population!"
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- The Perk was never intended as one minute of "protection" so you can do whatever you want.
- You can do something, i.e. get to safety and thus avoid immediately going back on the hook.
- It provides a properly timed stunned which you can still abuse the hell out of if you are clever.
Your very attitude betrays that you are exactly the kind of person abusing the Perk which has led to why it is getting changed. Go figure.
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You are a tunneler toxic killer then.
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Okay, so you agree that the changes to DS are fine, then?
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Git gud.
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It's ok little one, whatever you say. :) "Good night, sweet prince. May hosts of angels sing you to sleep."
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It's fine dude its just DS. If you only use it occasionally why you so upset if they nerf it?
I don't use DS at all so the nerf doesn't affect me at all. Other than teammates potentially dying more than usual and thus indirectly getting me killed. As such I am having a happy, sunny day amidst the news of all this DS nerfing.
(and in fact what affects me more is the OOO nerf rather than the DS nerf)
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good bye DS abuser nobody will miss you
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lmao is that a serious response? Or is that meant to be ironic?
I never tunnel. I always chase the unhooker or patrol gens. I've had matches where I hooked someone, went back to the gen they were on, and when they got unhooked they ran over to me and hopped on the gen in front of me. I didn't even go for the grab, I tried to lunge and slug, but the game is so poorly [BAD WORD]ing designed that it went for the grab anyway and let them stab me and finish the gen.
Maybe if survivors didn't do crap like that, the perk wouldn't be getting changed. But they did. They used DS to make hook saves in the killer's face that he couldn't stop or punish.
The perk still protects a survivor who gets tunneled off the hook, and if instead of running away from the killer and getting to a safe spot they decide to touch a gen or do anything other than run away, then the killer can actually play against it the way a player should be able to. Neither side should be punished for doing the objective, and disabling DS isn't punishing the survivor, it's forcing them to make wise plays and face actual consequences when they make the wrong choice.
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If it isn't, then I hope you realize that killers have been deleting the game a lot lately.
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lol right now if the game loses survivors it'll justs peed up the queues for the rest of the survivors so don't let the door hit you otw out. one less bad teammate. You can gladly give your one minute to me in a rebate in the queue.
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For every 1 survivor that is quitting because DS can no longer be abused. There are 100 killers that are coming back to the game. Looking at your horrendous que times, I say it's acceptable losses.
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I’m sorry for tunneling you off of generators doing what a killer is supposed to do.
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If you have time to tap a gen to stop the regression mid-chase, then you can still be tunneled.
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No, people will find ways to get around the changes, using it in ways that are albeit more toxic than just 60 seconds of immunity, and force the killers back out again. I don't have to change how I use the perk, and it has made plenty of people DC. Still think its going to fix queue times?
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Wait, I'm confused by this post. Are you bragging about making queue times worse for yourself?
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I can't say for certain until the change gets here but I think the amount of DS bull#@!$ will drop considerable. Killers have been asking for something like this for years and it's finally happening. So yes I think there will be a surge in killer players. You shouldn't be complaining. Your meta perk will still be viable and your que times will improve. Your still getting something out of this. When killer gets something nerfed its almost always a 100% negative then were told to bend over and take it. No dinner, no phone number. We don't even get lotion.
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I mean if you are being tunnelled you can just...not tap a gen. You have 3 other teammates why are none of them doing something while you are being chased again?
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In the survivor mains eyes. 1 survivor should be able to go toe to toe with the killer and be able to win. As if they don't know the definition of asymmetrical game.
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I'm sorry that you won't get to take advantage of a dumb mechanic because it'll make your DS go away
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Okay, goodbye DS reliant survivor. Don't let the exit gate hit you on the way out.
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If your going to leave so be it you will just decrease the survivor population
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Good for you, there's a lot of other good games to play. Where you won't be facing constant nerfs.
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bye bye
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It's not even a nerf. It's just a fix to prevent abuse.
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So you are upset DS won't do more then do it's simple job to prevent tunneling? Sorry you can't abuse DS anymore. Get Good don't get perk carried. DS is in case of tunneling not a minute of immunity anymore. And DS wasn't used much before? Really?
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It's always painful to see people threaten to leave a game they're so dedicated to when a perk gets nerfed. Like ruin. Or undying. Or balanced landing. Or mettle of man. Or DS the last time. Or pop. Or- wait who actually gives a f*ck about one perk so much, bon voyage I guess
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To save u if the killer TUNNELS YOU
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This is ultimate bait. Almost had me
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Bye bro have fun with a other game !!!! I will misss u
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It's you think that your opinion and retaining you matters more to the devs than the majority retention that they are providing for.
also this is just stupid
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why are many of you are over reacting like this the changes didnt even been in ptb, i play without ds for some time and big suprisse most of my games didnt had obsession and killers didnt tunnel on rank 1 ofcours once in a while you will get tunneller and camper but please just wait for ptb, overreacting want change anything
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And who are you gonna kill ? If there are a few survivors left? The lobby time will be longer and you will have only rank 1 survivors and you will lose every match because you are for sure rank 16-20 for your attitude.
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Hmm.... queue times are super skewed right now...
Hex: Ruin gets nerfed - killers say they're leaving. Now killer queue times are instant and survivor queues are long.
Decisive Strike is getting nerfed - survivors say they're leaving... maybe this will restore the balance and survivor queues and killer queues will return to normal.
Oh, wait, Hex: Undying is getting nerfed, too... hmmm... maybe they'll need to nerf one more survivor perk while they're at it...
I dunno, what do all you guys think? Will this nerf get survivor queues down to a reasonable number, or will it take one more nerf?
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That's not going to happen; not even remotely. This will likely have a minimal effect on queue times at all.
Your grasping at straws trying to create a fictitious argument because you have no ground to stand on; and only want to be irate without the consequences of actually having to adjust your opinion based on majority, correct information, and actual game understanding from people with more experience.
You are not here for any discussion; so there is nothing more to be said here.
Anyone else who wants to take the bait go for it, but I suggest everyone else just leave it.