Why The DS Changes Are Good... for me anyway.

How to use DS as a toxic perk? Just run it, it's that easy right? Not really, in order to understand why the changes are without a doubt the best thing about this perk, you need to understand how to really make DS a toxic perk.
So many people think running DS and Unbreakable together is the toxic format, but it really isn't the MOST toxic way you can run the two together. The absolute most toxic way to run the perks together, with the addition of a couple more is as follows:
- Build: DS, Unbreakable, Head On, Quick and Quiet (optionally switched with Adrenaline)
- Step 1: Get unhooked (clearly)
- Step 2: Run at the killer, or in their general direction to get their attention
- Step 3: When the killer goes back onto you, proceed to loop them for (preferably) 45 seconds
- Step 4: If at any point you are about to go down, or have hit the 45 seconds, JUMP IN LOCKER
- Step 5: The killer is now left with two options, to either grab you, or ignore you
- Step 6a: They grab you, you DS them, you continue with looping, good teammates (or being in a SWF) will be fully healed and/or working on gens, and 2-3 gens should easily pop in that time (if you made it the full 45 seconds)
- Step 6b: They ignore you, and you wait out the rest of the timer and if the killer is near, when they come back hit them with Head On. Continue looping, and 2-3 gens should easily pop in that time (if you made it the full 45 seconds)
- Alternatively, steps 4-6 can be avoided if downed, in which case, use Unbreakable and start working on a gen yourself.
- Bonus: Make this happen near the last gen being completed to use your DS, then get Adrenaline shortly after if you are running it.
Very few people run DS that way, but it makes the perk about 100X more effective for getting gens done, and keeps teammates from being tracked after you go down as they should all be full health. The best part about it, the changes to DS don't even bother me using the perk in the same way I have since its initial rework. I don't perform interactions with gens, healing others, etc. I still have a free pass for looping killers and still getting to use the perk. My '60 seconds of immunity' doesn't even let the killer get a chance to chase someone else in there and make it where only 2/4 players are working on gens.
Spreading the word about the best way to get around the changes, and give killers even more of a rough time when the changes go live. This nerf is done in the worst way possible, still allowing for a back-door way to use the perk. RUN AT KILLER, LOOP KILLER, HOP INTO LOCKER, STILL USE PERK.
"Step 3: When the killer goes back onto you"
This is where the plan falls apart.
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Never had an issue, then again, I do state to play in a SWF group for maximum effectiveness. Everyone else typically away from where the killer is going (comms OP), I make myself a nice and tasty target to chase.
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Being in SWF has nothing to do with it. If the freshly-unhooked person is clearly trying to get your attention, you just ignore them and look for someone else. Either they spend a minute doing nothing meaningful, or they perform an action that shuts off DS, in which case fair game.
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What? DS can be used like that now. And I love it when survivors run at me after being unhooked, it means they're not doing gens. I ignore them, they follow me and try to get in the way, and they screw up and get slugged. I once had two players attempt that at the same time and both got slugged for their amazingly brilliant attempt at, what are you calling it, a "toxic" play? Not toxic, really, just funny.
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SWF Comms, I can 100% tell you that just ignoring someone in a SWF Comms group doing that is the worst option.
It lets me say where you are going, and they can do other gens the whole time.
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What are you going to do for the next 60 seconds, then?
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Oh, that kind of group. Well, have fun with that I guess. I usually go afk once the third gen pops, anyway, so this sounds like the kind of match where it'd last about 100 seconds from my POV. I'm just trying to play for fun, not kills, so once it's down to two gens it feels too... I dunno, frantic? Meh, not into it.
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Give intel exactly where you are going and let them work on gens, and as that 60 seconds finishes, keep around giving intel until you finally chase, but since they know where you are, you won't see anyone else. Or go to Step 6b, Head On, keep running. Either way, if done right, I should be keeping 3 people who are full health aware of the killer for the next 60 (or more) seconds of a match after being unhooked. We play for fun, but we are a group that comes from a few competitive fps games, so communication and direction is something we have pretty well down anymore.
Normally we don't resort to going full toxic sweat like that unless its been a bad night with a bunch of Mori running Sluggers. Back when Dedicated servers first came out, it was about 90% sweat, 10% random perk BS games. Anymore, its 95% random perk games, or dumb builds, and 5% sweat matches. Just depends how the nights been.
Communication is always there, its good practice for going back to fps games and having LEGIT terms for callouts instead of "Shack side, opposite corner. Shack side, mid-wall"
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So, nothing. You do nothing. I have 60 seconds of knowing that at most, 3 people will be on gens. And if I find someone else, that lowers that number to 2.
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Honestly the only part I really care about is that, as a non-tunneler I should hopefully never get DS'ed again.
There were times whne I was doing so well that I'd get hit by a DS on its last seconds and that would lead to a BT save or something and the game would (unfairly) snowball out of control. That should be a thing of the past now.
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I do more with those 60 seconds for the team than if I were to work on a gen. Callouts keep the number at 3 working on gens. The point of it is to never let that number go down to 2. Pre-rework, might have even hopped on a gen near the killer while they walked into a dead-end or corner to make the number 4 for a little bit.
You might have 60 seconds of knowing they are on gens, but I give 60 seconds of them knowing exactly WHICH gens to do so that they avoid you.
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I hope I run into more people with your mentality as a Killer. I would love having only three people on gens and a fourth doing nothing.
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This is why I wish the devs would add a killer-free mode to the game so survivors who want to can just do gens uninterrupted and the players who want to play with each other can continue on in the current mode. Because what you're describing sounds boring as hell.
Edit to add: I play solo survivor and I've played matches where I never saw the killer once and it was just so. goddamn. boring. Really. I don't get the appeal.
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I am happy I will be stabbed much less often just because I forgot someone was hooked, since odds are they would have done something else in that time I had left them alone.
Also; not being stabbed just because I grabbed someone out of a window at 59 seconds after doing like a dozen other things is hella nice.
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And I hope I run into more Killers like you with the naivete to let me keep that number at 3 for as long as possible. 3 working on gens for 50% and 2 for the remaining 50% of the match is better than 4 working on them for only 25% and 2 for the other 75%.
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Not how it works. If you tell them I'm heading in their direction, then they're letting go of the gen. If they let go of the gen, that's no longer 3 people on gens. Keep patrolling, and you keep pushing them off the gens for me long before I get there without actually doing any gens yourself.
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100% how it works, they can reposition to another gen or keep hidden after letting go in that process. Total time of 3 is roughly 50%, total time of 2 is roughly 50% if it works like it should. I am the type to run at killers for entire matches and take chases, mainly because the other 3 aren't as versed in looping as I am, but total time of making sure I let them know where I am going so they don't get caught in the crossfire makes it 50-50 for time. Just because they let go of a gen for 10 seconds of a match, doesn't mean they never touch another.
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If they reposition to another gen, I can just catch them doing so. Ez pz. If the other three aren't as versed in looping, then even better.
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Can't catch them repositioning if they know where you are coming from and where to go to avoid you, Ez pz. Think of it like them running Object of Obsession, except you never get to see THEM, they only know of you.
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Sure I can. It's called "using eyes."
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Yeah sure thing superman, got that x-ray vision to see them through the walls?
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...Yes. It's called "auras."
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Nothing about your checklist is toxic. Just a different way to play.
I don’t even have DS unlocked so this doesn’t affect me. It’s just funny to me that people think play styles they don’t like is toxic.