Nurse needs a nerf, despite what other people say

TheMatrixAgent Member Posts: 7
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi there!

This is me sharing my opinion about the nurse, because 90% of my games against nurse turns out to be a loss, even with teammates rank 5-1 (I have 700 hours). Don't start telling me the statistics of 2019, that shows that the nurse is the weakest killer, because maybe it was true in 2019, but it sure as hell isn't in 2021, 2 DAMN YEARS LATER. I lose 90% of my games against nurse.

Why I think the nurse needs a nerf:

  • People with a different opinion say that you should play stealth against her. I know that, but every game has a chase in it eventually. And when that happens, it's just over.
  • The most important thing in Dead By Daylight, which is controversial, are structures in my opinion. Without structures, there is no gameplay, and that fact leads me here, writing this discussion. The nurse disregards structures almost completely. Mind game is also completely disregarded most of the time by her blink.
  • The biggest part of gameplay (in a chase at least), is looping. You cannot do that with the nurse, you just cannot. Vaulting a window results in you being hit. Dropping a pallet results in a hit. Running on results in a hit. Which eventually leads to no other option, other than death.

Yes, stealthing will let you live longer, but take on nurse's calling for example (which is mostly played on nurse), and you cannot heal, because again. That results in a chase, which 90% of the time results in death. Yes, Iron Will cancels that (even though you have to heal eventually), so problem solved right? Wrong.

You have to do gens eventually, which also will also get you spotted. Spine chill, yea ok. Problem solved? NO.

Saving a hooked survivor, which HAS to happen eventually, also gets you spotted. Nothing to do against that.

So a perfect build against nurse is: Dead Hard, Spine Chill, Iron Will, Urban Evasion? Great, tried it a few times, doesn't work, eventually you get in a chase, you get hooked, people unhook you, they get hooked, you save them, someone else gets hooked, they save them, they get hooked. BECAUSE YOU CANNOT PLAY STEALTH WHEN YOU DO GENS OR UNHOOK. Which renders 3 of the build's perks useless. So, in the end, the 'best' build against nurse, is a stealth build with Dead Hard, which will then be the only perk to help you in a chase.

Suggestion of nerf for the nurse:

  • Make nurse faster, but add structures throughout the map that cannot be penetrated.
  • Make the blink slower
  • Decrease the swing radius to that of a killer carrying a survivor
  • Make pallets a safe spot for blinks, by not letting the nurse blink through them, but forcing her to blink somewhere else in the loop
  • Instead of the second blink dealing damage, apply the Deep Wound effect on the hit survivor


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Wrong section; this will be moved to "Feedback and suggestions" here:

    A mod will likely move this shortly for you.

    More on topic:

    Statistically she performs like crap, and in the top 1% of players with their respective main killers she is ranked 4th strongest.

    She has a skill ceiling, but I don't think nerfing her is the solution. What she needs is killer based skill based matchmaking that works.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Lol nerfing nurse would basically be equal to just straight up removing her

  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    The best way you can learn how to play against a killer is to play that killer. Your entire post reads like someone who has never played nurse.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited February 2021

    What I'm hoping for is that the devs remove Nurse from the PC version of the game and then optimize her so she is not only playable on console but only on console. Because I'd like to play her, but currently she's a miserable [BAD WORD]ing mess, and making fun killers playable on both PC and console seems to be impossible.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    Tbh, the Nurse is insanely powerful in the right hands, but if you try playing her, you're going to be in a world of pain, and you'll be bullied a lot as you try to learn her blinks. The Nurses who are insanely good have run the gauntlet, in otherwords, you're seeing them after commiting a lot of time to learning her, you're not seeing her when she was being bullied by survivors.

    The point I'm making here, before you "nerf her" you need to consider what it's like playing her as a new player and it's an absolutely horrible experience, but knowing how strong she is gives people the motivation to punch through that brick wall, if you nerf her strengths all you're going to do is highlight her weaknesses and it's probably going to be enough to put people off from playing her all together.

    She does need some kind of rework so she's more beginner friendly,, once you do that, then look at how well she performs in the hands of masters. The real issue with learning her is if you're horrible at using her power you have to resort to using M1, and playing Nurse as M1 is a world of pain. I like her add ons that increase her movement speed, but none of them increase her movement speed to 4.6 AND you're unable to use her power whatsoever, so it's an add on that turns you into an M1 killer and robs you of your power.

    Yeah... I'm clueless how to rework her tbh.

  • TheMatrixAgent
    TheMatrixAgent Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2021

    Yes. You are right, nerfing would be like removing her. When I start getting closer to rank 1, the killers also start getting closer. And that is the danger zone. The rank 1 killers that mained her, know how to play her, and the people who do, have power that shouldn't be played with. Why removing her isn't the solution here, is that people like playing her. A nerf will maybe make her worse, but that's for the better. Thank you for all of your insights, and for not just leaving the regular "GeT GuD".

    And for the killer based skilled matchmaking, there is a point, where your skill can't get much better, and that is the point where she has to be nerfed, beacuse if you can play her REALLY REALLY good, then not even the best player in the world can outplay her.

    Edit: I play nurse rather much, and I noticed how many wins I get with her. This is another reason why I started this discussion.

  • Xenostem
    Xenostem Member Posts: 42

    bro they nerfing blight by removing hug tech but they just can t maek her blinks m2 attack and lower her range by 1-2m and make her power recharg by 1-2 s longer. i won t talk about her addons. i mean i m don t understand bhvr nerfing blind not his addons...