The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What killer categories have the devs not done yet?

At the current moment there's 22 killers with various powers. But the devs have done similar powers Evil within similar to night shroud, wailing bell similar to yamaoka haunting, Chainsaw similar to Blood fury, not the same but similar. But there are some openings left a killer who can fly or climb walls. A killer who can disguise as survivors. So what openings are left?



  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312

    ones that can only grab but can grab fast window vaults and is 120%

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited February 2021

    I dont know there's a lot of inspiration from gothic literature they could use

    Example a hell hound

    Grim reaper (not really gothic literature)

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,710

    I'm still holding out for a killer that uses fire, either via a flamethrower, molotovs, or pyrokinesis. Lighting people on fire seems like a very horror thing to do and I'm assuming it'll happen one day or another.

    A killer that uses wires I think would be neat as well. Either via traps or as a weapon of some kind.

    As far as gameplay goes though, with all the killers we have almost all future powers are going to fall into some kind of similar category.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited February 2021

    A killer that isn't humanoid. I know, I know... It'll take too much work for the devs to bother making a killer like that (they said it in nicer words).

    Random killer ideas:

    A red light, green light killer.

    A mastermind killer (RE 3 type thing).

    A killer that can teleport survivors.

    A mechanical killer.

    A fire type killer.

    An ice type killer.

    An illusion killer (probably would be super annoying for survivors).

    Mind control killer.

    A respawning killer that survivors can fight off and each respawn can yield a slightly different killer type.

    I'm really surprised that the devs haven't done what League of Legends has and made super complicated killers and experimented more. Well now that I think about it Freddie is probably the closest thing they have to a complicated one and the twins is an experiment.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    It crazy to think this game has such an unexplored potential, it could go for another 10 years with all the new mechanics and the community suggested killers.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I think Trickster is a category with a lot of potential for fun: sabotage, illusion, shapeshifting, etc. Powers that could trick the survivors into acting against their own interests somehow, or powers that let the killer disguise themselves as a survivor, or trap interactable items, etc.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    I remember killer from IDV who just stays on console, Sees all survivors and can build spiky walls which can damage survivors but is weak in chase

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    Thinking of categories of types of killers/monsters...

    Banshee, siren, or other sound-based killer

    Weeping Angel, Michiko (IDV), SCP-173 type killer where looking at them affects them

    Femme fatale, black widow, seductress type killer

    Also a killer that uses shadows/darkness to travel and/or hide, because I like stealth killers and I also like the kind of killer who can surprise you even though you're hiding in the corner with your back against the wall.

    We also don't have a killer that utilizes lockers, making them truly unsafe/dangerous.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Perhaps a Killer that can tinker with every single interactable on the map.

    Standing at a vault location, pallet, totem, generator, hook, locker, chest, or whatever else, then use your Killer Power button to tinker with it.

    How you'd change the interactable i don't know, but i could see a Killer that completely edits the map to their liking.

  • Epsydra
    Epsydra Member Posts: 89

    I expect three types of killer :

    1. A mechanical killer, steampunk

    2. A killer using mirrors (Bloody Mary, Candyman)

    3. The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    We´re missing robots. Like Terminator or Death Machine.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    "-Tranforming killer (into survivors or objects)"

    Over the years there have been a few threads about a shape shifting killer. John Carpenter's The Thing comes to mind. I think that would be really cool if they could make that viable. The problem I see with a killer that can turn into survivors is headsets would 100% counter that. If the killer could turn into objects the issue I think is the waiting. As killer you don't have time to waste and waiting for something to come to you isn't as effective as hunting for survivors.

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    Whole purpose for victor was because they can't just do a tiny killer because of the hooking part of the game so they did victor and his sister. Unfortunately there wont be a tiny killer as a sole.

  • Hyd
    Hyd Member Posts: 379

    One that can more actively and directly manipulate the map and its features (think moving generators, sabotaging gates, upgrading hooks, etc). I made an in-depth concept for such a killer called The Entity's Architect here:

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited February 2021

    I don't believe that was the purpose for them doing it that way at all. They simply liked the idea.

    Handling a hooking animation for a smaller killer isn't really an issue. I can think of multiple roundabouts for that.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Some ideas for those categories:

    Xenomorph (Alien) - climbing

    Morlock (HG Wells The Time Machine) - tunneling

    Boogeyman (Urban folklore) - lighting

    The Thing (John Carpenters adaptation of the book "Who goes there?") - transforming

    Chucky (not many other licensed options for this one...) - tiny

    A mental illness based killer (dementia in particular), or maybe a police officer (police tape, road blocks) - map changing

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    The shadow killer could be based off of the Boogeyman, and have the power to teleport through (and/or hide inside of) lockers.

    Maybe they could have a sort of "shadow dash" where they become a shadow, lowering their PoV to the ground but moving at 130% speed.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    Sounds fun, I'd be down for trying out something like that.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    There was a post I saw about a year ago, I cant remember that guys name but he talked about how Crows could be a good idea to be implemented in a killers power. Like his power would be to teleport between crows and even make them stick around survivors to give away their possition and/or slow them down.

    It was a great idea he had but as most of the times It didnt make it because those threads get pushed to feedback and suggestions where nobody really reads anything...

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    While its not the same Plague is pretty much that, change vomit with fire, infected with burned and pools with fire extinguishers. The idea of fire as a terror element is good, fire its pretty scary but I believe it would be a disaster performance-wise, fire animations usually consume a lot of resources and this game already has a lot issues with fps.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    A time travelling killer isn't something I see talked about ever. They could cause things to revert to the state they were in 10 seconds ago for a short period of time, maybe letting them return a healed survivor to the injured state with their power before downing them with an m1, or even undoing a recently finished gen.

    Also, since old Freddy got reworked, there's a slot open for map-wide locator power that Shattered Mirror only kind of fills.

  • Mistercookie
    Mistercookie Member Posts: 147

    The counter argument could just be to have this small killer have psychic powers like the nurse and levitate survivors on the hook.

    Or have a different mechanic or animation, similar to pyramid head's cages (without pre-requisites or replacing hooks)

  • HappyFace
    HappyFace Member Posts: 26

    A rhythm game killer. Like, I don't know, the killer could release waves into the ground that the survivor has to time with a rhythm in order to not get slowed or something. Call it The DJ and have the music team go to town.

    Or maybe a killer than can teleport survivors to a special area outside the map where they would have to solve puzzles or something. If they solve the puzzle, they can come back unharmed. If they fail, they take damage. Then they would just plop back into the main trial grounds.

    Honestly, I just want another killer with a truly unique power. Like, nurse levels of unique. Something completely different, like 150% base movement speed or something crazy like that. It would be difficult to balance them, but if gotten right, it would create something completely new for players to sink their teeth into.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    What scares me is that they only have a hand few options for unique killer powers now

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,740

    A Telekenetic killer, who can Vader fingerpinch your throat from cover stalking-style. The longer the hold the longer to recover from it, or if uninterrupted you go down. I'd have it apply some kind of Knockout effect as well, like blacking out.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    There's so many good ideas of good killers they could take from the scp universe.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Elemental such as fire.

    Something aeiral.

    Animalistic/Dinosaur lol

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    We have an illusion killer already that being "The Doctor"...

    Although now that you bring it up its kinda weird that we don't have an ice themed killer despite having two ice themed maps (Lery's outside and windows /Ormond).

  • Theninjajesus
    Theninjajesus Member Posts: 99

    One that can phase through tile walls. I'm thinking here of that iconic rubber wall imagery in Stranger Things and the X-Files. It's so striking and terrifying.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    probably lust killer to avoid the AO rating

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    Acually, a lot of things..It is limited by imagination.

    Like, a Alien who makes pod clones of survivors which wonder around the map messing up skill checks.

    A Mummy who curses people

    A killer who can fly

    A Killer who can move thou lockers to other locations

    Two killers are attacking at the same time.

    A Killer who just straight up sends you to the basement

    A killer who can make hooks out of thin air

    A Killer who can block doorways and windows with barbed wire

    A Killer who uses fire

    A killer who uses ice

    A Killer robot with a laser blast and mutiple tools to hunt and kill surviors.

    The entity with a baseball bat

    The list can go on

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    Why not one that can mimic survivor actions and sounds? Like a red lizard that takes the voice of their prey?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    A lot of us have already mentioned The Thing, which would be awesome and mix things up, but I wouldn't trust behavior to not ruin it lol

  • Another_LegionMain
    Another_LegionMain Member Posts: 399

    I was thinking along the lines of something like SCP-939 but less animal more sentient. The Thing will be fun to see though!

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    There is a game, with up to 16 player sin amatch I think, with thats ort of mechanic called unfortunate spacemen and it's a free game on steam. It also has different modes than the generic asymm killer mode, but I don't think I tried the other modes. Instead of generators the spacemen have to get their ship going and call for help iirc, and the kilelr can jump, climb, and go through the ventilation system on their ship or space station in alien mode and copy the colors of a spaceman they kileld temporarily in spaceman form. I guess youc an sort of once you've seen it visually think of it as among us done like DBD. It's sort of got a lot of touches to it like from Alien even. You can use traps that are like some kind of egg as the killer too iirc. I played it briefly when it came out last summer and I was worn out from a different asymm, before hearing about the removal of infinites and the bamboozle effect and coming back to dbd with somebody from the assym I tried out spacemen after.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    The next killer is currently in development.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Burned make for a decent status affect. Only can be fixed by medkit (burngel) or maybe a body of water on the map which would counter a fire killer. Burned could cause survivors to make a noise of pain when interacting with something.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    probably too complex without redoing the game for them, they have trouble with new mechanics depending on what's done I think not a knock on them just how the game is. I thinkt he easiest way to handle a burn mechanic would be if you can nail a survivor with a power the next time they touch agen they scream from the damage on their hands. But that would just be a variant on an already recent perk from blight you just place it on the survivor and not a gen, so it's more of a variant or repeata nd kind of dullt hat way. But what would make the most sense from that angle would be akiller can heat up a generator and make the survivors touching it scream and face a great only skillcheck (with regression like old ruin if they don't hit the great check) on their next skillcheck with a 120 second cd on it as a perk. They would scream again if they stop repair on it and begin again after the skillcheck while it was still heated, but would only face the skillcheck on it once per survivor per use of the perk on the gen. That would be something fresh. Instea dof regressing the gen that would apply on the next kick after a hook or something, so it couldn't be abused by combing with pop to draw games out too long. I mean instead of instant regression, normal decay should still start after the kick.

    Maybe give it a minute to last on a generator it's used on (or 45 seconds they would have to run it on the test server obviously and not just take potatoe's word for it) to make up for the long cd and to allow time to maybe get some actual use from it or deter repair of it long enough to matter in a match. Maybe make it 180 second cd if it would be too much of a problem. If they o the skillcheck successfully and stay on the gen they wouldn't scream again, untilt heys topped repairing it or another survivor came and had to got hrough the routine too. The skillcheck wouldn't be a problem since it would only occur once at the most every 2-3 minutes per survivor with those cooldown times and not be a constant thing. If they would still complain about that I don't know how to help them since they clearly won't help themselves.

  • I'd like to see a blind killer that uses sound to it's advantage

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628
    edited February 2021

    A few ideas I thought of:

    -Classic Movie Monsters (Werewolf/Dracula)

    -Water Monster (i thought of something that can traverse through water on different sides of map). This would redefine a traditional 3 gen as it could traverse to the other map very fast.

    -Hunter that utilizes a bloodhound. It can track survivors and down them 2x a match only. Bloodhound is AI so it'll differentiate from Twins

    -Ring girl would be interesting (in the similar vein as water monster/Doctor/Freddy combo). TVs are scattered throughout the map and she can traverse them and she can cause madness similar to Doctor where survivors see images of the video superimposed on screen and they have to snap of it.

    -Zombie. I think having a mini hoarde of zombies would be interesting (say 3 slow AI zombies and 1 active zombie that moves faster 4.1 m/s and regular zombies move 3.8) player can have AI zombies cover certain areas of map and can attack players who are within a certain range. Alternatively, zombie player turns survivors into zombie AI. Timer starts and say 5 minutes into match they will turn and attack team. It's either gen rush or get turned. NOED would be fun here especially as it puts survivors into 2 difficult situations (rush gens/activate NOED or risk being turned)

    I don't like the idea of kinesis powers personally or flamethrower. I don't think they would have the traditional horror feel (which btw was a key theme in the latest survey).

    As far as licensed vs. Original characters i would prefer more original characters

  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28

    This was the power idea that I had for a killer I call 'the shadow' :

    Power: Extracted Repose: Brought from the suffering and despair of others, the shadow brings death to all.

    Active ability: Shaped Repose: The shadow starts the trial with 6 tokens. Press the active ability button to send a shadow along the ground in front of you for up to 16 meters. If the shadow connects with a window or standing pallet, consume a token and block it. For each token consumed, decrease your base movement speed by 2%. Whenever a window or pallet blocked by Shaped Repose leaves your terror radius, it becomes unblocked. Receive a token for each unblocked pallet of window.

    Special Ability: Terrorized Minds: Start the trial with 7 Glow Sticks in the match. Whenever a survivor looks at the shadow, they slowly fill their terror meter. Picking up a Glow Stick resets the terror meter to zero, but destroys the Glow Stick.

    Secondary Ability: Mind's Corruption: At the beginning of the match, one player will be selected to be immediately affected by Mind's Corruption, indicated by a marker on the HUD. Press the secondary ability button to immediately rise as a shadow behind them at 32 meters away, facing towards them. The distance decreases to a minimum distance of 16 meters depending on how much terror they have accumulated. Once risen, you will have the undetectable status effect. Mind's Corruption will end if the survivor you rise behind notices you for a period of time, if they shine a flashlight on you, if they grab a Glow Stick, or if you land a hit on them. Only the survivor you rise behind can see you. You can only interact with the survivor you rise behind. Landing a bit on a survivor will decrease a health state, as well as apply the blindness status effect. Windows and Pallets blocked by Shaped Repose will remain blocked even while using Mind's Corruption. You cannot break pallets or vault windows while using Mind's Corruption. Once Mind's Corruption ends, you return back to where the ability was originally used, and the marker changes to the next survivor on the HUD. Mind's Corruption has a cool down of 80 seconds.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    That's an incredible idea. It balances against veteran survivors and doesn't disadvantage rookies.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I think I’d like to see how they handle a killer that maybe moves faster than the average killer, but with a weaker power. Like instead of 110 or slower with insane chase potential (nurse, slinger, Hag, huntress) a 120 with like a power that’s just ok.

    I do feel like a 120 killer would just ruin some pallets and loops though.

  • Dovahkat963
    Dovahkat963 Member Posts: 46

    I've been thinking about how a power like that would work and this is what I came up with:

    "Your mere presence drives your prey to insanity, making it harder for them to escape you." All survivors have an Insanity meter over their portrait that starts at 0% and can increase up to 100%, with various effects being applied based on Insanity level. Survivors gain 1% Insanity per second if they are within 16 meters of you and are in your terror radius (undetectable and oblivious prevent this passive gain). This increases to 2% per second if they are within 8 meters of you. If the survivor can also see you the Insanity gain is either doubled or 1% per second depending on if they are within the passive range. Insanity only decreases when a survivor is outside your terror radius and can't see you, at a rate of -1% per second. Dying and hooked survivors do not gain or lose Insanity. When a survivor is unhooked they immediately lose half of their current Insanity.

    Survivors do not suffer any impairments at less than 10% Insanity. At 10% Insanity, survivors start getting more difficult skill checks at a higher frequency, scaling based on Insanity level. At 25% Insanity survivors can no longer track your exact movements, instead appearing to rapidly teleport around. The frequency of this 'teleporting' decreases based on the victims Insanity, making you progressively harder to track. At 50% Insanity survivors start whimpering and hyperventilating, making them easy to hear when nearby. At 75% Insanity survivors lose the ability to perceive their fellow survivors and their auras from further than 16 meters away. At 90% Insanity survivors will scream whenever they look directly at you, revealing their position. At 100% Insanity survivors become Exposed.

    Ability: Horrible Sight: Press the power button when looking directly at a survivor over any distance to force them to look directly at you for 10 seconds. They can still move and perform actions, but their camera will be locked on your position. 30 second cooldown.

    Ability: Obstruction: Press the active ability button when looking at a pallet or vault location within 16 meters to block it with otherworldly tentacles, preventing survivors from using it for 10 seconds. It takes 2.5 seconds to block the object in question, during which your movement is slowed slightly. You can still vault blocked windows and break dropped pallets that have been blocked. Only 1 object can be blocked in this way at a time.

    I didn't want the Insanity to be compared with the Doctor's madness, so I tried to differentiate the effects of it as much as I could.