now that DS has been adressed, we need to talk about spine chill and it's little brother premonition

hardtimefun Member Posts: 293
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The DS issue is fixed in the next chapter and so no need to complain about it anymore.

The next issue is Spine chill, a perk that literally tell the survivor "hey the killer is coming, time to hide"

no matter who the killer is, normal or stealth killer, you know the killer i near you so you gtfo before they even arrive and you most of the time don't get caught.

Is it really fair that a perk that require NOTHING for you to do at all, to let you know you will be at risk very soon and it's time you hide? a perk that tells you hey a sneaky killer is on the way even if their power means they can't be detected, this perk tells you about it.

How is having a 36 meters danger warning perk fair?

Just imagine 1 second a ghostface or wraith or anyone other small terror radius or stealth killer vs 4 survivors but each survivors have only spine chill, how long would it take you to ever find one survivor if you decide to look around for idk how long?

As soon as you go away the survivor will go back at his gen and if you double back they will know and go hide again and they know perfectly where you'll come from this time so they will hide properly, 3 gens done looking for 1 survivor.

Spine chill NEEDS a nerf, like it or not, it does, it gives way way too much information for free and it affect every single killer no matter which one it is, making stealth killers totally useless against them

Spine chill should only work in a 16 meters range, and if the perk should still reveal undetectable killers it should be half the range, so 8 meters for undetectable killers, this way the perk will save you from a grab but unless you have sprint burst you will take a hit most definitely.

If a change like this happens, survivors might consider premonition a better option at this point since it will tell the survivor precisely where the killer is with a cooldown, which is still 32 meters, so premonition should also be changed a little bit because since it's spine chill little brother, nerfing spine chill will fix nothing since premonition will take it's place.

Premonition should be 24 meters, and reveal the undetectable killers in 16 meters range, that gives the survivor an extra 2 second to run into the pallet or window to avoid a hit, the cooldown however should be tripled so it can't be spammed too much since it reveals undetectable killers further than Spine chill.

thanks for reading

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I'd be Ok with its range getting changed to be Killer's Terror Radius +4m or 12m whichever is larger. The perk is fine against pretty much all standard 32m killers but its a bit unfair against Stealth killers especially since a several of them are slower while they're stealthing.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Honestly, I agree it does give a tad too much benefit for no cost.

    Imo, Spine Chill should ONLY have the bonus speed when being looked at (maybe with an extra 1-2%) and Premonition should get it's effect changed to what current Spine Chill has (36m detection normally, 12m on Undetectable killers).

    I understand people are very used to current Spine Chill and don't see it as a huge problem, but when compared to newer perks that have requirements with less potent effects, Spine Chill is extremely strong.

    This is coming from someone who runs Spine Chill every single match btw.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,581
    edited February 2021

    In my opinion, Spine Chill is fine. Ok, maybe, just maybe, it should have a reduced range for stealth killers. 12 metres sounds good. But it is not a necessary change.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    You're joking right? Spine Chill is never even used at high ranks.. and if they are; it's for the vault speed build. Like this is exactly what I mean when I talk about BHVR catering to the baby players that beg for everything to be nerfed.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    Spine Chill is a perk used by lower rank Survivors (or solo queuers) to give a small leg up. Hardly broken and rarely seen in high ranks.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited February 2021 way this isn't bait lmao.

    If it isn't, the only thing that spine chill is good for is against GhostFace, Myers and Pig.

    Survivors are hiding? Learn the common hiding spots and look away from the gen as you approach. That's all you have to do to counter spine chill, and now the perk is almost useless.

    And what's so bad about it giving you information for "nothing"? Why does it NEED to have some sort of downside or severely reduced range. The only change it needs if you really really wanted one of the most harmless survivor perks nerfed for whatever reason, is the range is halved if the killer is undetectable.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Is this bait? I agree that Spine Chill needs to be toned down a little, but you don't need to nerf it that hard. And why are are we nerfing Premonition? It's literally one of the worst perks in the game.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Spine Chill is fine in my opinion, but if it was changed I would just lower the range to 24 meters and maybe lower the speed increase.

    But just to completely destroy spine chill isn't the best route to make premonition be used more.

    I would say to just buff premonition by lowering the cooldown.

  • Iosefka
    Iosefka Member Posts: 72

    Please nerf every survivor perks Reeeeeeee

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369

    i bet that you would say sprint burst is OP as well. Thanks for the bait. almost no one using spine chill at red rank. there's alot of better perk than that one.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Spine Chill would be the perfect perk if the range was somewhere around 24-28m. I love it as Survivor but hate it as a stalking Killer.

    Not only is the early warning great (and even pretty nutty against GF for example) but the action speed is also neat.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Spine Chill is fine as is, but Premonition needs a buff. Why would you ever run Premonition when you have Spine Chill?

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    As someone who primarily plays a "stealth" killer in The Pig -- yep, this is silly. Spine Chill is perfectly fine.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I run spine chill to completely stealth around killers and boy is it strong. A single perk that can force killers to walk around backwards and visually eliminates the horror elements. The only time I see survivors using it for the repair speed is on the final gens where they can hold til the last sec, go down, and still escape due to time being on their side. Walking backwards is not a counter, it's a flat hindrance to normal play.

    At least premonition has a cool down.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Ehh... Spine Chill is one the better designed useful perks for survivors. Understandably, it gives useful info against stealth killers and killers in general but survivors do not know where the killer is coming from.

    There are many times I see survivors crouching behind a wall and I'm still able to sneak up on them. Sometimes they just straight up run into me. I wouldn't mind if they decrease the range to 32m but it would still be a pointless nerf so let's not go on a nerfing spree now because all that does is make the game less fun.

  • TauNkosi
    TauNkosi Member Posts: 282

    Pls don't nerf spine chill. I'm hearing impaired and it really helps me because I don't hear the terror radius that well.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346


  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    I just about bent over and started chewing on my toenails when I saw the title

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Spine Chill is countered by simply looking slightly sideways, come on...

    What's this compulsory need to have a perk to be obsessed about until it gets changed? DS got changed, be happy about it and go on with your lives.

  • Naglonija
    Naglonija Member Posts: 4

    spine chill is great, IF the killer looks at you. but otherwise, they can easily sneak up on you. and many killers do.

    it needs no changes. its actually really good

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited February 2021

    What garbage.

    News flash Buddy, survivors utilize stealth to evade killers too, Dead by Daylight started as a hide and seek game, over time the game turned into a game of tag. So stealth play is already limited in this game and you want to gut two of the few perks that help survivor utilize stealth?

    Furthermore, nerfing spine chill range to 8 meters makes this talent garbage, the perk isn't just used to help avoid stealth killers and it existed before killers like Ghostface existed. You'd essentally never get the 6% speed bonus because the killer would be right on top of you by the time it procs. It's such a stupid idea and I hope the Devs don't take such ideas seriously or this game is going to go down like a burning dumpster.