Leather Face AIN’T IT

Leather face should not be able to chainsaw through multiple people at a time. He also shouldn’t be able to use that ability for so long. Hillbilly has a fixed amount of time that is far more reasonable. Thoughts?
Agree to disagree windows he can't use his power around and that is on everyone if they are that close together
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Leatherface is fine. He used to be a terrible killer, now he's actually viable. Sounds like a skill issue.
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My thoughts are the second you realize the Killer in your match is Leatherface you should stop hanging out with other Survivors and split up and then this never becomes a problem.
Also, don't bomb the hook without a plan, and/or in his face.
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If it's not a skill issue, why complain? He isn't overpowered at all lmfao
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That's just an objectively worse Hillbilly..
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My thoughts? Well, how about this:
There's multiple new accounts that have spammed "nErF lEaThErFaCe" today. I don't think we need 100 threads about the same topic and you should at the very least check two discussion pages before posting a new thread.
As for the topic it was discussed thoroughly. All experienced players agree he's mid tier and fine as his counterplay is literally the default type of counterplay and he doesn't have anything going for him other than an instadown that relies on survivor misplays.
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Because he is overpowered and that’s why I posted.
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Well, with so many people saying it, then there just might be something to it. Also, I am a skilled player who has been playing for years and I’m saying it now. Also, I literally just joined the forum like a few hours ago, so relax. I’m still figuring the platform out.
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If you are a skilled player then Leatherface should be no problem for you at all. The chainsaw is easily avoided with a simple window, and Bubba has some of the worst mobility in the game.
There is a faction of Survivor players that just simply cannot handle one-shot mechanics. They are mad about the iridescent Head on Huntress. They are mad about Leatherface's chainsaw. They are mad about No One Escapes Death.
One-shots are part of the game. I got one-shot earlier by a Myers that I had evaded the ENTIRE game, but I happened to turn the wrong corner in Mother's Dwelling and ate his Tier 3 insta-mori move. I didn't cry about it.
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Balance opinions of new players are not relevant.
Also sorry to burst your bubble but if you can't loop Bubba then you are not as skilled as you think.
I can loop any Bubba for AT LEAST a minute which shouldn't even be a thing in a 4 v 1 game where all 5 gens can be completed in 3 minutes.
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Leatherface is a little overtuned right now. The only thing that mitigates this, is that he still has a crucial weakness you can exploit: he doesn't have much mobility.
But his short range lethality is unparalleled. The only one who is comparable is Oni, but Oni is a lot more broken because Oni also has high mobility to go with it.
LF is still weaker than Oni overall but he is far, far too powerful in close range.
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I didn’t get on here and cry after one game. I’ve played for years, like I said, and determined that Leatherface’s chainsaw is overpowered. Disagree if you want, but I posted this because I have made up my mind after years of evaluation. If you don’t like it, then I don’t know why you commented.
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Years of evaluation huh? Interesting considering Leatherface hasn't always been what he is now. Very interesting.
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what changed? He is way overpowered now if that’s what you mean.
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Knew it. You're new to the game.
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They buffed him, re-did his add ons and 2/3 of his perks like 6 months ago.
Same time they adjusted Billy...
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Admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery. The next step is to git gud.
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If you struggle to deal with Leatherface likely you're an inexperienced survivor who keeps walking into deadzones where Leatherface will always have the upper hand. Split up, do generators, keep an eye out for escape routes and opportunities such as windows and pallets.
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My thoughts are that you should understand that the mods can track the ip addresses for all these "new" accounts. I get it, you have strong opinions, take a break man, we don't need 15 threads created by the same guy complaining about the same newbie survivor stuff. Leatherface sucks in low levels. On red ranks he's an average performer, so you aren't going to get the reaction you want no matter how many new threads you create.
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LF was only buffed last year. "Years of evaluation" my butt.
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Bubba is fine, maybe play smart and don't all bunch together asking for a 4man down. Just seems like a bad play knowing the killer can punish you for it.
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Sorry but you need to learn how to use obstacles. Trees, walls, hell even totems will stop his charge and don't stack up on top of each other when you know you're facing a leather face it doesn't make sense......hate to say it, but you're gonna have to git guud.
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The only time leatherface is sawing through multiple people is when the survivors have COLOSSALLY screwed up and are way out of position.
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Sorry bud. Everyone is right. LF is a literal brain dead killer. If you can’t loop him you gotta get back to the basics. I have never met a good bubba, because well it’s a brain dead killer.
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Don't forget the doctor's prescription
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Overpowered lmao. Be around a window and his chainsaw is useless, unless the rare times someone uses bamboozle with him, but smart survivors just drop a pallet and run to the next tile. He is so much slower than billy to get to another gen, that you basically have to abuse tinkerer and hold chases as short as possible.
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It's a YOU issue.
He's far from OP just play smarter
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His short range lethality is strong. But isnt that the same as his chase potential? I would say spirit and nurse have more short range lethality bc they can play around pallets. Thats stronger then a instadown which cant ignore loops. I would say bubba is the best to take advantage of mistakes from a survivor in a chase.
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They tore Billy to shreds & now you want Bubba to go through the same treatment even though he's not even good to begin with?
Give me a break.
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It's always funny to me that when a livestream happens or a new chapter hits so many new players come to the forums to complain about the same things which usually are leatherface, bbq, or anything really that is somewhat good against low skill players.
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No I’m not? I’ve been playing for 2 years.
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Thank you. I noticed recently that Hillbilly is more buffed too. I wasn’t sure exactly what changed, but I have noticed a difference in recent months.
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Each thread is about something different. I’m not a newbie. I just finally decided to post about all the issues I have with this game. Leave me alone.
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Dude I’m saying over the years I’ve noticed a difference.
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Quote: "I noticed recently that Hillbilly is more buffed"
What do you mean by that ?
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It just seems like he’s harder to play against lately. It really wasn’t that deep and it could just be coincidence.
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Well, here's the daily nerf Bubba thread...
As many others have pointed out, Bubba has very clear counterplay, use windows to your advantage and split up. It's really not that hard.
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By all accounts, Billy got nerfed my dude...
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But the issue I have with this game is spammy newbies who create fake sock puppet accounts on the same day to make multiple threads whining about the same 3 things.
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It's a chainsaw. He should be able to do those things.
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*Killer gets nerfed*
Entitled survivors: wHy BehAViOuR bUFfs sTRoNk KilLeRz