Camping/ tunneling is ruining game

I understad camping/ tunneling is '' a tactical move'' and that its one way to win the game for killer... but really game after game after game of the same annoying ass play is getting beyond a joke now. Sitting near a hook or facecamping is just pure pathetic ... it says nowhere thats the only way to win nor is it the best way, Killers have just adapated and chose it as THE only way. Its wrecking the game slowly... how many people dc when they get tunneled... can you really blame them when its the same stuff happening game after game. Of course killer mains or maybe some survivors wont give a damn and call this post whining ... thats your opinion your entiltled too. And yes iv played killer to rank 1 and i make sure people have a good game without the tunneling camping crap.


  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:
    it says nowhere thats the only way to win nor is it the best way

    Nor does it state anywhere that people cannot play this way, or in fact play any way that you would prefer. People camp and tunnel. If it gets them there wins that is not there problem, it is yours. No one is going to change how they play, because like @MhhBurgers stated, they are not here to let you have fun, they play for there own enjoyment.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited October 2018

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:
    I understad camping/ tunneling is '' a tactical move'' and that its one way to win the game for killer... but really game after game after game of the same annoying ass play is getting beyond a joke now. Sitting near a hook or facecamping is just pure pathetic ... it says nowhere thats the only way to win nor is it the best way, Killers have just adapated and chose it as THE only way. Its wrecking the game slowly... how many people dc when they get tunneled... can you really blame them when its the same stuff happening game after game. Of course killer mains or maybe some survivors wont give a damn and call this post whining ... thats your opinion your entiltled too. And yes iv played killer to rank 1 and i make sure people have a good game without the tunneling camping crap.

    I wish you people stopped posting the same thing over and over again. DS and "camping/tunneling". Literally every day at least one new discussion comes up with this.
    Rank 15 and above there is roughly one camper in five games. Or less. (No, killer chasing someone around the hooked person is NOT camping.) Crying about "tunneling" is even more silly: of course I want to take one person out of the game as soon as possible. Deal with it.

    If you're not convinced, ok, we don't have to agree. But please, PLEASE make a search before you post something that has been posted a thousand times already.

  • Since when do killers have entitlement aswell... dont think your anything more or less special than a survivor because its 1v4 the fact is its ruining the mood of every game... EVERY GAME... not just a 1 in 10 match more like 1 in 2 matches... if someone messed you around and bm'ed then fine do whatever to make them pay for there trolling ... but seriously some killers make up an excuse that someone was bm'ing them and they did absolutely nothing of the kind. You cant just sit back and accept the fact that camp/ tunnel is ok ... its patehtic poor sportsmanship ... it means theres killers in high ranks that dont deserve nor are good enough to be there. Look at all the rank 1 decent streamers who main killer .... they dont do camp nor tunnel ... sometimes they lose sometimes they win and are always good sports about it. Its not rank exclusive either... rank 1 rank 20 doesnt matter, it should be more heavily punished or made so that it makes a killers game harder... i mean come on whats the skill of sitting infront of a hook or chasing an injured survivor straight of hook... be real. Also no one is denying the fact some perks need serious balancing on both sides but thats still no excuse when a game can be won without the bm nonsense.

  • @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "camping/tunneling" isn't the problem, it's simply a symptom of an unbalanced game.

  • @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    As long as toxic crap like I mentioned exists along with stuff like DS ppl will be bitter and will tunnel.

  • @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    As long as toxic crap like I mentioned exists along with stuff like DS ppl will be bitter and will tunnel.

    then for argument sake is it fair when someone has literally done NOTHING ,bm ... whatever that might be ... tbag, loop, flashlighting pallets... Is it fair for that person to be camped or tunneled then?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Sounds more like you are entitled to a killer following your "survivor codex".

    And just fyi, I will follow the survivor codex if the survivors follow my killer codex (sadly they almost never do)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    Looping and camping/tunneling go hand in hand.
    If you dont understand that, you are indeed a hopeless case

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    As long as toxic crap like I mentioned exists along with stuff like DS ppl will be bitter and will tunnel.

    then for argument sake is it fair when someone has literally done NOTHING ,bm ... whatever that might be ... tbag, loop, flashlighting pallets... Is it fair for that person to be camped or tunneled then?

    Tunneling and camping is not BM.

    BM on the killer side would be for example mori canceling or hitting someone continously on the hook.
    Pls get your facts straight dude

    I handle it this way:

    Survivors use optimal strategies (tunnel/genrush), then I will use optimal strategies (tunnel and maybe camp)
    Survivor BMs extensively, then I will BM aswell :wink:

  • @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    As long as toxic crap like I mentioned exists along with stuff like DS ppl will be bitter and will tunnel.

    then for argument sake is it fair when someone has literally done NOTHING ,bm ... whatever that might be ... tbag, loop, flashlighting pallets... Is it fair for that person to be camped or tunneled then?

    Tunneling and camping is not BM.

    BM on the killer side would be for example mori canceling or hitting someone continously on the hook.
    Pls get your facts straight dude

    I handle it this way:

    Survivors use optimal strategies (tunnel/genrush), then I will use optimal strategies (tunnel and maybe camp)
    Survivor BMs extensively, then I will BM aswell :wink:

    you clearly misread the whole section of that comment i said does someone DESERVE to be camped or tunneled... if they HAVNT bm'ed the killer and annoyed said killer...

  • @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    Looping and camping/tunneling go hand in hand.
    If you dont understand that, you are indeed a hopeless case

    and that the most garbage iv heard... looping or making the most out of one pallet ... doesnt deserve a camp from the killer ... you can mind game a loop ... might take a while to learn but you can non the less... the fact is killers make rubbish excuses that make them seem eligible to camp and tunnel everyone in that game... ohj he had a flaslight (survivor never used flashlight)... lets camp because there toxic... its excuse after excuse ... if you cant play the game then admit it, dont make an excuse for bs play

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited October 2018

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    Looping and camping/tunneling go hand in hand.
    If you dont understand that, you are indeed a hopeless case

    and that the most garbage iv heard... looping or making the most out of one pallet ... doesnt deserve a camp from the killer ... you can mind game a loop ... might take a while to learn but you can non the less... the fact is killers make rubbish excuses that make them seem eligible to camp and tunnel everyone in that game... ohj he had a flaslight (survivor never used flashlight)... lets camp because there toxic... its excuse after excuse ... if you cant play the game then admit it, dont make an excuse for bs play

    Just mindgame? Yeah yeah or just break the pallet, I know

    Just that you know, I DONT NEED ANY EXCUSE to camp, I could literally do it every game, hour after hour, just because I like. Yes, its a legit way to play the game, just like "looping and making the most out of one pallet " is.

    Why is it such a problem if a killer "makes the most out of one hook"?

    I know survivors like you, you belong to the kind of survivors that insult the killer for being a noob killer that relies on "BS play" after you have been 4ked by "noob tactics".

    Camping and tunneling both have counterplay, ever though of that?

  • @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    Looping and camping/tunneling go hand in hand.
    If you dont understand that, you are indeed a hopeless case

    and that the most garbage iv heard... looping or making the most out of one pallet ... doesnt deserve a camp from the killer ... you can mind game a loop ... might take a while to learn but you can non the less... the fact is killers make rubbish excuses that make them seem eligible to camp and tunnel everyone in that game... ohj he had a flaslight (survivor never used flashlight)... lets camp because there toxic... its excuse after excuse ... if you cant play the game then admit it, dont make an excuse for bs play

    Just mindgame? Yeah yeah or just break the pallet, I know

    Just that you know, I DONT NEED ANY EXCUSE to camp, I could literally do it every game, hour after hour, just because I like. Yes, its a legit way to play the game, just like "looping and making the most out of one pallet " is.

    Why is it such a problem if a killer "makes the most out of one hook"?

    I know survivors like you, you belong to the kind of survivors that insult the killer for being a noob killer that relies on "BS play" after you have been 4ked by "noob tactics".

    Camping and tunneling both have counterplay, ever though of that?

    Do me a favour... go play 10 games of survivor... make next to nothing in points ... because of a killer sat on your hook constantly... tell me how much fun the game is after that. Until you do that you have no valid point to make

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    Looping and camping/tunneling go hand in hand.
    If you dont understand that, you are indeed a hopeless case

    and that the most garbage iv heard... looping or making the most out of one pallet ... doesnt deserve a camp from the killer ... you can mind game a loop ... might take a while to learn but you can non the less... the fact is killers make rubbish excuses that make them seem eligible to camp and tunnel everyone in that game... ohj he had a flaslight (survivor never used flashlight)... lets camp because there toxic... its excuse after excuse ... if you cant play the game then admit it, dont make an excuse for bs play

    Just mindgame? Yeah yeah or just break the pallet, I know

    Just that you know, I DONT NEED ANY EXCUSE to camp, I could literally do it every game, hour after hour, just because I like. Yes, its a legit way to play the game, just like "looping and making the most out of one pallet " is.

    Why is it such a problem if a killer "makes the most out of one hook"?

    I know survivors like you, you belong to the kind of survivors that insult the killer for being a noob killer that relies on "BS play" after you have been 4ked by "noob tactics".

    Camping and tunneling both have counterplay, ever though of that?

    Do me a favour... go play 10 games of survivor... make next to nothing in points ... because of a killer sat on your hook constantly... tell me how much fun the game is after that. Until you do that you have no valid point to make

    Hide better then or get better at chases, the only time you'll make next to no points as survivor is when you get instadowned at the start of the game which only happens against billy or LF if ur dumb enough to do a gen out in the open.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    honestly, i dont know what kind of kilers you get, but since the event started i ranked up from survivor rank 15 to rank 3 and i barely encountered any campers...
    i mean, its not camping when the killer comes back to the hook once you get unhooked... i do that too, it would be stupid not to. it would also be stupid to ignore the injured survivor, since he is the easier target, so you should rather be thankful to the killer not focussing the unhooked down.
    and yes, i do know its frustrating, but you also gotta see it from the killers PoV: the hooked and injured survivor is like an almost completed gen to the survivors. and you wouldnt switch the gen just because the killer kicked it, right?
    the only difference is, that the gen is not a person and has no feelings.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:
    Do me a favour... go play 10 games of survivor... make next to nothing in points ... because of a killer sat on your hook constantly... tell me how much fun the game is after that. Until you do that you have no valid point to make

    Instructions unclear, I avoided getting hooked instead.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:
    I understad camping/ tunneling is '' a tactical move'' and that its one way to win the game for killer... but really game after game after game of the same annoying ass play is getting beyond a joke now. Sitting near a hook or facecamping is just pure pathetic ... it says nowhere thats the only way to win nor is it the best way, Killers have just adapated and chose it as THE only way. Its wrecking the game slowly... how many people dc when they get tunneled... can you really blame them when its the same stuff happening game after game. Of course killer mains or maybe some survivors wont give a damn and call this post whining ... thats your opinion your entiltled too. And yes iv played killer to rank 1 and i make sure people have a good game without the tunneling camping crap.

    1. Camping only works if survivor make it work. In general the killer is hurting himself if he is camping and the survivor are free to punish it, but instead they feel entitle to a safe.

    2. Tunneling is just playing efficient. Does it suck to be on the recieving end? Yes, but what do you expect the killer to do? Go for the healthy rescuer that needs 2 hits to go down, or the injured one that only needs 1 hit and denying the benevolent in the process? For the killer it is important to get an early momentum in the match to snowball the rest. That means to remove at least one survivor ASAP! Making a 4v1 into a 3v1 is the best thing a killer can do. Would you deny that? Do you just want killer to play stupid?

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    I think it's funny that you say game after game killers camp, yet game after game you validate it by going for the unhook. If you know the killer is camping, you played into his gambit. 
  • TerminalEntropy
    TerminalEntropy Member Posts: 71

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:
    and that the most garbage iv heard... looping or making the most out of one pallet ... doesnt deserve a camp from the killer ... you can mind game a loop ... might take a while to learn but you can non the less... the fact is killers make rubbish excuses that make them seem eligible to camp and tunnel everyone in that game... ohj he had a flaslight (survivor never used flashlight)... lets camp because there toxic... its excuse after excuse ... if you cant play the game then admit it, dont make an excuse for bs play

    This is bullshit, no, in many cases (= every annoying case) loops cannot be mind game, there's too much space for survs. And yes, when you loop or "make the most of the pallet" you deserve the Killer to "make the most" to get you out of the game and even without it this is Killers damn objective. The game provides survivors with comfortable option of moving to the next game a few seconds after dying, so the fact that many people stay to watch and throw some salt at someone who totally doesn't care about them is hard to comprehend.

    And as ending an underlining of something fundamental..

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    Survivors have no shame in playing dirty so why should i? I have been done playing nice for a long time. Fun for the survivors is the last thing on my mind. I want to win and if camping gets me a win then i will camp and if they DC they just made my job easier.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @Master said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:

    @MhhBurgers said:
    I'm not here to ensure that you have a good time, this is survivor entitlement speaking.

    yeah killer main thinks hes entitled... you wouldnt get a game if you had no survivors... so for once in your life play fair instead of like a boosted ape

    Don't abuse my hitbox for loops and don't abuse huge loops and I'll play fair too, it goes both ways. As a surv I mostly try to lose the killer and don't stay at t-walls for too long, I loop maybe once before I drop the pallet and then continue to run somewhere else if the killer breaks it.

    Im pretty damn sure this thread wasnt about looping or hitboxes. I mean can we keep it to the actual main thread and stop wandering off on other things. I never mentioned looping once.

    Looping and camping/tunneling go hand in hand.
    If you dont understand that, you are indeed a hopeless case

    and that the most garbage iv heard... looping or making the most out of one pallet ... doesnt deserve a camp from the killer ... you can mind game a loop ... might take a while to learn but you can non the less... the fact is killers make rubbish excuses that make them seem eligible to camp and tunnel everyone in that game... ohj he had a flaslight (survivor never used flashlight)... lets camp because there toxic... its excuse after excuse ... if you cant play the game then admit it, dont make an excuse for bs play

    Just mindgame? Yeah yeah or just break the pallet, I know

    Just that you know, I DONT NEED ANY EXCUSE to camp, I could literally do it every game, hour after hour, just because I like. Yes, its a legit way to play the game, just like "looping and making the most out of one pallet " is.

    Why is it such a problem if a killer "makes the most out of one hook"?

    I know survivors like you, you belong to the kind of survivors that insult the killer for being a noob killer that relies on "BS play" after you have been 4ked by "noob tactics".

    Camping and tunneling both have counterplay, ever though of that?

    Do me a favour... go play 10 games of survivor... make next to nothing in points ... because of a killer sat on your hook constantly... tell me how much fun the game is after that. Until you do that you have no valid point to make

    Killer almost never facecamp me.
    But maybe thats due to me not being a toxic shithead

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Wolf74 said:

    @ConclaveHighOverlord said:
    I understad camping/ tunneling is '' a tactical move'' and that its one way to win the game for killer... but really game after game after game of the same annoying ass play is getting beyond a joke now. Sitting near a hook or facecamping is just pure pathetic ... it says nowhere thats the only way to win nor is it the best way, Killers have just adapated and chose it as THE only way. Its wrecking the game slowly... how many people dc when they get tunneled... can you really blame them when its the same stuff happening game after game. Of course killer mains or maybe some survivors wont give a damn and call this post whining ... thats your opinion your entiltled too. And yes iv played killer to rank 1 and i make sure people have a good game without the tunneling camping crap.

    1. Camping only works if survivor make it work. In general the killer is hurting himself if he is camping and the survivor are free to punish it, but instead they feel entitle to a safe.

    2. Tunneling is just playing efficient. Does it suck to be on the recieving end? Yes, but what do you expect the killer to do? Go for the healthy rescuer that needs 2 hits to go down, or the injured one that only needs 1 hit and denying the benevolent in the process? For the killer it is important to get an early momentum in the match to snowball the rest. That means to remove at least one survivor ASAP! Making a 4v1 into a 3v1 is the best thing a killer can do. Would you deny that? Do you just want killer to play stupid?

    Yes they want the killer to play stupid such that they can have their fun