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Survivors punished for bad killers



  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    How can you be a team with people you have absolutely no communication with? You just rely on them to be alert. So it's not crap at all.

    Again, how can a survivor come in and lead scratch marks away after a ds if there's no communication? The team won't even know you have it.

    Being ds'ed, pallet stunned and then head on'd is toxic, but it's also punishment for tunnelling right? If the killer had gone for one of the other 3 people that exist in the game instead of the same person, it wouldn't happen. Even then, you only lose 9 seconds of a 10-15 minute game... 9 SECONDS.

    I never said dc from a particular killer or map, I said dc when you're getting tunnelled and you're going to lose progress anyway because everyone else except you has the chance to earn points. The only reason dc penalty applies if you're being tunnelled is because it's all formatted in one to save people disconnecting because they don't want to face spirit, because their friends have come online, killer has ruin etc. These are all absolutely pointless dc's and THAT would be an extremely unfair advantage to survivors as it would ruin the killer's game. But when it's the other way round and killer is ruining a survivor's game it just has to be accepted. I don't mean it in the sense of downing and hooking a survivor because it's the killer's job to do so, I'm talking about tunnelling and camping.

    There are toxic players both ends, but it's WAY more common to play a tunneller/camper than it is to face a 4 man swf team that can actually play well enough to obliterate you.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    A killer will never de-pip if they play too well because they only need 1 sacrifice to safety pip

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    So if each gen takes 80 seconds and there's 5 of them to do with finding them in between, let's say with multiple survivors doing gens at the same time, that's a bare minimum of 4 minutes solid without any interruption whatsoever, (6 and a half if each gen goes separately). That means the survivor looping also can't use certain resources because they constantly need to be in an area of the map where there is no gen being worked on. Some maps don't even have enough resources for that. Then on top of that you have to worry about killers like nurse, spirit, doctor, deathslinger, huntress and billy which in theory deduct from your ability to loop for obvious reasons. So if a survivor isn't able to play against all these different factors at once and gets caught then doesn't even get a chance to move again until they're dead, that makes them bad?

    Also if people don't take protection hits whilst you're being tunnelled and don't perform safe rescues is your own fault?

    Your comment didn't make much sense there.

    There's also a lot of bs and bugs in this game, besides favouriting killer connection. It's a regular occurrence to be hit through a pallet stun or 2-3 steps away from a window. I've even dropped shack pallet before and been downed past the middle of the shack near lockers while killer is still on the other side. How do you suppose you play against that? Or does that make you bad as well?

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    I'm literally not even going to bother replying any more, I've wasted a lot of time on this thread today talking to brick walls who clearly don't grasp the concept of what is trying to be said.

    It's ok for killers to cry about perks and get them nerfed on a constant basis and play toxic or however they like, but it's not ok for a survivor to do so. LOL.

    Summarises the mentality people are dealing with here.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I was going to do a typical Moundshroud and destroy you with the rhetorical hammer, taking each of your poorly thought out statements apart. Someone suggested the velvet glove. This is as close as I can get. There are two kinds of people, those that run into obstacles and redouble their efforts to find a way around them, and those who simply complain.

    There are those that OWN their failures in order to get better. Then there are those that blame anyone and everything else they can. Everyone runs into the same adversity you do, and most people manage to overcome it or at least face it with dignity. You should try that.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    I want to start off by saying how many hours in are you?

    When you first start playing dbd there is a lot to learn very quickly when you get into a chase. You're opening statement was corrupt intervention was up and you were crouching in the corner. I understand that you're relatively new but you need to start to learn the chase mechanics stat. No matter what your first chase with the killer is not tunnelled therefore it is your most important chase! You have no idea what the intentions of the other side are so don't ever feel like getting safely unhooked is a guarantee. It's not.

    My advice is to get used to going next. There is no shame to you whatsoever if you have been farmed/tunnelled without making it to any structure etc. You can't do anything until you're in position. Just go next. You're never going to get to change these players mentality regarding camping/tunnelling because there is no absolute incentive to chase another survivor. It is unlikely that BHVR will find a solution that isn't abusable and doesn't kill the spirit of the game.

    Good luck to you .

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    You are right you NEVER directly said it because you know it’s a joke of a premise. You simply IMPLY it.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Why doesn't he get the typical Moundshroud. That's not fkin fair.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Everyone in this thread understands you just fine. You just cannot seem to understand how ludicrously entitled you sound when you declare there is a way for Killers to play "properly", implying there is actually a wrong way to be a Killer.

    Then you double down on this premise by going on to state that anyone that does not play the way you want must therefore be bad.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    You do know that killers can still hear you even if your healthy right? Looks like they know how to play if they didn't need perks to detect you. Sounds like you failed to avoid the killer, failed to escape the chase, and now are bad mouthing the player because they prevented the team from saving you. Nobody is guaranteed three hooks and killers are there to eliminate survivors however they please.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The game is mostly designed around and caters to bad killers and it is only getting worse with every patch. Most of the killer perks reinforces it as well. Survivor nerfs over the years are all in relation to helping bad killers. Strong looping areas nerfed because killers can't change targets. Bloodlust was added to help bad killers with their looping. Slowgen perks are added to help killers that can't pressure a team and help them win and secure a 4K. Deadzones are in the game so they can easily get a kill. The devs completely ignore hitboxes and server issues that benefits killers. Pallets were nerfed and you can still get hit after dropping a pallet. Imagine the only defense a survivor has but that defense don't even work properly. EGC was added because they can't find survivors during the end game and to secure kills for finding the hatch. Killer perks that directly punish survivor for doing the objective and rewards the killer. Long-time killer meta perks are never nerfed (BBQ/Ruin/) regardless of how often they are used or how much they are abused, however survivor meta perks are always nerfed, even multiple and multiple times. The game is designed around bad killers and bad survivors don't stand a chance until they play the game for a really long time invest in perks that are detrimental to use for the most part and maybe to be lucky to have a good team against a bad killer that don't know how to play the game and exploit game mechanics and abuse perks to leverage a guaranteed 4K.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    see here is where you have it wrong, i was in a match with 3 other solos, we were green to high purple (7 or 8 if memory serves) we faced a red ranked killer I think rank 3 or 4. and we beat him, he got a few hooks, but we worked together without communication and to the point that the killer asked in chat after if we were a swf.... all four of us said nope not at all (no one was friends with each other on steam as this was before the dbd friends list) and the killer was amazed. you know what you need to do but do not need to communicate. sure using a diversion when there is ds is VERY hard to coordinate i'll grant you that but there are other things... like hey a totem, I'll get that, and if the others do too those totems are gone in no time and gens still move fast. paying attention to where the killer is is also another thing to do, and the meta doens't let you do that.

    it doesn't matter why you dc unless it is out of your control, if you use the out of match functionality you break the RULES of the game period end of statement. tunneling and camping are accepted strats and though not always viable are not against the rules. have I been tunneled to oblivion? yes... I one game got 2000 some odd point and I wasted an escape cake as well as two bloody party streamers for that match (i put the cake up and the killer and another put bps up. did I dc? nope I tried to get away but I just couldn't and it didn't help that i got left to second stage by my team. I didn't blame anyone for it teasingly chided my team for leaving me on hook lol but nothing bad. Again tunneling and camping is not toxic it's a strat that is allowed. that's the killer's choice to do that. meh i've been the lone survivor of a tunneling and camping killer I've also given the hatch to another as well in the same circumstances.

    You are incorrect, one sacrifice and that's it will not safety pip the killer. the safety pip does not move within a rank section (yellow/green/purple etc) but it slowly moves to the right on the emblem gauge. i believe in red ranks you need about 10 emblem points maybe 9, to safety pip. each emblem is 0-4 points (none/bronze/silver/gold/iri) so if you get just 1 sac you are not safety pipping at all... even if you get 2 gold emblems plus the one sac that's only going to be 7 points of a needed 9 or 10. still that assumes a lot.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    This. The issue is killers almost always have to play as effeciently as possible just to have a chance

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    Its fun to watch this thread.