DS nerf lets talk here

OK so you want you want ds nerfed you realize that is what makes solo survivors feel safe yes? Well no you dont if you did you would see that with the ds nerf that is incoming we will see alot more swfs. I ofc say this because i play trapper and when its a swf its a nightmare so gg to you guys you got us yes you did you did an amazing job lol. anyhow on topic gl to you killer mains that want to face nothing but swfs you will be sweating the rest of your days for asking for that ds nerf id rather them focus on fixing the swf issue then concering themselves with a perk you can easly avoid.
I solo and don't use DS. You're way over generalizing.
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Good for you and your luck i guess your one of the lucky few then in that case i hope karma turns on you for having that mindset and shows you the world you should actually be seeing
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yep i solo also and dont use DS, DS was way overrated by killer.
It rarely active and doesn't do anything other than prolong chase a bit
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Say your ranks before you comment saying you dont run ds lol atleast say that much
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I’m rank 1 and don’t have DS unlocked. Next argument?
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then your either lucky or you dont play solo and im going to go with you are the bottom of the ladder there so yea i just dont believe it r1 getting boosted red ranks doing 2-3 gens running the killer and gens not popping in the same time frame its ridiculous then again i am very unlucky so i wouldnt be surprised if thats all it is
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I’m purely solo my guy. Imagine thinking other people are bad because they don’t run meta perks.
However many excuses you want to make, it’s just on you. DS doesn’t seem like a fun perk. No reason for me to run unfun perks in a game I have fun in.
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wth i ranked one and even already played 1k hours++ bought it since first released and when infinite loops still things and dsed just need to do wiggle. your point ? rank is everything eh ?
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As a solo player, I only use DS in a Head On build, otherwise I've never really felt the need to run it.
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Im solo only too, because none of my friends play DBD anymore.
And I also never run DS.
In my opinion its reasonable to use it in high ranks (20-10) because killers dont know the game and are more likely to tunnel and camp.
And its reasonable to use it in an SWF agressively.
Other the that ( red ranks solo) you just dont need it.
I get rarely camped and if I get tunneled BT is enough to run the killer for such a long time it isnt worth for him to tunnel.
You know who needs DS in red ranks? The weak link. The person who does not know how to run away and just does gens quickly. The person the killer SHOULD go after because its the right choice.
Why get looped by a good survivor if the gen jockey goes down in 10 seconds? If hes out of the way the game gets far easier.
So im a guy that wont go down in 10 seconds and therefore I didnt need DS. I focus on winning chases and not on getting tunneled.
And its totally doable exept you go against a Great nurse or spirit.
Sure I have a game where the killer tunnels me out of the game kinda early, but thats on me getting outplayed.
This change could move many survivors back to green ranks where they belong.
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I have played DBD for over 3000 hours+ across multiple platforms and I have never used decisive strike even once in a public match. it is and has been an unfair and unfun perk since its release, even with all the changes to it.
Post edited by Mandy on1 -
I literally read this and was like "This person thinks they know what they're talking about". First off, what's tunneling? Tunneling is when you stop at nothing to make sure someone is out of the game. So, by the definition of tunneling (and ds being an anti-tunnel perk), nothing has changed about the perk. All that has happened is they have taken out the abusive side that the SWF GROUPS HAVE BEEN ABUSING (and the toxic players have been abusing). So ggs as you have said.
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I feel generally, it's really good. However, the healing seems sketchy.
Honestly, it should be only healing yourself.
Just: It's a stealth killer, you wait a sec to decide if you want them to heal you to wait if they come.
Sneaky sneak Ghosty is just watching from a distance waiting for you to heal a bit. Then he strikes.
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When another survivor heals you, it doesnt deactivate.
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So i see here many people who run no ds. So i want to give some input, bc i use ds almost every match on red rank.
The changes dont affect me. So i will still use DS after the change. I use ds bc i dont want to be tunneled or farmed from my teammates. When i do other actions, i dont need ds anymore.
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- Survivor gets unhooked in the terror radius of the killer
- Killer comes back, because he knows exactly where two survivors are
- DS still works for you if being tunneled
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
It will still protect against genuine tunnelling, and prevents trolling and bullying with DS.
End of discussion.
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I have no problem with the proposed change to DS and this is as a solo player. It's still going to help against tunneling killers but it's not going to give that 1 minute of invincibility of being able to do whatever they like, which is completely unhealthy for the game.
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Another killer main who thinks every SWF is a sweat squad. You know people like to play with their friends, right?
Anyway, regarding DS, you're either gonna get hit by it a lot less, or your matches are gonna slow down because someone badly wants to hit you with it. As long as you target the survivors doing gens - as you should be - this change will not be a problem.
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The counter to the current DS is slugging, the survivor isn't invincible. Unless they have unbreakable, another survivor would have to come to pick them up. Should the killer slug and then proceed to chase another survivor, that's potentionally 3 survivors not doing gens because someone has to go pick up the slugged survivor. Rank 1 killers typically play smart when it comes to a possible DS. I guess it's too much to ask for rank 20 killers.
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DS is a good perk for antitunniling, the current presumed nerf i think is a bit too much but if you would get in a locker or stay on a gen in the killers terror radius it would deactivate basically
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this is exactly why i stopped doing ds on red ranks. rarely activated and killer just slug you out, yep thats hard concept for that rank 20 killer
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Putting aside everything else, I just want to point out how hilarious it is to have a defense of "It makes us feels safe" in a game where you should NEVER feel safe as survivor because you're being hunted by a literal murderer