Criticism Vs Slander

Constructive and harsh criticism does not equal slanderous comments. If you (the developers of this game) cannot handle constructive criticism and label it as harmful ranting, then there is a clear problem within your team. If someone is just going out of their way to be hurtful, then yes, you can silence them, but if someone is giving direct feedback to your game, it is not slanderous. Respect between the community and team is earned, not handed out.
Have you read some of the things people write about the developers of this game?
The community is just as much to blame as the developers as to why we can't have nice things.
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Constructive criticism is always welcome and is never silenced, contrary to popular belief!
If you are speaking specifically about the forums, I can definitely tell you that the only posts that are deleted or removed and/or warnings etc given out are the ones that are breaking our forum rules.
The current front page of the forum is pretty much proof of that as well, there's positive and native comments clearly visible - but insults etc are dealt with and removed.
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Don’t want to name anyone in particular but after some pretty bad balancing decisions people decided to attack them personally instead of attack the choices they were making.
This community can be brutal hence why the devs are so scared to communicate with us
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On the other hand, the devs often come across as
'people are pointing out things that make the game genuinely frustrating to play, driving people away, let's make fun of that'
'people are almost begging for certain (basic) features/fixes and are getting frustrated that we appear to not even acknowledge that. let's not tell them we are working on it and instead let them get (rightfully) angry cause we come across as aloof'
The colourblind mode is a good example. It's something that should be shared to the community, even if nothing really comes of it. The idea to withhold information like that because 'people would get angry/disappointed if it then doesn't happen' (this is what it seems like) boggles the mind when not saying anything gets people just as angry/disappointed.
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Honestly I can't blame the devs for this. I really do feel bad for the mods hence they're just doing what they've been told to do by the devs or others, and they are getting the bitter end of it. SOme of the Devs choices have been questionable and sometimes unacceptable but that doesn't mean you should attack them for it
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I disagree. Announcing something creates the expectation that it will be completed. Providing half-assed announcements about things that may or may not be completed is not managing expectations appropriately.
As I stated earlier, I believe the devs are just as deserving of blame. However, the issue isn't that they aren't working with the community, it's that they take too long to make changes and don't always provide rationale behind their changes. This creates the perception that they don't care enough about the game.
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I'd argue the 'it takes too long' and 'they should tell us some things ahead of time' can work together when they'd announce something the moment it is more or less something concrete. Pragmatically speaking they ARE doing that with the map updates, and it might help a lot if they'd give us more sneakpeeks of things they have nearly done.
And I'd still say that with features such as the colourblind mode they should have said 'we are def working on it, but it'll take time' before, instead of coming across as pretty dismissive towards it.
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There’s a significant difference between criticism and defamation (libel is written and slander is spoken).
Okay so then someone writes about how much of a douche they think I am because they dislike my comment.. another person may respond by saying they’re being a bit harsh since they think it’s possible I’m just a bit of a stickler with good intentions and maybe they even suggest to me that I ease up and recommend a different approach because it can be off-putting.
There’s a mix of opinions and corrective criticism. I may feel insulted but no false claims were made that damaged my reputation. If insults continue it becomes harassment.
This is a forum with rules and moderators that have the right to censor, remove, or ban. I’ve been warned before for self-censoring curse words with asterisks because I was ignorant but the mod was really nice about it as they’ve always been. To be honest I’m not even sure if the word douche is allowed so it would be a little funny if I got the boot but it’s all good.
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Almo was a little bit disrespectful, that was it. Yet people are absolutely slamming him, saying incredibly awful things, demanding he be fired and other nonsense and screeching like little brats and it's like my god people....
I mean the hypocrisy in the community is hilarious, they can dish it out but if anyone can't take anything back- it's those members of the community; not BHVR.
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Yep almo got completely shafted by the community because he mad 1-2 kinda bad statement( in my opinion he was right about clown) but that’s absolutely no reason to completely disrespect him as a person.
I mean this was the same person who probably brought us blight and oni two fan favourite killers but nobody ever comments on that because that’s positivity and we can’t have that here
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All the discussions of constructive feedback versus slander or libel, etc. are entirely beside the point. I love it when people dabble in being legal eagles, but there is something else going on here that makes such things irrelevant here. This Forum is the exclusive property of the company who set it up. To get in and post here you had to agree to their terms of behavior. Said terms also grant them the right to remove any post they see fit, whether it meets any legal criteria for slander or libel or not. They can remove it just because they feel like it.
Are they doing that? No, of course not. The Mods here are extremely even-handed. I'm merely pointing out that all this lofty talk about what can and cannot be said is moot. Nobody is censoring anyone because this isn't really a "public" forum. It doesn't belong to the general public. You can go and say whatever you want on an actual public forum (although they are few and far between), or you can host your own forum and set your own rules. This is a private club, albeit one they don't make that difficult to get into.
So, let me give you my best legal eagle closing and sum this up. You are wasting your breath when you talk about what they can and cannot do. You are are wasting your passion and energy, misdirecting it if you think that free of speech rights are being fought over on this battlefield. Surely, with all this energy one could be fighting for free speech and "actual" causes that matter rather than pretending to be self-righteous over a video game that you "choose" to play, and have already agreed to all its terms (as well as the ones for this forum).
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Highly Agree
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This post was not directed at Almo, and I don't believe that he should be fired. I am happy with the team of this game, they are some of the coolest devs out there, but all I was saying is that there is a difference between direct and sometimes harsh criticism and slander, that's all, and, just like Mandy says, the team is open to criticism
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constructive critisim is not "You made a ######### game" it would be "your game is bad, but if you change a,b,c and d it might get better" if you sure it's not slander/libel to say "you made a ######### game" as this is only an opinion, but if you start saying things that were never promised, and that the devs broke these promises..... you could be delving into slander/libel. look up the definitions, they have always accepted feedback and over looked people that decided to be vulgar.
I have not always supported all changes by the devs, but I do my best to say hey, here is what i don't like, and some ideas on how to potentially bring things back into good graces. and even when i'm being torn down by people on here i don't resort to true name calling, i might say something that was said was idiotic or that someone's actions were idiotic. but you will find there is a fine line I do not cross. you are attacking them for some action you disagree with. fact is here on their forums they have complete control, and can delete comments or ban people at will.