DC bans shouldn't be allowed

terribledev Member Posts: 1
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The fact I paid money I worked for and I can't play a game without either losing connection or leaving because the game is flooded with cheatera, and get banned from it, should be illegal.

If you're going to include DC bans. At least fix them and lower the price of the game. It's almost straight up fraud

Post edited by Mandy on


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    I still don't see why some people have this level of entitlement.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    It's definitely frustrating to get a penalty for disconnecting even if it wasn't your fault, but you have to understand that there is more intentional DC's than not, so they need to have this feature to cater to the majority.

    I remember when I had satellite internet in the past, boy oh boy was getting a penalty every single match fun. I eventually just stopped playing anything online until we switched back to cable lol

  • GravyRobbers85
    GravyRobbers85 Member Posts: 69

    I'm just tired of getting hit with DC bans for the game crashing. It's given me an upwards of 20 minutes when the crashing at the start of the trial was a lot more frequent. I can't tell you how many items and offerings I've lost because of it.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Thing is if you experience a lot of game crash or connection lost, it's definitly a problem coming from your PC or console or Internet and not the game.

    The only ever crash i experience while playing is a EAC verify your files after every update. What do i do ? I download the update and before launching the game i verify my games. This way i treat the problem before it happens.

    So technical issues have to be fixed on your side.

    BUT DCing because of "cheaters", isn't acceptable. If you suspect a cheat : open OBS or Nvdia and record it so you can send a ticket to the support.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all, if you "leave because the game is flooded with cheatera" you deserve it, 100% and because people like you abused this making it neigh impossible to get a good game because you didn't like how the killer played, or what map the killer played or you think they used cheats without proof made it so that those who have internet issues have to deal with the penalties. so I have no sympathy for you or anyone like you because you caused the issue that predicated the disconect penalties. Now you alone did not cause it I will admit but it is you and people like you that caused it. So buckle up buttercup (as ash would say) and enjoy the ride because it's of your own making.

    BTW you did not pay for the game, you paid for the ability to play it. if you were to do anything against your platform's ToS or DBD's rules and ToS, they have the right to remove your ability to play the game temporarily OR permanently without refund. you agreed to your platform's ToS when you agreed to their terms to play anything and operate the console, and when you start dbd on first install, you end up agreeing to dbd's. now do you wish to say more?

    then investigate as to why the game is crashing. it doesn't crash on me very often at all. I don't know your platform but there are things you can do to verify your files, check your internet stability and make it not crash. just because it crashes doesn't mean that it was the program's fault,it could be your console or pc that isn't doing things right.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    If you want to play the game play it instead of quitting maybe... either way lolololol -.- nah seriously dont be silly mate it's there to stop you ruining other people's fun who also paid money and time etc.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    “I wanna ruin as many games for other players as possible by leaving the game whenever I want without penalty”

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Of course it would be best if it was possible to determine with 100% certainty when a disconnect was intentional and when it wasn't, but that's not the case.

    So that leaves you with two options basically.

    1. A system that actually does something but will lead to some "collateral damage" in cases of connection hiccups or crashes.
    2. A system that gives the benefit of the doubt and is wide open for abuse.

    If you let connection time-outs dodge a DC penalty for example people WILL disconnect their internet on purpose, either by reconnecting for a software method or the good old ethernet cord yank for a hardware method. And with the sheer volume of disconnecting leading up to the systems implementation in DBD it was obvious that a system with a chance to actually do something was needed.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    DCing is unacceptable in any online team/vs game.

    It absolutely should be allowed and if you are DC'ing enough to get banned you deserve it. Good riddance.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Ummmm... no. There are terms to playing the game, which you agreed to, and they are crystal clear about what the company can (and will) do. If you have connection issues, fix them.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,944

    "flooded with cheaters" sorry but that's incorrect

    "straight up fraud" - I suggest reading the EULA that you signed up to initially to play the game, that will explain why this statement is so completely inaccurate.

    DC penalties are definitely needed to stop people from quitting out of games when something happens they personally don't like, and then spoiling the game for the other 4 players in a match. This is an online game, and when you enter that lobby, you are committing to playing that match - simple way to avoid a DC ban, is just not to DC. There are rare instances where you'll be bugged so that you can no longer continue a match etc, but the DC penalty starts low for this reason.

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