The Coward's Way Out (Suicide on the Hook)



  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    thats another mistake your making, yes it can be the killers job to kill you, but you dont have to...its all choice. I'm not saying that all killers should stop killing but it remains a choice, and for what its worth...there is a differnce between playing a killer or just destroy the entire purpose of a game by making sure that except for the one gets to do anything...and you can continue with your trying to get under my skin and make me feel bad about my choise on how i choose to play or not play this it for some one who gives a rats ass. If you cants agree on the fact that the problem starts with the killer who just doesn't care for a fun game for all, then there is no getting trough to you....if you as a killer playes a fair and fun game and kills me in the problemo, but downing all survivors within the first few min, is not a game that we play. No mather how much you dislike it!!

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited February 2021

    How are old are you? Seriously? I'm not trying to make you feel bad; you joined this thread. Or did you forget that. This game has people who try to kill and try to survive. It is right there in their role names. That is the ONLY game, i.e. the objective. If you give up, like a little coward, every time things don't go your way, you are rewarding the KILLER. What do you not get about that? So even if we use your insane logic and say the Killer is at fault, why are you punishing the other Survivors? :)

    If I am the Killer, I'm going to kill you. I will use whatever legal tactic the game allows if a specific match calls for it. By definition, if it is legal, valid strategy, it is playing fair. So far, YOU are the only person advocating a behavior which violates the agreement we all make to come play. Disconnecting is a ban-worthy offense. Suicide on the hook is legal and valid, but it is also the selfish, coward's way out. I agree you CAN make that choice. Just don't try to pretend it is anything OTHER than what it is...

  • rhys17
    rhys17 Member Posts: 25

    well tbh I'm not for suiciding but if I'm in a game and say I get chased for the first three minutes of a match and not a single gen gets done and if i get put on hook and nobody is working on a gen after me running the killer about for a few minutes then I'm just going to call it quits because so much time has went on and the game has barely progressed so its just a waste of time, I can understand if you are new to the game but I would just like it if teammates could just be productive during the time that I get chased

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This frustration I can understand completely. I've been in this position too, but I still stick it out. Why? The current matching system is a nightmare. I have no way of knowing if they are experienced players or potatoes. Everyone started out ignorant in this game and the only way they got better was by playing the game and getting practice. I consider my two minutes on the hook to be what I give back to the community, time resources put forward so whomever can get some practice and hopefully get better so I run into the idiot behavior less. I have no doubt that when I got started I was the potato being cursed by the guy/gal on the hook. We caused the same misery when we got started, so I figure we also have to pay our dues.

    That being said, it is rather annoying to find out later that said morons were Red Ranks like me, but that is still beside the point. I don't know what level my fellow Survivors are so I give them the benefit of the doubt and donate that two minutes of my time because I might need someone else to give me that two minutes in a match later when I'm the one desperately trying to finish a Generator. I think the rather unique, asymmetrical design of DbD is part of the disconnect. Most video games are entirely ME-centric, i.e. you care only about yourself and don't really have to rely on others. Even those that do require teamwork, tend to be symmetrical. This means you still have a lot of leeway to play your own game and ignore your team. Some of that weight has been mitigated by even-matchmaking. Dead by Daylight doesn't do that. You are chained to your fellow Survivors and they do hold your life in their hands, just as you have them by the short hairs too. It takes a certain maturity to accept this change and embrace it to win.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    you keep trying to make it about how you screw your team....there is no screwing from our part when a killer is not letting anyone play the game. and yes, you are trying to make this about how a survivor should feel if he does that. Point is, we are never gonna agree, and lots of survivors are doing excactly the one thing that they can do when they play a game that is not there for there fun.

    a good killer should know that he can make or break a game for all players, and that were the problems start....killers who just dont care if we all have fun, a good chase, maybe some gens and totems....then we love to die screaming.

    i guess we are both missing the point here, a good game is a good game and there would not be a reason to leave or quit, but we are talking about the games that are just not fun for survivors ALL OF THEM, and only fun for a killer....or fun? I cant understand what the fun is in playing like that...

    But behaviour in all sorts for killers is good and even protected by devs and mod's....but when a survivor does the one thing he can do to not make this game more misserable for himself then he is a cowward who screws his team....go figure

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    I don’t know if I have said this before here, but I’m not hanging around on a basement hook as bait for insidious Bubba. I’m also not hanging around against a rank 1 Huntress using iri hatchets. I honestly don’t care if people think this is selfish or not.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2021

    Well, I'll be honest with you. If I'm killing myself on hook, its because I've got very good reason to. The intent is never to punish the killer, because it does nothing for them or very little. Its to punish the teammates you're paired with.

    If I'm the guy who led the killer on a 3 minute chase, did 2 gens and 2 hexes, and I get hooked. Only to see 3 mates stealthing/running around, not doing gens, dive bombing and speeding up killer's sacrifices, why would I want to reward them with my help? It may be a dick move, but when you're the only one doing something right and you got 3 bozos on your team doing everything wrong, why would you stay? I don't need a 'free tutorial', I can learn more on a team of good survivors/teammates than I can on a bad team. I'd rather leave, get into a new match with hopefully better teammates/players and move on as fast as possible.

    This isn't something too common, but know when you're the killer and you see a survivor kill themselves, there MAY be good reason for it.

    I'm not on a 4 person team to carry the other 3, and I also don't want them getting rewarded for a 'carry' when they didn't do jack all, the entire match leading up to that point. Of course there are people who are just salty or kill themselves based on the killer they're facing but personally, when I rarely ever do it, its because of my teammate quality and the stupidest things they do. I'm not here to hold your hand and bring you to the EG, if you don't want to contribute and put in effort to help your team get there altogether, then don't be surprised if the person says 'screw this, I'm outta here'.

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    What if the killer is facecamping? The game is already over so why not get this over with?

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Be careful not to get too general. If I went against iri head huntress, I am 100% sure that I would kill myself on hook, along with all of my teammates. Hell, I'll take the 5 minute ban.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,780

    This topic really needs the MASH theme song.