What are these hits since 4.5.0 ?

It is seriously impossible to not get hit at loops since the midchapter patch. After playing 5 games me and my friends got so many unlegit hits where the killer was like 10 meters away and the weapon didnt even came close to our player models that we had to take a break. I mean hits used to look strange ever since the dedicated servers went live but this is a different level.
Is anyone else witnessing this? I am really disappointed by this patch. We got so many changes that made the game feel like a bad mobile game and as a veteran player with thousands of hours i lose like the last spark of hope right now.
I had the same problem on the 4.5.0 PTB, and have had some questionable hits since installing the update, but not enough to make a full judgement yet on whether they're worse than before. I wouldn't be surprised if they are though considering the PTB.
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I got a pallet dropped on me and just teleported across it for an easy bit. Enduring is the new meta for sure.
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Me and a friend got the same. I saw the weapon of the killer all the way to the ground, the Nurse was in cooldown, and then she got hit. That was one bs hit.
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Literally everytime the killer "hits" me is when their swinging animation has ended.
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Bro when I played killer I got teleported on the other side of a pallet when I got hit then I switch to survivor and see a billy hit me though a truck on pre school.
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Oni smacks the floor downstairs survivor goes down upstairs. Nurse hits the wall with a "cling" sound and a survivor gets hurt what looked like 10 meters from her.
Apparently killers don't even have to catch you to score hits these days lol.
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Same, played 5 games, in most of them i got illegitimate hits, loops not working and when i get hit its AFTER the killer animation has ended... they really did a poor job on animation for this patch.. maybe a rollout?
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Must be the hit validation ######### up hits.
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Yup, just played against a Freddy that was hitting from even further than his normal lunge. No Coup de Grace either. Just complete nonsense 10 metre hits.
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Seeing the same thing. Hit validation is wonky af right now.
Just had a Huntress cleave at air around a corner but I somehow got hit?
If Mandy comes in here and says 'nothing has changed in terms of hit validation', we'll all know its BS. People are bringing this up because were noticing this in OUR matches, we see it with OUR own eyes Mandy. You can claim nothing has changed, but either you're lying to us or you haven't played a game yet.
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been happening to me too. had 5 hits today where the entire whiff sound effect played, and i still got hit. was also like 5 meters away from the killer
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If you see a Nurse go immediately into fatigue after a blink, its a false fatigue. She is really in her blink window. Its a visual glitch.