Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

General feedback/thoughts on 4.5.0

Member Posts: 21
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

The new survivor animations are fine, apart from the running animation while injured. It still doesn't look like a survivor is injured, just like they're holding their side. It would look better if they limped or something while running. They still look a little too upright while standing still, but maybe that's just something to get used to...

New UI is not good. The generator icon does not look good at the top centre. I don't like the new hook counter, I don't feel as though I need it and I'd rather turn it off, feels quite distracting. The survivor portraits aren't good, I'd rather have the 'adept achievement' icons, they'd fit in better aesthetically with the dying icon and the gen icon. The game instructions feel a bit unnecesary too, seeing "Stop the survivors escaping" ... what else was I supposed to do?

Graphic updates are nice, but the Crotus Prenn map, it's very hard to distinguish between the foreground the background outside, and it really messes me up. I was playing Huntress and and I genuinely couldn't tell where the background was because everything just blended in, and it ruined some snipes I was going for.

Open-Handed hasn't been updated? Not sure why.


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  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,579

    Thank you for your clear feedback.

  • Member Posts: 139

    Fast walk looks like you wade throught swamp.

  • Member Posts: 372

    I knew the UI looked like it would obstruct FOV, but its actually a bit straining to have my eyes darting to the corners as often as they do while still trying to scan. Im sure you guys have heard enough about UI at this point, but it doesn't change the fact that this is not a playable system

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021

    So, just played my first game with the update. I've got to say, I like most of what is going on. The animations feel more alive and more smooth, and I do like the injured walking/running animation - I do agree, however, that a limp or something needs to be added to enhance it. The HUD change is nice and I don't hate it's location. I do think the portrait aspect would look nicer if the portraits were drawn or so.ilar to what people have designed instead of just the character's face. I do think the points notification should be moved since everything is scattered across the screen now. In general, I like this update and hope the little things can be adjusted to make it better.

    EDIT: To add, I think the font size is way too small. I can't barely see any of the symbols and fonts on the new HUD.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    I would like to add 2 things, Clown music as Killer is too loud, I know there is supposed to be music to help Survivors escape but I couldnt even hear Injured Survivors clearly (they were not using Iron Will) also is extremely unpleasant to hear, Killer shouldnt be annoyed by his own chase music, the Survivors maybe since it adds to the confusion of being chased.

    Second, the Antidote effect also adds a background noise, while not being as unnerving as the chase music it does muffle a lot of sounds like generator progress at a certain distance where I should be hearing if it wasnt for the sound effect.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Which genius designed the new injuryed and standing movements? I really want to hit him.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Further feedback: when getting hooked, the camera moves down instead of up - assuming this is a bug? If not, needs to be changed so that the camera moves up, don't want to be looking at survivor's feet :)

    This might just be my HUD scaling but both the font and the health bar look way too thin/small, it's quite hard to tell how close someone is to getting into stage 2 of the hook phase when looking at the health bar.

  • Member Posts: 6

    I'm fine with the new survivor animations but something needs to be done about the running when injured animation. Honestly they look like they need the bathroom or like a robot and not like their injured. The HUD's okay, it's just very distracting looking around the screen instead of it all being in one corner so I can glance at it instead of looking around the screen between the survivors icons and items.

  • Member Posts: 19

    New In game HUD is horrible and should not have been changed as much as it was I'm used to being able to look at the bottom left to get all the info now I have to look top left top middle and bottom left to see how many hatchets/bottles/traps I have left it's annoying to have to do that the game doesn't feel right especially with the new survivor animations the game really just feels like a bad mobile game. The new graphics and map updates are great although it's hard to fail at that overall this "update" feels like an all around downgrade

  • Member Posts: 6

    The new HUD is horrible, I shouldn't have to look around my whole screen for my information, feels like a mobile game.

    The survivor animation is so so bad, it feels like I'm playing an alpha for a game, plus you can't 360 anymore, the movement in so janky and weird.

    With this change too, the hit boxes are completely broken, survivors are getting hit from 6ft away.

    Ive been playing for 4 years and this update has actually made me want to stop playing the game.

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