The update is great!

- Banning modders/cheaters, these are the exploiters long time coming seeing them removed.
- UI looks great!
- No slow down and everything in game seems perfect
- Graphical updated maps look fantastic well done team
We know this is you Mathieu
68 -
Worst update in gaming history...easily.
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you don't know much about gaming history do you?
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Patch 1.9.2 is still my top pick for worst DBD update.
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What happened then? And honestly I think players should be grateful because DBD back then, you couldn't do ######### as a killer, gen progression, and such you couldn't stop
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DBD devs trying to gas light us, not falling for it, if you played more than 25 hours you know the UI and animations are trash.
8 -
Easily the worst dbd update.
Survivor is unplayable. HUD and animations are atrocious. The nicest word i found.
I forgot! The hitboxes are bigger, you can't even loop anymore.
12 -
weird a lot of bhvr i strongly disagree with like the battlepass cash grab and expensive cosmetics but this update is fantastic.
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Even though this update has a lot of bad in it... gaming history... lol? trust me when I say there has been far worse.
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Honestly,i'd rather play 1.9.2 than this update.
That one won't kill my eyes or give me headaches because of it at the very least
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is that the flashighls and palet saves without timing? do i remember it correct?
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I don't know who is most responsible for this update but would be u fired at my company.
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I think the opposite promote that guy i also brought a few outfits to support bhvr they are definitely improving this game.
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Killer main spotted! Do u honestly prefer getting survivors because of lagswitch or by ur own means? Seems like you want the stuff getting handed to you on a silver platter.
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I love you irony
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'2. UI looks great!'
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Yes. They removed the timing required to pallet stun or flashlight stun the killer during the pick up animation. It made saves very easy. Almost impossible to lose. It was a terrible time to play killer. If someone was downed under a pallet you slugged. You needed like 8 seconds of uninterrupted time to pick them up and get away from the pallet before their friends stunned you. I picked up someone, somebody dropped the pallet, took off running and once the animation finished then I got hit with a stun. If you saw 4 flashlights you lobby dodged or your brought franklins. If you downed someone and there wasn't a nearby wall to face. You didn't pick them up. That patch was the worst for me and the worst part about it was the devs were the people who thought it was a QoL change. That was the day I lost faith in BHVR. It was so bad they reverted it. Think about that. They removed a patch from the game. All that work they put into it and they took it out once they realized how harmful it was to the game. Any other time the community doesn't like a patch they nerf something else to try to mitigate the dmg. Like when they nerfed toolboxes a month after they gutted ruin. Or they say "tough #########. We worked on it and it's here to stay". God forbid if they admit the community was right on this one and they made a mistake.
They still threw that patch away. That's how you know they F@#$ed up.
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I love ur baits.
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They can not lag switch you communicate to a server and so do they that is controlled by bhvr so they can no longer lag switch as the server says what happens not the killer.
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I agree. I love everything so far.
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they can, but not in a way like it used to be
hit validation barely works, it hasn't changed a lot
tbh i feel like ghost hits became more common after the hit validation update
and no its a latency problem, i live right next to the servers
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I only agree with 4.
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What was 1.9.2? I can't remember.
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It was around the first lunar new year event where the devs thought that removing the correct timing needed for a flashlight and pallet save was a great idea
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oh wow i remember it by like year not actual patches you must be really into dbd lol
The timing only changed this patch though?
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I honestly think so too. I just hope that in the future they let us change some hud elements like textures. What' the harm? I just find the colour portraits distracting and hook timers hard to notice for now.
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Banning modders? What? You don't mean the custom icons not working anymore, do you? That wasn't cheating. People just changed how perk and item icons looked. It was purely cosmetic and didn't affect gameplay at all.
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I never thought I would say this... but I agree. As crazy as it sounds, I would rather play 1.9.2 than this new one. At least it did not hurt your eyes and had a nice event.
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As far as i know,yes
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I dont really get the hate i have played it all day and had no issues and asked people in end game chat and most people are very positive (pc) obviously console users i cant talk too.
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So I’ve had about 5 games now, all as survivor soloq. I understand what some people are talking about, animations and hud problems etc. But so far I too have not been having much problems.
For context I play on Switch Lite
The pluses so far:
(1) Game runs much smoother. No frame drops that I’ve seen. Even went against a Freddy and nightmare realm was ok.
(2) Lighting looks better, game looks more crisp. I can see in front of me now. So far haven’t got stuck on invisible debris. My eyes used to hurt from having to squint to see in very dark environs like midwich. Now my eyes don’t hurt.
(3) Hitboxes are the same for me, bad. But I’ve always had bad ping. For some reason my ping is slightly better now, and I think the hits feel more fair too. But they’re still pretty bad.
(4) The hud gives more information. I like being able to tell which survivor is on my team and their hook states. I definitely understand that many people see this as a step backward and an eyesore(literally). And I can understand that. I personally don’t mind and appreciate more information but I can see where other people are coming from. And to be fair, I AM playing DBD as a mobile game.
(5) Some animations I like. They look better from the back of the survivor. The healthy running animation is fine with me. The crawling one is ok with me too.
(1) The standing animation IS really weird. It DOES look like Goku or something. I freaked out when I saw a shirtless David walking toward me.
(2) The injured running animation is weird, I agree with most people. I’m not sure I mind that much though. I like the higher frequency of footsteps. Seems more urgent.
(3) Father Campbell’s chapel looks more like a war zone. Just nitpicking here since I much prefer being able to see well on it.
(4) I’m back to playing survivor since queue times are ok again and it is worse than I remember.
So all in all, after a handful of games this update seems ok with me. I’m not dismissing other peoples’ experiences with it, just giving my own experience so far on the Switch Lite.
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Thankyou for your very informative write up
I dont get paid its just my love and passion for the game driving me i also hate civ 5 so
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really whats in that one?
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In that patch the timing for Pallet stuns and Flashlight saves was "fixed" (removed), so potato Blendette could stun you not worring about the timing, you would finish the pick up animation and then you would drop the Survivor...
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Patch 1.9.2 was released alongside the Howling Grounds event back on 2018. They decided to "fix" flashlight and pallet saves... by making them guaranteed! If you managed to blind or stun a killer he would drop the survivor, no matter the timing. And because of that, a "flashlight squad" was a death sentence and made the event almost unplayable for killers.
And, despite all of that, I would rather play it than this one with new UI.
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oh ok i was around then i cant remember the backlash but maybe im wrong. But why is that better than this update where they improved the UI, maps animations that were always janky before?
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the devs really deserve our praise thanks for all your hard work <3