Im missing old clown :'(
Im a survivor main, playing killer sometimes, im green rank killer and im ok with only two killers : legion and clown.
I was so excited for clown update but now im feeling disappointed...
First the new bottle : the speed boost effect is not that great and it takes sooo long to activate, between 3 and 4 secondes. Im asking why the new bottle turn white to yellow but the first one is activated immediatly ? The white gas should be removed and turn yellow immediatly. And why survivors can get the speed boost ? I really dont understand the point. And why bottles share the same charges ?
Second the addons rework : one addon was my favorite, the one that makes survivors exhausted a true powerful addon. Now it doesnt exist anymore. New ones, they are not that great, except aura reading one. Whats the point of switching colors if the second bottle takes time to activate ? Too easy to read for survivors and 0 trick...
Yes, maybe im not that great at killer, yes maybe i dont know how to use new bottle correctly. But I feel like I dont want to play clown anymore, im missing the old one already...
Is there clown mains here feeling the same ? Or some people who can give me tips ?
For me now it feels like more a nerf than a buff.
RIP mister puddles, it was a great time with you.
PS : sorry for my poor english
Edit : Im amused by people who dont play clown at all, maybe who dont play killer at all tried to tell me to just use pink bottle and pouf ! Old clown is back. Dont speak if you dont know anything, its useless, like your comments.
All they did was add a new bottle type, old Clown is literally still there except now he reloads faster. Just... Don't use the other bottle. Boom, old Clown.
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clown literally only got buffs the ONLY thing nerfed about him is the exhaustion addon being removed.
if you are having trouble playing clown i suggest playing more clown or just killer in general.
even if sonic tonic turns out completely useless which is almost impossible he still only got buffs really.
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Clown is still the same except for the antidote effect and new add ons. If anything he got a bit better but question how do you play clown?
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Literally what I said in my day 1 conclusions of this update
Clowns new bottles are negligible a 10%increase to movement speed after 2.5s in Scots video talking about 110vs 115 killers that movement was a .8s difference in about 12s so if we take that difference and double it you are saving about 10 m in all four bottels (10 is an estament because the time it lasts )then you have to reload so you lose all that distance you just put all 4 bottels into
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Its not that simple...
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the real problem is that now, with the bad new power, they are not going to rework him anymore, and proper buffs are almost impossible now.
clown will now be forever bad... they cant really speed up reload anymore,and the yellow bottles dont have much potential without completely breaking the game
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they still have uses in a chase, while long distance use isn't good it the speed difference can be used to get hits and slightly catch up to survivor.
it's like having two stacks of PWYF but only when you need it to land hits.
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You don't use them to travel places. You have to use them in chase. I caught up to people across the map in a matter of seconds because I would throw the bottle 3 seconds ahead of time, and I would be throwing pinks at them. There was nothing they could do.
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Maybe next mid chapter, like they did with some killers, i hope so..
*cry in mister puddles tears*
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But if the devs like his pink bottles because they do good at anti loop then what's the point of his yellow ones
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Believe me his new power isn't bad, but after 8 hours of play today. I thought it was going to be bad, but it's actually extremely good. It closes gaps super quickly with duration addons.
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And the slow down is like 3 stacks but it for slowing survivors then why would I ever use the pink if the yellow is just worse
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Closing gaps super quickly in between loops. Mainly against the hold w gamers.
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I can play many other killers and do that better blight nurse huntress deathslinger oni Billy
His speed bottles are useless change my mind
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I will post a gameplay if you would like. Just to see how useful they are.
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Ok I'm starting another match so I may not respond instantly
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combine them you get nearly twice the speed for catching up to survivors.
invigorated lasts longer than tonic by nearly 2x so say your approaching a loop you might want to use sonic tonic first and then as your speeding to the survivor use tonic to slow them even more. (you can use sonic tonic this way because of it's delayed activation.)
it's not that it is worse it is just harder to use effectively, people need to not see the total distance gained in meters and focus on how much you gain on a survivor as small increases are useful as seen with bloodlust. while it's true that it is 1/3 less effective in gaining distance in terms of speed the extra duration means over time it is more distance then using tonic but obviously you should use both.
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It's fine I most likely will post it tomorrow or later tonight.
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Clown has gotten a massive buff. First of all, he reloads faster. The new bottle is actually extremely potent, but it has a steep learning curve. In a way, the new Clown is a lot like Nurse; his power is complex and requires pinpoint timing and planning, but once you master it you are going to be an absolute MONSTER. The loss of the Exhaustion Add-On was worth faster reloads alone. If you have any doubts, watch Otz play around with the new Clown. He uploaded a video of it during the playtest to demonstrate how to use it. I tried it too, and it works.
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yes it is.
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There is very, very little reason to use a 10% speed boost over a 20% bleach slowdown. You can throw it max range ahead of yourself and enjoy a mediocre speed boost without addons.
The only buff I enjoy is his reload speed. But it is almost countered by how the bottles don’t instantly break anymore. It can take a second to work, which is critical. I enjoy the clinking bottles and smooth visual updates, but it is very offset by the strange survivor movement and UI downgrade.
DBD used to be my favorite game.
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I personally don't main the Clown, however I've been playing him all day and I really like this new change to him, I'll do my best to answer the questions in your post but take it with all with Salt OK?,
Question 1: "Why dosent the Antidote activate immediately and why does it even effect survivors?"
This one is actually pretty easy to answer, it's a way to balance out Clown's power. Let's look at this Hypothetically...
Survivors aren't effected by the antidote, it also activates immediately. All Clown has to do is Throw it at his Feet and throw a Tonic at you then boom ez hit. But what if you try and run unique pathing? Well he's got 4 at base bottles, even if you get a good Vault in you won't get away as he can just do the same thing. This isn't even mentioning if he gets you in a dead zone, he can just keep using antidotes for constant speed increases, whilst you have nothing but 1 exhaustion perk which he can just use an antidote to catch up on
That's why the Survivors are effected by the antidote, remember clown is a strategic killer. If you muck up your throws you'll get punished, by boosting the survivors speed.
TLDR: The reason Survivors are effected and why it dosent activate immediately is to be a counter to Clown, he'd be unstoppable if these effects weren't in place
Second question why swap to the antidote if it takes time.
I'm sure you're aware holding the throw button down allows you to throw the bottle at a larger distance yes? If you do a long throw by the time you get over there the boost will be activated. You can chain antidotes together with big throws to cover ground fast, I'm able to get across most maps using 2 or 3, but as long as you get to a Gen it should scare people off it, letting you reload or use a perk like pop. (I'm shocked at the amount of people that don't commit vs pop. Slight off topic sorry)
You could try to use it at certain loops (Crotus Building) but I've personally had no luck with it, but that dosent mean it dosent work, get creative!
TLDR: You're supposed to throw it far then get the boost when you get to where you threw the bottle, you can try it at loops but this result may vary
As for the tips?
Use the antidote first! Throw it at a survivor and by the time you catch up it'll take effect, then you use a tonic and boom ez hit. If they try and loop? Do the same thing, Antidote one side(yours) tonic on the survivors side. Example being most smaller loops that have a short side and a longer side, AKA loops with just a pallet
Use a antidote when you pick up a survivor, free agitation
If you mess up an antidote throw, quickly throw a tonic on it before the survivors get to the cloud, it will completely remove the cloud. They won't get slowed down, but they won't get the boost either.
Like I said I'm not a Clown main, I've just been playing him all day and have picked up on afew things with this change. I hope this was helpful in some way. Ik it's just a small change, but this is the most fun I've had as killer in awhile.
Clown mains please don't crucify me in the mentions, however if anything I said was straight up wrong please let me know, I'd like to help op but I can't really do that if the info is wrong.
Edit I forgot to add a loop as an example where even with the antidote I still couldn't catch the survivor, looked like I contradicted a later point, sorry if this confused anyone
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He doesn’t even need his exhaustion add on anymore anyway.
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the second tonic is literary completely useless
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You forgot the part where they removed all the good addons and cheap versions of the good addons.
They gutted his addons. like they do to every killer that gets an addon pass. gut them and replace them with memes and things nobody will use.
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check this btw, valid reasons and explanation why base clown was actually nerfed with the release, all the did was adding stupid bottle that does nothing
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not much different apart from exhaustion bottles wich was used by 9/10 clowns.
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Exactly, new things for clown, but base clown is nerf.... I miss old him
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There's nothing to miss really you can just play him old style using only the one bottle. Hes got better reload time, when you leverage the speed boost well though it can have a difference.
Hit a strong loop one side with slow down other side with speed up and boom safe pallet becomes very unsafe. Its been a goo dchange I'd like to play more but new HUD is doing my head in.
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Clearly a player who dont play Clown at all.
Read the posts pls, Clown has been nerfed...
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I will respond to this seriously.
Getting yellow gas instantly will not be OP, because you have only 4 bottles and had to reload.
Why using yellow one to get speed if you can just slow survivor with pink one ?
Use a antidote when you pick a survivor ? Are you kidding me ? Its a free flash save or hook sabotage for them.
Using one bottle on a side of a loop, and one other on the other side takes time and a red rank survivor will just run to another loop. Then you have 2 more bottles to use....... and for what ? Nothing.
I just think you dont play Clown at all.
PS : sorry for double post
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Clown was never bad, I don't understand why people keep saying this crap. It's like 2017 Hag all over again (except let's not get crazy, he's not hag good.)
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Tbh, for some reason I can believe this. I rarely didn't 3-4k without this buff in clown, there's no way he isn't much stronger now...
I'm finding the clown and wraith buffs to be super effective and fun. It's almost unfair that clown basically has wallhacks now, and Wraith is actually great at sneaking up on people with cover now. This isn't the best update with all the new random fat shame spots, but it's definitely been a better experience overall
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I play plenty of clown and have been doing just fine with him, now that I've gotten over my HUD nausea. Only thing I miss is the exhaustion addon. Otherwise he has a very situational speed boost and needs better timing on his bottle throws. 3 second reload is great, haven't tried all the addons yet but otherwise I think he's better. But each to their own.
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But... It really is that simple...
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I dont get the point of getting a new bottle if its just situational. And there is only one good new addon, and they deleted good ones....
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Did you read the patch notes ? There is more changes than just getting a new bottle. We get a new useless bottle and some nerfs.
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I don't understand how people can think the yellow gas is useless.
Yellow gas alone let's you catch up almost twice as fast
If you get invigorated and you can slow down the survivor you catch up almost 3 times as fast
Killer shack is unsafe vs clown now. If you don't insta throw the pallet and clown knows what he's doing he'll always get a hit.
Yellow gas is actually bonkers. I can see post in a month complaining about how clown is boring now and you can't do anything against him in chase
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If you don't like the new bottle then don't use it, just take the decreased reload time and play the game.
If the "nerfs" you're talking about is supposed to be the add-ons then you just need to get used to playing without them and be grateful that most of them are still straight positives with no trade offs, I rarely run add-ons on Clown anyways and he's fine.
If you're such an experienced Clown you shouldn't need to rely on add-ons.
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Personally, the new bottle 'buff' just screams lazy to me. It's not going to change his play much at high levels, as he still has no map pressure. Feels more like a gimmick than anything else, like Demo's Undetectable status.
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Is this a troll ? Try new clown then speak. The speed is so long to activate for a small speed boost... pink gas still better.
Did I say Im a pro player Clown ? Im green rank at killers. Im a survivor main. Clown was the only killer I had fun with, now I feel like I have half a useful power and half a strange useless bottle.. and they took the only addons that making Clown good. He is a weak killer compare to other killers. I was playing him cause he was FUN !
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I haven't really found a good use for his second bottle yet. It's terrible for map mobility and honestly I find the first toxic bottle much more useful for chases. Maybe we'll figure some use out for it but so far Idk.
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The only use i found of it is against brainless survivors. Near a pallet throw one bottle on a side, the other and the other side. But a good survivor will just run to another loop and then you wasted 2 bottles 🙃
Using only pink gas is more effective.
I know some streamers know how to use the yellow gas, but im not on their level, im not professional.
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No not a troll, just someone who knows what they are talking about. let's do some math
Clown movement speed in 4,6 m/s ( meters per second), survivors is 4 m/s so you gain distance at 0,6 m/s
Survivors hit by purple gas are slowed to 3.4 m/s so you gain distance at 1.2 m/s . That's twice as fast
Clown invigorated increases his movement speed 10% so it increases to 5,06 m/s meaning you gain distance 1.06 m/s.
Now comes the part that you don't seem to understand. If you throw a yellow bottle at a survivor in the distance, then throw a purple bottle at them while you pass through the yellow cloud. They distance gained jumps to 1,66 m/s.
That's almost 3 times faster then normal. A lot of loops that were completly safe vs clown have become deathtraps. It isn't a case of purple is better then yellow. You have to use them both.
Sorry but this is you not understanding the tonic rather then the tonic being bad.
Watch Dowseys video's of new clown. He shows a couple of times how powerfull this really is
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I think you didnt read my other posts.
Loops as deathtraps only works on brainless survivors. Good survivors will just ran away and you lost 2 bottles for nothing.
I watched Dowsey video, and other streamers video, sorry if im not a streamer who play 7hours a day and sorry if im not on Dowsey level of play....
The fact is a professional can make every bad things good. But not every players, but it doesnt mean its good.
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Because I dont get the point of using half the power of a killer.
I tried some games using only pink bottles, wow im winning with half the power youpi....
Im upset because the yellow gas could be really good with some changes. Make it activate after 1 or 2 sec not 3 !!!!! And make the survivors scream in it and they dont get the speed.
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right right, very well, all I can say to that is: wathc some vids of streamers and far more importantly practice yourself, try things.
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Ive watched videos and streamers. But its not because a streamer with 6k hours can do it, that everybody can. I dont play 7 hours a day.
The new bottle is just very bad, and you know that streamers can do great with bad things, but not everybody ? Can you understand it ?
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I cannot understand how anyone thinks this. Are that many players lacking in the imagination department?!