A Binding of Kin's Failures and BHVR's Flawed Release Schedule
This is a response to the following post with a few suggestions:
As we're all aware of by now, Chapter 18, "A Binding of Kin" released to much discourse and negativity due to the abhorrent amount of bugs on release, non-functional perks, and an incomplete and broken killer. This has caused the developers' release schedule to be scrutinized more than ever before, with a lot more people pushing for a chapter that instead focuses on the health of the game itself as opposed to more new unpolished content.
And that is completely understandable. Players have reason to be disappointed and critical when unfinished content is being released, even more insulting when it's behind a paywall on top of the price of the game. Almost all of the released perks were not working as intended, one of them doing completely nothing at all. The killer was plagued (lol) with incredibly hindering bugs and issues since the PTB, very clear issues that should have been forseen before the PTB was even released, such as Victor being completely countered by lockers, the Incapacitated status effect not actually working at the exit gates, or Victor being able to be taken completely hostage by survivors, leaving the killers with no power-- an issue still present, although alleviated, in the live patch.
And so that leaves the players with the question "why should we even buy this?" Regardless of the complications that came with the creation of The Twins and their stable functionality, BHVR's release schedule for new content had already been identified long before Chapter 18's release as unsustainable, with the game's health being negatively afflicted by known issues such as moris, keys, unbalanced perks, and bad core mechanics for a while.
This release model is unsustainable for Dead by Daylight, and it'll bring the game down more and more until something is done about it. Players have been suggesting this for quite a while, but give more time to the PTB if something isn't right. Fix any issues with new content as soon as possible, instead of moving on to something new so that we get more and more unpolished content. And put the health of the game first. Take time off of making new chapters and focus on improving what we have now, because if BHVR continues on this path, the game will suffer and suffer, and eventually no matter how much new content is being put out, players will stop caring, because the base game is so... bad.
I want to see this game succeed-- many players, especially BHVR's biggest critics want to see this game succeed because it's so unique from a lot of games being released these days, the core concept is so interesting and fun, but if the game isn't playable, then no one will care.
Please, share this with the devs, and any of your own thoughts below. Please let this game get better.