Vote whether you like new UI or not

I think this UI patch is the worst patch ever.
Developer don't know what is "Intuitive".
Now Information is scattered ALL around. UI need to HELP user to check info.
But this new UI makes user TIRED.
I have to move my eyes so many times to check information.
I understand you guys intend to make mobile UI
I suggest to make Information get together.
Scattered information is SO BAD IDEA.
Please VOTE if you hate this new UI
I hate it. And I won’t waste my time explaining why because I already did that during PTB. Feels like a waste because all the feedback and constructive criticism were ignored so it’s getting tiring for me and I’m sure a lot of others here to repeat ourselves over and over again.
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I just noticed that Point show up right upper side LMAO....
I think developer don't know how to make UI good.
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Really? If it is, why they open PTB?? lol
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I deleted the game, good discussions for you
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I'm gonna admit, I like it for the most part, with my only problem being that the gens appear at the top.
(I haven't been exhausted so I'm not sure how that looks so that might be another complain when I get round to it)
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If people get exhausted looking around a screen in a game where they should be looking around anyways (if you don't scan the screen as killer then you're prob missing a lot of survivors)
I find that complaint completely ignorant.
They should move a few things closer but I like the new UI.
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It’s BHVR. They want to pretend that they care by releasing PTBs and asking for feedback but in the end they always end up ignoring the community. It’s what they specialize in :)
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Usually, most of games let information be downside of screen except for timer.
Because usually, people see downside to check information (Move eyes to left upper side makes eyes tired physically)
I agree that dev want to new HUD. But not like this....
But I respect your opinions too. I think somebody like new HUD too.
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It was rude on the part of BHVR. Many players said do something with new UI (optimize, give us choose UI in setting (New/Old) or dont publish until it will look good for all) but u just published this horrible UI. I really dont understand why need PTB if u really dont care about us?!
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Well, we did a pretty good job so far... UNTIL NOW! I play this game 3 years!!! And this change is terrible. Terrible. Who create this. Why? What was bad about all information in one corner. It looks like circus now. Disappointment. Seriously disappointment.
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I like it, you guys are just too lazy to train your brain to look where you need for the information you're looking for
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If you have to flick your eyes all over the screen to get vital information, drawing your attention away from the mainfocus of action, it's simply badly designed.
'training the brain' is one thing, but a cluttered mess as the new HUD has nothing to do with this.
Like, I took a few min to design this:
it's not perfect and incomplete yet (items/ability missing for example) but I dare say that this would be a better idea than what we got.
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you cant scan effectively. You either set your hud to tiny and seeing you icons is a strain or you set it to an average size and your FOV is cluttered with Icons that were once comfortably place in the bottom of the screen
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At this rate, they should just put the characters lore in the middle of the screen.
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Really digging this HUD design sketch tbh! Nicely done
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Thanks. You think it'd make sense to put the item/ability where I got 'hook progression' on that? I mean, how many hooks you got as killer would be covered in the emblem progression. (which i dare say is the better way to get the information needed to go for adept. There's a proper hook counter per survivor at the portraits anyway)
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I guess it depends on the person. I've got it as small as it can get and don't struggle to see it.
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This is really the worst update!!!The action of the character is lifeless and rigid! Might as well go back to the way it used to be.
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I'd say that emblem progress is something most people don't need to see during the match unless they're trying for certain achievements - otherwise you should be focusing on just doing what's required in a match rather than watching your score. While having a Hook Counter is valuable info on both sides of the coin, it does change how players approach a situation and how they might act. I'd personally pu item/ability info with Perks on your HUD idea, since then it's grouped together; your perks/abilities/item on the right, the survivors and their condition on the left. And then maybe put Hook Progression for Killers by the Gen Counter/Objective since that's their objective.
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You know my answer very well .... I HATE IT!
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The with scratching the hook progression (the circular one) was that as it is in the New HUD it feels as if it's there TO tell killers they got enough hooks for an IRI emblem, as it (the circular one) only tracks how many hooks you got in total.
Putting items/abilities with the perks sounds good.
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I agree. It is all over the place, blocking vision. Setting the UI size lower makes this problem even more apparent. But I feel like it is required to reduce the size because it blocks a lot of the gameplay. Changing the size however also changes the size of things like skill-checks and progress-bars, making them too small. It makes it harder to play against the doctor or huntress's lullaby. Setting those temporary UI elements on a different slider would be a nice addition.
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Emblems and total hook counter could be hidden in the Esc-menu like offerings are during the game. This would make them quickly accessible during the game for the small situations in witch you might need them.
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The new hud is terrible:
- Obnoxious "5 generators" at the top of the screen (This is not a mobile game, take this off)
- Character portraits don't update for legendary skins
- Way too spread out, it feels like the hud for flying a spaceship. Let us edit the hud or at least completely toggle it on/off. This would allow us to take better in-game screenshots as well.
- Status effects in top right looks really strange. The top of the screen should be clear from any UI since blocks our FOV
- Hook counter for Killer is pointless info. For those of us that could care less about this, let us toggle it off.
- Skillchecks look nice
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Hello there,
if the new animations stay like that I´m gonna quit playing the game (I have 3500h).
- animations are horrible to watch
- the whole dynamic seems to be gone - evth seems so slow
- I play 5h a day but you fixed the thing where you could press M1, ESC out and then you could repair/heal without needing to press M1
- the overview is so bad with the charcters being in top-left and item in bottom-left
Guys, I don´t know what´s the purpose of the new animations, but its horrible. evth seems so slow, boring and without any speed/dynamic.
As I said, I´m out of the game if it stays like that. I was kinda addicted, so maybe it´s a good thing you made it the worst possible...
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I love this one.
This is my idea although some placements are not optimal either:
f.e. I would switch my placement of Power/Item with the scores. No-one needs to see their points all the time.
green=looking there very often
yellow=looking there to check perks' cooldowns f.e. DS
orange=needs a glance sometimes
red=why do I need to know that again?
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I think EGC is some semi-vital info cause it can help with judging if you got the time to try to go for a safe/heal or if it's too late
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The "Why do I need to know that again?" was more for the information or the placement in general. EGC would be orange.
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They know how to, the first UI is proof of it. Why they went with this "thing" is beyond reason, especially when it got panned after the stream AND during the PTB.
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I hate it, sorry.
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Here is what I made after a few hours.
Just for you information: The archive challenge progression only pops up, if you completed it.
What do you think?
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New ui is trash on console at least imo especially since i got a big tv which makes it distracting to focus on the game and the information
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I hate it
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I vote No.
- It's too spread out.
- The design lacks the simplicity it had before, the old design was effective and simple.
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Totally agree
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I think this is great job !!!!
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The new ui has to go in the trash or at least put it back in the bottom left or give us a setting where I can move everything where I want
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Thank you! I'm not the best with editing but I draw a lot, so I thought I give it a try.
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I play since release and there were a lot of things I disagreed with and didn't like but it was always possible to forgive then. I mean I was a billy main and loved him and the devs even said they are happy woth his performance and basekit and only want to tweak him a bit. In the end they destroyed him and took every bit of fun from billy. So I stopped playing billy.
But the bew hud and animation changes are so fundamental that I am seriously thinking about stopping playing this game after 5 years and 4.5k hours.
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This is what they should go with. Put this as example in the pinned post.
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Thx! That means a lot!
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Only thing I dont like about it is how small the hook bar is for survivors. I don't even like looking at it its so small. Is there a way to make it thicker?
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really good work. way better than what it is right now. I seriously consider quitting DBD when it stays like that after 3500h...