The whole ritual of the "chase out" needs to end.

I'm not talking about people staying to make sure everyone is safe, I'm talking about the people that know everyone is safe, but stays to taunt, and force the killer to chase them out. They know the killer has no more power there, and abuse that.

The point of the "Chase out" (You know, the "thrilling" last second escape?) IMO, is basically lost if the survivor gets to the gate and isn't close to being downed.
By close, I mean the killer is breathing down their necks ready to put them into dying state, and has enough time to grab them, and it could reasonably go either way.
It's because they're extremely safe there.

Survivors in the gate room, especially healthy ones, and near the open gate are way too safe, and they know it for certain if the next hit puts them into the injured state.
Unless you perform the "ritual" of chasing them out like some trained circus chimp, they will not leave, essentially holding the game hostage.
Even then they can be annoying about it.
It doesn't matter if the killer wants to do it or not, they will hold the game hostage until the killer does it.

There's a sizable radius outside the gate where they're almost guaranteed to be safe, too. The survivors usually know this, and will get to the edge of it, and wait if you don't want to run them out.
Basically the distance necessary for the killer to hit someone into injured state, wipe their blade, resume the chase, hit them again, then pick them up. It's a lot of real-estate.
Think about all the ground you gain in a chase against the average killer after you get hit into injured state alone.

Even if the killer is running a one hit down killer, or build (You know, like NOED which people cry about, and want gone because it's a "crutch?"), half the gate room is pretty safe. They flop, they crawl, they escape, if the flop doesn't give them the escape in the first place. Most seem smart enough to stay close enough to account for this.

I've played normally, I played poorly, I dropped many hints I was letting them go (Event makes me want to let them earn BP, and harvest more than I want to sacrifice them), and all sorts of play styles, and almost nothing works.
They still stubbornly demand the chase out. Sometimes they want to find the hatch. Sometimes they want to lie about finding the hatch, and just annoy the hell out of you.

I don't really care how this "ritual" in futility ends, be it added dangers for the survivors if they linger, added buffs to make the killer powerful enough to scare people out or end their chance to escape with a very high probability if they linger, or a big red "GET OUT!!" button, I'm sick of being expected to do it, and I am starting to worry about the people that defend this practice of forcing people to do it.

It's a useless ritual, and there's not enough incentive for me to do it vs having it rubbed in my face.

If they want to "thank" me, they can just leave, and let me get to my next trial in peace.


  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Preach it. Every thread whining and crying about NoED only reminds me just how much ground a Survivor gains when hit. Survivors are basically free and clear once a gate is open except against Billy,  Nurse, some Spirits, or an extremely lucky Hag/Huntress.
  • JackieEstacadoWhen
    JackieEstacadoWhen Member Posts: 78

    Stuff like this is why killers run noed and/or blood warden.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Occasionally, it's just about survivors willing to give you 300 or 600 extra BP. Happened to me a few times.
    It's annoying though, I agree. I always wanted a mechanic that rewards 2000 BP to the first survivor who escapes and 1000 to the second one, but maybe there should be one that starts draining the already earned BP 60 seconds after exit gates are opened, if they are the last survivor in game.
    Won't happen though, there are more serious things to fix (Freddy!!!), so we just have to live with it.
  • micsan
    micsan Member Posts: 95

    I do this to give the killer free points, hardly anything else... If the killer was a tunneling dick I just leave.

    The game is pretty much ended when the gates open, unless you have Blood Warden and\or NOED. I'm still new and not comfortable enough to run out if I know NOED is up, I'll just bail.

    IMO at that point it's up to the survivors if they want to bother rescuing whomever you are chasing, or get into another game...

    Holding up the game in any way, is pretty toxic, I think everyone agrees on that. Survivors and killers alike.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2018

    This is the exact reason why I don't give out a hole lot of mercy anymore. I hate, beyond hate, having to smack 2 survivors at one gate, then run across the map and smack two more at the other, cause someone wanted gate opening points. (######### does there need to be 2 exit gates anyways? and why like 20 seconds to open? the whole endgame needs reworked)

    I don't always 4k. Sometimes you get one up to the entity and have to deal with running between two gates to twirling and tebagging people. who know they don't even have to cross the line to be safe, just get near it.

  • dontTouchMyGens
    dontTouchMyGens Member Posts: 35
    I agree 100%. That’s basically what I said yesterday in the other thread. An easy fix would be to (1) make NOED baseline and (2) to make it impossible for Survivors to escape crawling. I’m sure survivors would gtfo as fast as they can, as it should be. This would lead to a shorter, more intense end game.
  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487
    edited October 2018
    Careful what you wish for. You might end with a mechanic that automatically ends the match if an exit gate is open. With no one on a hook of course. 

    Auto survivor escape victories! Wooohoooo!!!!

    Could also end up with killers being locked out of the exit room however survivors get locked in. If they don't leave within a set period of time they are pulled from the match. Not in a bad way, it's just to make sure people can't hold the game hostage.
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @SovererignKing said:
    Do you consider it bad for me?

    I switched to Dwight after his new cosmetic hit, now when I’m at an exit gate I just do goofy #########. Crouch at the exit gate and stare up at the sky, or run around in circles at the exit looking up. All cause it’s looks goofy and dumb. I just want to give the Killer a laugh maybe and some points for smacking me.

    I don’t tea bag ever or anything. Just want to known opinions from other Killers. As a Killer, as long as they are flashlight click spamming me or tea bagging, thanks for the free points. I’ll gladly smack you out of the gate.

    No, just move, so we can also go to the next match.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @SovererignKing said:
    Do you consider it bad for me?

    I switched to Dwight after his new cosmetic hit, now when I’m at an exit gate I just do goofy #########. Crouch at the exit gate and stare up at the sky, or run around in circles at the exit looking up. All cause it’s looks goofy and dumb. I just want to give the Killer a laugh maybe and some points for smacking me.

    I don’t tea bag ever or anything. Just want to known opinions from other Killers. As a Killer, as long as they are flashlight click spamming me or tea bagging, thanks for the free points. I’ll gladly smack you out of the gate.

    Just leave. At that point, I just want to get into the next trial ASAP. I have nothing further to gain from chasing you out; you're just wasting my time.

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513
    edited October 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    I just want to give the Killer a laugh maybe and some points for smacking me.

    If you legit make it funny, I won't hate you for it. But if you're just going to stand on the exit line, looking goofy, and then leave as I approach, then that's not funny and I'd rather you'd left.

    Survivors who want to have actual fun, instead of BMing, at the gates need to be blatant about it and take the risk that they're up against a killer who doesn't have any craic.

    Unfortunately, fun (and nice) players are few and far between on both sides.

    Back to the original topic, taunting from the safety of the exit line isn't even a proper taunt. You're not showing how good a survivor you are - you're the little kid shouting abuse at another little kid with your 22-year old gym rat brother stood behind you. All you're doing is wasting my time. The good players, the ones who've 360d and flashlighted the killer all game, are the infuriating ones because they've taunted you all the way through the game.

  • Naitsirk
    Naitsirk Member Posts: 3

    how bout the devs make it so when the gate is powered. the longer a survivor stays in the map they lose points. maybe in the Lightbringer emblem. this wont work on those who dont care about rank / BP. but atleast some will not waste our time sitting a the gate waiting to get "chased out" as you say

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Naitsirk said:

    how bout the devs make it so when the gate is powered. the longer a survivor stays in the map they lose points. maybe in the Lightbringer emblem. this wont work on those who dont care about rank / BP. but atleast some will not waste our time sitting a the gate waiting to get "chased out" as you say

    Or as ive said have a 10 second timer that locks you out after 20 seconds if your within 10-20 meters from the open gate not the room or the gate at the back I mean the proper one so if you want to stay in game you got to be no were close to a free run out and risk dying so it encourages more last mint rescues/no end finding while also slapping in the face anyone wanting to be a end game dick by the second the killer walks in the gate if they have bw I locks that person out
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I don't have a problem hitting survivors out the gate, but sometimes I'm letting them go and they just won't. Like I hit them into dying state and they want to stay and farm. What I usually do there is pick them up, and let them struggle off, but I walk right up to the exit and stand with it on my left, so when they struggle off they automatically fall out the gate. You used to be able to just drop them out the exit but for some reason that doesn't work anymore.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    Just do what I did to get to rank 1 the first time on the old system, camp the first survivor with Michael, load up tier 3 to 99%. Anyone tries to be a hero? Down them. 

    Run noed also. Just in case they aren’t that altruistic. Guaranteed two kills bare minimum. 

    Once i I learned this about the game, after I was stuck at rank 4-5, I pipped 22/25 matches, safety pipped the other 3. 

    Easy breezy. 

    Works like a charm especially against SwF. 

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Oblitiry said:
    Careful what you wish for. You might end with a mechanic that automatically ends the match if an exit gate is open. With no one on a hook of course. 

    Auto survivor escape victories! Wooohoooo!!!!

    Could also end up with killers being locked out of the exit room however survivors get locked in. If they don't leave within a set period of time they are pulled from the match. Not in a bad way, it's just to make sure people can't hold the game hostage.
    Actually that would be great for the most part. 
    I mean NOED would basically be useless. As would blood warden, and the good part of Rancor, but at least the game would be over faster.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Stuff like this is why killers run noed and/or blood warden.

    All of it is basically useless once they're in the gate. 

    Noed requires you to hit them, and they can just run before you do, or flop to safety.

    Blood warden requires you to hook someone. Again, kinda useless once all the survivors are in the gate room.

    I went over that in my massive rant.
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