don't play dbd

my suggestion is just straight up don't open dbd for 2-3 days, let them see what they've done to their own game, make them lose playerbase cuz it's not normal that they are silent about all this *bad word* happening. new update is abysmal, it's so obvious
I agree, unfortunately they timed it before the event, which will most likely be daily log ins and will show "daTa" that people are still playing..
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this guy just told everything I wanted to, just watch his video
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I'm trying to listen to him, but he keeps saying everyone said to not do the update. I wanted the update, so he's automatically wrong. It's just a 10 minute rant of "I don't like the new animations and refuse to re-learn them." Frankly, that's a weak argument. He even said he was gonna keep playing, undermining the entire video and point.
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Nah imma keep playing, since you know.. its playable and enjoyable, feel like alot of overreaction is going on with this update, yea it was bad in some areas but not as bad as people are crying
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I play what I want.
You can't stop me.
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@SonicOffline this guy explains a lot better how most people are feeling.
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"it's not normal that they are silent about all this *bad word* happening."
it's been 20 hours dude
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Im playing but not as survivor, just spending the day facecamping rank 18-20s. Im childish, if they ruin my survivor experience then im going to ruin everyone elses.
I never play killer so never noticed before but its great that you dont pip from hard facecamping. These baby survivors are soo cute.
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Literally the whole complaint of his video was "Here's what I personally don't like about the changes, but I'm extrapolating it to everyone." and presents the same arguments everyone else has said, like "The money spent could've gone into something else." He also said he had to turn his monitor down to 60hz, instead of upping the game to 144hz. If he'd have done a little research on that instead of formulating a very opinionated complaint he wouldn't be having as many game-breaking issues. The whole video is "I don't enjoy..." "I really don't enjoy..." "Everyone literally hates this..."
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Playable and enjoyable? You must be only playing killer.
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That's his feedback, that my feed back, and people being mad is also feedback. He also states that he shouldn't have to change his setting to run a game (in his stream) which scream volumes when console players can't do that and are just stuck
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I didn't have to change a setting to play. I'm at 144hz right now and it plays just fine. There's a setting you can change in an ini to force 144hz that's been available for literal years. It's just here recently it only capped at 120 even if you said 144 because of software things with the game, but the point is there's a fix that's existed for well before this patch.
The whole problem is negated as well if you have G-Sync/FreeSync enabled, but that's getting into splitting hairs.
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Console player.... I don't have those options. My choices are eat the sh*t sandwich or "Play another game"
They said "it's going live so console players can test it" and anywhere I look vast majority do not like it. But then they say it "can't be reverted" so people are mad. The ui has some good stuff however it was poorly executed, I also understand that bugs happen but my console is struggling a lot more with frames, hits, lag.
Animations and the camera is my biggest issue as it gives me extreme motion sickness
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I don't buy your console is suddenly struggling. Take that how you will.
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As of right now I can't play the game; try and connect to the servers and my game just crashes.
I think I'll just not even try anymore till maybe Monday.
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Shouldn't turn a blind eye. Take that as you will
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Identical hardware and software running to others who are not having issues you claim is reason enough to not buy it. It's a problem with your individual console, likely hair or dust stuck on the heatsink or exhaust causing overheating/throttling problems you didn't notice before.
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Why? I still want to play. New animations are cool except idle one. Don't care about UI, I'm already used to it and already feel as if it has always been like that. But hitboxes are REALLY bad
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Since the update, DBD runs much smoother for me and I have fewer problems with jerky images or washed out graphics.
I play on the PS4, my wife on the PC and she also said that she had less image dropouts.
The new motion animations take some getting used to, but I'm looking forward to learning how to use them. After all, it's a new challenge.
I play both sides 50/50, so I'm neither a survivor nor a killer main.
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lmao y’all are acting like children it’s a movement update why are you so worried about not being able to moonwalk or 360 99% of killers could hit you anyways if it’s that bad for you then don’t play the game OR play for a week and realize the new movements are overall better
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Survivor and killer*
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I’m playing both roles and playing a video game.
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I don't see anyone in this thread talking about that, except you?
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Oh man, i am such a special survivor, these threads make me realize that. Because i escape the killer time and again today. And i avoided hits. I am magical!
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naah, ill keep playing, new rift will open and i still like it. have fun with whatever you do in the meantime
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I already don't play this game anymore and if I do I stay AFK!
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They will not force us
And they will stop degrading us
And they will not control us
We will be victorious
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its not really the update thats the massive issue its the bugs that where terrible and now made the game more unplayable
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I wouldn't call not playing 2-3 days "losing playerbase".
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Nah, I think I'll get my pretty Nurse cosmetics and play Cumgorgon
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Looking at the emblem bugs and servers acting up, people might not play until there's a hotfix.
But coincidentally the rift and event are start up today and tomorrow.
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I havent played about the last three weeks. I was optimistic and belived that the update makes me play again. I was wrong.
They will lose a part of their playerbase without any organized boycott.
It is what it is.