The Game- Gideon's meat plant

I love the new visuals of this map it's beautiful.
However for the love of the Entity stop adding breakable walls. Gideon meat plant looks beautiful visually but it is terrible to play as both killer and Survivor.
As a survivor you have to be careful of every single room you run into because if there's a breakable wall guess what you just trapped yourself in a dead end and you're an easy down.
As a killer good luck getting to that hook or that generator that's about 2 to be completed because there's a breakable wall you either have to waste time breaking it or walk around a decent section of the map it's not fun and it's infuriating.
Behaviour I love you but please stop trying to make breakable walls happen it's not going to happen at least in their current state they need a major rework if it's going to be good for both sides.
I noticed that too. It's a bit annoying suddenly get stuck in a room instead of just normaly run to pass to the next room like in previous version.
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BHVR's idea of making the game harder for survivors is to make dead ends. They started with the Saloon then with Midwich and now with The Game.
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Another problem for survivors is that a lot of previous sight-blockers can now be seen through, if they are still around at all. Stealth is no longer that good on the map as it was before. I think thats why they added several awefull (for killers) loops to compensate.
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We never really lost a match on the new meat plant all day it was stupid easy. It's almost the new Haddonfield/Bedham
You just start up and within just 20 meters of you the game is like:
It's not weak pallets either you have to break a lot of them.
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It's a pain.
I feel annoyed as a survivor and scummy as a killer when it happens in a chase
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I wouldn't, the map as a whole is fairly survivor sided. It sucks if they are caught in some spots; but overall they can run you for years once they know where stuff is.
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I was playing NURSE and I had to break the walls to be able to hook a survivor...
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Also, I swear I played it last night and no gens spawned on the top floor? I ran around four complete circles and didn't see any. Has any else experienced that? Or was I just really, really blind?
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The breakable walls work well on maps like Dead Dawg on Midwich cause there's actual strategy to be had there. You can make loops shorter for yourself, but also for survivors. They didn't do that for The Game. The addition of walls just made it more of a chore to patrol.
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Dont forget yamaoka it has some dead ends in the main house too.
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Breakable walls on Game actually seem really well placed.
Survivors can open metal doors next to them by doing gens for more escape routes and loop options.
Killers can chose to break the walls eariler to make patroling easier or can keep them up to trap survivors in a bad spot should they enter a room with just 1 exit due to the walls blocking the other.
I actually think breakable walls on the Game are the best placed ones we got from all the recent reworks.
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And we need more pallets on that map. They didn't add enough...
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It's also hilarious that the pig is one of the worst killers for the map and its her own map lol
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You are one of the only people I know who likes them.
Not say your opinion is wrong just interesting viewpoint.
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That would be a fair assessment but the problem is the map has too many scenarios like that; and too many pallets.
The idea behind it was never much of the concern.
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I like the idea Scott Jund had where Breakable Walls have to be built by survivors.