Wait...they removed afk farming!?

Hear me out before you jump all over me. I work from home and have the ability to play throughout the day in between meetings, conference calls, etc.

Sometimes, during calls I play a game as killer afk to farm BP and during battle passes to gain xp because it’s such a grind. As of today I was on a call had 2 games in a row and received no bp despite survivors running circles around me, etc.

If survivors are still able to farm by running around me why am I not still able to farm from them?



  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    I play and don't afk farm and get the rewards. Finished every single rift. People who play more than you who aren't getting them probably aren't trying to. Also the games I mentioned actually do have battle passes. Some of them even have multiple so you're wrong.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    hold the control moving the stick randomly around occasionally pressing the triggers or bumpers while watching something else entirely and you should be okay, you're technically playing you're just not paying attention to it that way so they'd have no ground to stand on even in their imaginations. or tie a rubber band around a controller so it running in circles and one around the trigger so it's constantly trying to lunge attack. they just assured I'll never pay for another rift again though. And use an older controller if you do that, since you'll eventually ruin the sticks as grindy as this game's battle pass is the only one that's worse even botting it 24/7 seems to be hearthstone's (pushing two weeks straight now with hearthranger 24/7 for hearthstone's and it's still got 4 levels left lmfao).

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 78

    Oooooo watch out they’re gonna report you too! Haha

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    lol I can tell the one you quoted probably comes from twitter

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 78

    Elongated wait times are the byproduct of a less than acceptable product...

    COD has a 100 tier battle pass that is no where near the grind of this game. The product is good and the rewards aren’t recolored garbage and 8 of the same charm. If the product was better more people would play, simple as that

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    how are u responding to what i said?. why do u load and go AFK? to farm shards? because BP cant be the case, at most u farm 8k in hunter points if u are not wraith....why would you want to buy skins/characters if u arealdy dont like the game? going AFK is stupid, there is no reason to do it and im glad they removed that, so people wont need to see u and people like u who ruin the game for others.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    you didn't mention games? Also im not sure what you're even saying im wrong about because you didn't reply to the fact that its 200 hours long you just said you spend that amount of time on the game....and others apparently. I mean congrats im not one of those people thats going to tell you you're wasting too much time on video games because time you enjoy is never wasted, BUT that is a lot man lol.

    Ok for example, last rift I AFK'd while practicing guitar. I full much more fulfilled in the progress i made durning that time than i did with the tiers i earned just food for thought.

    (Also this just urked me as I typed, how can people who play more than me not complete the battlepass because they aren't trying....its not an interactive grind past the challenges which i think accounts for a little less than half the rift. Its literally just spend time playing lol)

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    I'm just sicka nd tired of every god dang thing having a battle pass these days even hearthcrap has one now like seriously #########. I would be hardpressed if only played one game and never got to enjoy an other one to just finish ONE of those gamee's stupid battle passes let alone a few of them. So I generally bot or afk them, and if they don't want people doing that, don't put long grindy ass battlepasses in every single game out there and expect people to pay for it on top of that since if you don't unlock most of it you just got RIPPED OFF. so yeah, I'ma afk that ######### if they expect me to pay for it since I'm not going to pay the employer to work for them, they would be expected to pay Me for the work.

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 78

    If I was a Karen I’d be demanding to speak to your manager...I’m not

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385

    I dont know what game you are playing DjangoTheGhostface, but completing a rift is not even remotly close to be as hard and long as you like to pretend.

    Maybe you should try to, yaknow, dot he actual challenges.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    It may sound like pedantic rambling to you, but the truth is living in society has meaning. People do not live in a vacuum. It is certainly possible to withdraw into your privacy, and everyone does that. But playing online games by its existential nature is a social act, and is governed by social expectations and consequences.

    In other words online gaming doesn't work if people just log in and AFK, anymore than the NBA could work if all the players just came in to collect their fat milliondollar paychecks to stand on court and do nothing.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    can we get some burn ointment over here? Maybe a 911 call?

    @ OP

    No seriously dude, that's a waste of literally everyone's time. If I see you, I report you. It's that simple.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    "Games that I play (other than dbd) if you sit there afk for a certain amount of time it will force you out of the game and you get nothing." - literally copy and pasted from my first comment. It's also not 200 hours long. If you don't do any of the archive challenges you're only getting 1 rift fragment per game. If they're spending more time in the game, but not doing challenges, they probably are not getting everything (and not caring). If you feel fulfilled not playing the game and getting rewarded good for you. You sound lazy af (in game).

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    It's cheating the system into giving you something you didn't earn. There should never be an exploitable system in place like that, in a MP game where one side is reliant on the other to have fun and earn points the way it was meant. I'm sure XP rift gain while AFK was an oversight, and even if it weren't, it's against the rules of the game to AFK on purpose.

    I think the OP should consider people who may be limited in playtime instead of thinking selfishly.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583


    "We live in a society!"

    God, I never thought I'd see that phrase used in the wild. I thought it was pure meme bait. Well done.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't see how your personal situation justifies ruining 4 other people's game and wasting their time.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Then ignore them? All they do is unlock cosmetics. Who cares about those? I come to play the game. Just take the free stuff and ignore the rest.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I am not going to play a match against 4 man swf all using OoO with keys and flashlights on trapper...

    They can sit there and watch me stand in a corner while i go do something more worthwhile with my time.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    Then my mistake. I don't afk on purpose so I didn't know that was even a rule.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    the general rule is never apologize to the lecturing sorts seeking justice in their eyes, as nothing you do will ever satiate them and you open the floodgates of hell. best to just glance past and pretend they don't exist. think of it like skinwalkers, by acknowledging the evil you lend it power. huzzah

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited February 2021

    Why not? I am not being snide; I genuinely want to understand your mindset. In the real world, my sport of choice is Fencing (Foil and Sabre). When you go to Tournaments, you will generally get matched with people in your relative weight class so to speak, but due to the nature of the sport, it isn't uncommon to end up against someone truly legendary and impressive. Their rating has simply fallen due to not competing at a certain number of Tournaments with other highly ranked competitors. When this happens, I'm thrilled. It is a chance to learn something. Am I going to lose? Absolutely. That isn't the point.

    When you pull a Team and they are playing all the SWF golden oldies, you can do what you describe and go stand in the corner like a dejected High Schooler who eats his lunch in a broom closet, or you can fight the good fight. Chances are you are going to lose, but all practice has value. You might even surprise yourself. The better your regular opponents, the faster you will increase in skill to strive with them. It is true in the real world and it is true in video games. The second I hit the Green Ranks I started getting mostly Red Rank SWF with the odd Purple thrown in. Matchmaking here is funny that way.

    I call it the "Crucible" but there are lots of good names for what is essentially a trial by fire. Don't duck the games. Don't pass them by. Why would you? This is the best practice you are going to get, and in time you will be able to 4K those SWF. I can guarantee that. It is very satisfying to pay them back with the skills they, themselves, taught you through the school of hard knocks. And all that aside, why not get as many points as you can out of the match? Standing in the corner looking pathetic only punishes your BP and Emblem advancement. Every chase, every hit, etc. is a few more points. You might as well get a return on your time.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    With all due respect, you are wrong. Your mindset is wrong, your attitude is wrong, and you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. The hardest, most unfair games are the ones where you learn the most. We learn MORE from our failures than we do our victories. I speak from experience here, and I pride myself on pulling and destroying SWF.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Dear @Funcle1983 ,

    You can be upset about the battle pass grind, but its a separate issue. You seem to think that people only play this game for the bloodpoint/rift fragments/ iri shards, but that's simply not true. I would rather actually play the game than get easy points. Its just rude, bankable, boring for both parties, and undeserved rewards. Sure, it worked before so you did what you felt was necessary, but now that they've removed your farming loophole, don't get your panties in a twist. You shoulda known it was an exploit that was going to be removed eventually

    Sincerely, a killer main

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    There is nothing to learn from a match like that.

    Been around since the start of the game mate. There is NOTHING to learn against people who do this.

    I wish i had your survivor pool, because clearly they are a little soft. But if you ever watch any 4000 hour survivor mains you know how easy it is to loop.

    Hell even truetallent looks bored half the time while being chased and constantly says "you are wasting time" "you should stop chasing me" while running the killer.

  • DjangoTheGhostface
    DjangoTheGhostface Member Posts: 137

    That is what he's thinking of lol. If you have limited play time you cant do the rift unless you buy tiers

    And it is always around 200 hours, number 1 dev simp and dbd saint Paulie esther put outs the amount of time it takes him to do each rift and i have never seen an excitement even close to under 100 hours. Its funny to me people get so mad over this when i like never see an AFK killer, i think people are just bothered by the general lack of killers but don't want to confront that problem

  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 138

    AFK farming just screws the survivors that run wglf and honestly wastes their time even joining a match with an afk killer. I’d rather you dc and end the match faster than screwing me out of bp. If you want to cry cause you want points for not even playing a game and wasting people’s time and addons then remember people play the game to actually play it not have a crap killer afk the entire game cause they can’t be bothered to play the game they joined.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,218

    That's a whole different argument. I'm saying that this game has two sides and the only way people like me get any fun out of it is to play against other people, the other side. I don't care if people feel that they need to complete the rift so badly that they have to exploit a system to do it, and if this were a single player game-- go right ahead. Just don't pull me into a non-game where the rules are to go AFK because that's a ######### waste of my time.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    WGLF Player here. Got four stacks out of my last AFK killer match. ;)

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135
    edited February 2021

    Not to be that #########... but do you have any life responsibilities? I have had people come to my door, the dog and cat start a battle royale, a washer go off balance from a load... I can list many random life responsibilities that take presidence over a game which I may have already loaded into.

    But go crazy on that report button... "Killer was afk, claimed dog puked on the floor... life ban please"

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387
    edited February 2021

    If you can't commit, don't bother. It's that simple.

    If you're AFK, you're not going to be AFK the entire match which means no report. If you are AFK the entire match then walk back to your f!cking computer, close the f!cking application and move on with your life.

    No, DBD isn't my first priority either, but I at least act like I care about the others whos' time I'm wasting. Like you're doing right now.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 138

    Ok so how do you get four stacks against an afk killer when you have to stun while they carry in any way take a protection hit or unhook any of those means the killer did something and wasn’t afk.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    You can get stacks from Protection Hits. Many AFK killers run a macro where they auto-attack once every 10 seconds or so. All you have to do is have two players get in a "chase" around him, and when the Killer auto-attacks, take the hit in front of an ally.

    Boom. Stack of WGLF.

    Repeat until you have 4.

  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 138

    If they are running that then that’s not afk they are still moving in one way so you can get points. An actual afk killer that I’m talking about is one that just stands there and does nothin no chase no swinging. I have less issues with a swinging killer than an actual afk killer atleast they are trying to give you extra points.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I mean, the dude is still AFK. He is not at all paying attention to the game. That's pretty AFK. It's just AFK with benefits.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576

    I sometimes have a few minutes during my work to play a match of DBD too. As a survivor main I loathe killers that pull AFK crap. It's incredibly annoying to get that short break and instead of getting a match you get a gen simulator because the killer couldn't be bothered to actually participate. If there is no challenge it isn't fun and you've wasted the time of the other 4 players. I sincerely hope every person that plays against you when you AFK starts reporting you and you get banned for it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    "oh get off your soapbox! It’s a game, people can play it however they want! If occasionally I want to farm afk while on a conference call I have every right to. I didn’t sign some imaginary contract for playing an online game."

    ... yes you did. You signed a very real contract when you bought this game. In which you agreed they can ban your account if you don't follow their rules.

    An adult that goes on conference calls should really know that

    As far as AFKing goes it isn't a bannable offence unless you get reported for it a very large amount of times. So it's not actually a real issue unless you go overboard with it.

    But people are having a point though

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    My favorite is being wraith and just run around exploring the map. Im tech not afk. But im also not stressed :^)

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    idk man, I'm at like 5K hours, I've had less than 50 AFK killers and I've never once in my life seen an AFK killer using a macro to swing, it's unnecessary because the game doesn't boot for being afk so nobody runs anything like that, they're almost always wraiths and don't get seen all game.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277
    edited February 2021

    I was playing survivor and had that EXACT thing happened. Had to clean up puppy puke and make sure he was okay. Came back to the killer and other survivors giving me heck in chat for going afk. I explained what happened but they didn't care.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    Okay, so here is the deal for being AFK and OP, I advise you take this to heart and not take this personally, but this behavior, depending on how many times it happens, can be considered breaking the rules for not playing the game.

    While there are no consequences for let's say, being afk twice or something like that, especially if it's over a long period of time, emergencies happen (your cat might have decided to throw your glass of water to the ground, work obligations suddenly come up or your dog has thrown up), but it becomes an issue if it's a habet that occurs a lot. This means, in itself being AFK is not bannable, things can happen. We all love real life obligations.

    If this is a very common occurrence for someone to do though, yes, this can be considered ruining the game for others as they are not playing the game and can result in a temporary ban. Some people don't want to run in front of the killer to get their points to get something out of it at least, a lot of people simply just want to play the game. It requires several reports that this happens with the same person over and over again.

This discussion has been closed.