

New HUD vote Yay or Nay

Member Posts: 444

So now that the new HUD came out, what are everyones opinion on them?

I myself think its horrible and cause IRL eye pain from having to look all over my screen for information

New HUD vote Yay or Nay 327 votes

The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event
254 votes
The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point
49 votes
The new HUD is fine leave it
16 votes
Love the new HUD
8 votes

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  • Member Posts: 452
    Love the new HUD

    How is the new HUD too cluttered? It literally got spread out more from the previous version

  • Member Posts: 293
    The new HUD is fine leave it

    I like it, but it needs many changes.

  • Member Posts: 452
    Love the new HUD

    Yeah the old version was more compact. I just don't find it cluttering to me now I find it so much better I don't have to look at the bottom of my screen anymore, and I play with the lowest scale of the HUD so its barely noticeable on my screen maybe that's why I don't have an issue with the change

  • Member Posts: 213
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Did they ever consider the fact that most of us console players, play on 60-70" flat screens?! It is impossible to keep track of anything with this garbage UI. I can't for the life of me understand why the devs keep making changes that are destroying both their game and the player base.

  • Member Posts: 2,773
    The new HUD is fine leave it

    Kiddos all afraid of change.

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited February 2021
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    In largely okay with it but would like generators placed at bottom of screen. Its not terrible and I largely like it but being at top feels unnecessary. Overall I love it but just want a minor change

  • Member Posts: 63
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    Have the developpers played on computer with Discord at some point ?

    Because one of the most important part of the overlay simply overlap Discord overlay... Meanwhile useless like tools is peacefully displayed alone on the bottom left, just totally empty when we don't have any items....

  • Member Posts: 63
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    The new state element is pretty but totally unplayable.

    The aim of it is to display information de ba quickly understandable, but now there're just too many colors, it's not easily and quickly readable at all :/

  • Member Posts: 444
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    I believe discord let's u choose where u want to see your friends icons

  • Member Posts: 3,089
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    I would be almost perfectly fine with it if they kept the icons in the same place as the old one they can keep the current icons as if for all I care just put them back to where they were

  • Member Posts: 63
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    While that is true,it is not player friendly to make them change their Discord overlay only for one game :v

    And since every corner is now used... That make it a bit tricky

  • Member Posts: 2,317
    edited February 2021
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    @Peanits I hope this feedback you were looking for about the new UI is good enough

    Post edited by Leonardo1ita on
  • Member Posts: 68
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Most of the killers have powers where keeping track of their power gauges or power numbers is important, yet they moved the survivor states and gen numbers away from there.

    Its very impractical to look at the top of the screen unless you are not in chases and don't care about potentially missing survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Yeah the HUD seems almost counterintuitive.

  • The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    As bad as it is - you can scale it down in terms of size in the settings screen.

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited February 2021
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    My major critique of the new hud would be the hook meters are ungodly small. Those need to be enlarged for sure. The generators would be better off at the bottom but thats not a big deal.

  • Member Posts: 28
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Please revert hud

  • Member Posts: 1,864
    The new HUD is fine leave it

    I've already gotten used to it. I understand why people don't like it tho

  • Member Posts: 3,255
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    I'm not going to look all over my screen for information, especially when I'm paying attention to other things going on in the game. In an era where you're trying to give survivors/killers more information, you're giving them less.

  • Member Posts: 1,448
    edited February 2021
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    There is good and there is bad in this new HUD. And since you didn't add a medium answer i'm forced to be negative ;(


    • the hook count for survivors
    • the hook count for killers
    • the status effects in colors ( great for the upcoming colorblindness modes )
    • the portraits : could be less generic and more an actual portrait of the survivor cosmetics ( could be generated during the loading screen )
    • generators remaining : as a CSGO player i'm used to have the info on the middle top part of my screen so i'm ok with this change


    • the hook count for killers : the general number of hooks is good but i still don't see why killers don't have the hook per survivor one, it definitly wouldn't make people tunnel more or less just give more informations and help making good decisions (leave the chase to stop that survivor who is dead on hook from finishing the gen next to you) + it also make the portraits HUD really asymmetric with the names of the survivor so low.
    • the placement of the portraits : being at the top-middle left side is hiding a great portion of screen that could be use to either see the killer coming or survivor scaring a crow in the distance + i can see it also affecting people playing SWF with the Discord HUD overlapping it = that's why it was good in the bottom left of the screen where you lose no visual informations over your environment
    • the name of the survivor : easier to see than before so GOOD but might want to move them slightly to the right so the Obsession claws don't actually touch it it would be more pleasing to the eyes ^^
    • the bleeding/hooked/BT/deepwound bar : it's not as visible as it use to be and being next to the portraits and not centered under it make it hard to see when a survivor is reaching struggle phase if on hook + also harder to see if a down survivor is getting picked up or healed from the ground
    • injured state : the scar effect is definitly a better version that the glowing red one from PTB so that is good, but there is room for improvment. It's still hard to see since the HUD isn't as close to the eyes as it use to be especially on big monitor or TV if you play on console. Maybe add a sound effect ? so when you hear it you immediatly look at the HUD to see who is injured ?

    Overall it's just a matter of placement and small size changes ^^

  • Member Posts: 24
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    the location of the new HUD is horrible, tired the view and distracts you from the game. It hides a lot of information (birds that fly, assassin that comes) not to mention that it does not leave space for the cameras when streaming without obscuring some data from the viewers. The bleed bars are very small. The photo of the characters is fine, but they are generic and have nothing to do with the cosmetic they carry, not providing the information for which it is supposed to be created. Everything was better as before in the lower left corner where looking once all the information of the game was obtained.

  • Member Posts: 399
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    They said they wanted console feedback, I'm on PS4 and look where I voted.

  • Member Posts: 444
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    So far only 1% of people said they love it and 4% voted to leave it its fine, so only 5% of people are on board with the new UI that makes 95% of the community against it

  • Member Posts: 6
    Love the new HUD

    I like the look of it, I just hate the layout. Put it all in one corner instead of across the screen and I'd be happy

  • Member Posts: 18
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Everything looks nice except the high res portraits of the characters (who are ugly as #########) there are simple minimalist portraits that are just white and you can distinguish the characters easily, it might even save resources, someone made a really good example of this already so devs have the ability to do it too. The location of the HUD however is absolute trash. Having your eyes dart around for information while also keeping an eye on the game for the killer/survivor moving around as well as skill checks is going to have people going cross eyed. It's already given me a migraine from a single game. It would be so much better if it was at least positioned like before so we can just look at 1 place and with a single glance and see pretty much everything you need. I don't even want to imagine playing killer where you have to pay so much more attention to who is up or down and at survivor's statuses along with the limited vision killers have whil searching for survivors and following scratchmarks while trying to keep an eye on other things. This isn't an mmorpg where we have 200 skills and buffs/debuffs that has to fit somewhere on the screen. There is very little that needs to be shown, there is no need at all to spread it all over the place.

  • Member Posts: 498
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    I dont really like it that much i hope they make it in settings you can change it back to the old one butgood updoot over all :D

  • Member Posts: 2
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Please for the Love of God, change it back to the old layout. I don't know who thought this was a good idea. I don't want to be juggling my eyes around to see how many gens, hooks, points being added etc. The update with the hook ticker is fine, just move the placement.

  • Member Posts: 1,471
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    The new UI is godawful, and the blatant lies from BHVR saying they can't revert it is just sad. I don't know why they even bother with the PTB anymore if they aren't going to listen to the community and change what needs to be changed. And them saying " Oh BuT cOnSoLe PlAyErS nEeD tO tEsT iT" is also a fat load of #########. I'm a console player and just seeing pictures, not even playing it, makes stomach turn. I could tell it was going to be bad the day the PTB came out.

  • Member Posts: 29
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Man new mobile game on console

  • Member Posts: 29
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    Also I hate having to look everywhere on my screen just to figure out where is the gen counter

  • Member Posts: 173
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    @Peanits @not_Queen look at the votes. do you not see the problem here? stop making unnecessary changes nobody wanted, you're literally killing your game.

  • Member Posts: 672
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    I wouldn't mind the new HUD if it wasn't for the fact that everything is so spread out. Looking all over the screen for information makes me dizzy and gives me a horrible headache, So much so that I have to take a long break before going into another match. If they would have kept everything at the bottom left of the screen, I would have liked the new HUD much more.

  • Member Posts: 447
    The new HUD is horrible and needs to be changed as soon as possible,preferably before the event

    ^ :)

  • Member Posts: 1

    Love the old one, new one is really hard to see gen’s numbers, ppl’s status, also the time bar is way too small Idk do they there to see or what. Why all of the elements are located everywhere? The old ver UI was perfect itself. Plz bring back old UI. New icon when survivers hurts, looks too cheesy

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    I wish there were an option to be neutral about it. Having played with it for a couple of days, I don't hate it as much as I thought I would. I kind of wish the gens weren't marooned at the top and I dislike the killer hook counter on principle, since it feels like, if I'm making such good progress on hooks, the entity should stop being disappointed.

    I think there's room to improve it in the future, but it's not ruining my experience.

  • Member Posts: 275
    The new HUD is bad and should be changed at some point

    Wouldn’t be surprised if Mathew says in the next stream,”have you tried playing a different game?” Because I’m sure he thinks that “They’ve done a pretty good job so far.”

  • Member Posts: 2,811
    The new HUD is fine leave it

    I understand the reasoning behind why people hate it so it's not that I think it's 100% fine as is, but personally I've had 0 problems with it because I'm not given too much info by looking in 1 spot.

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