Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

How do we feel about the new update?


1. Standing animation is horrible especially for females. Why does it seem like everybody has bigger and wider shoulders?

2. Normal running is not good.

3. The movement when running left to right or vice-versa is very slow, stiff & even pauses for a second making killer hits unavoidable.

4. 180s & 360s were the most funnest and most satisfying thing to do in the game to avoid being hit by the large hit boxes in this game. Now you're forced to run in a straight line because like I said before, you can't move left or right, or even turn without feeling like your playing the game in slow motion mode. You better hope you find a pallet or a window & pray that you don't get hit right through it. Yes, there is looping but having the ability to actually avoid a killers hit while out in the open is good.

5. There is no reason for a survivor to readjust themselves when crouching. This happens when you stand up and crouch right after. They move slightly forward & it just looks weird and unnecessary.

6. When opening a chest your character literally just stands there for a whole 2 seconds without moving (can easily be fixed but honestly the previous animations were fine).

7. The transition going from the dying state to the healthy state is slow and stiff (being downed & getting back up).

8. AND FINALLY hitboxes. Hitboxes are worse than ever before. The hits don't even seem to connect at all, they manage to get me when they aren't even close to me at all. Not being able to move left and right to try and avoid the hit when running without it stopping me a bit or slowing down makes it even worse.

*** THE HUD ***

1. I don't need to see a whole portrait of the character being played. Especially when it's too big.

2. I don't want a big medkit or toolbox taking up a big chunk of space from my screen. Same goes for my perks.

3. The hook timer/hook bar is very small and barely visible. Especially for people with visibility problems or people who are colorblind. Red on on top of light red is not good. Same goes for the exhaustion effect and other effects on the right side of the screen. I can hardly tell when the effect will go away.

4. Why is everything so separated?

5. Not being able to adjust, move, or resize everything is going to be a problem overall. I would prefer some things on the screen to be smaller or bigger than others.

FYI, there is a very good HUD made by a fan going around that is better than the one you guys came out with, and everyone loves it, just saying. :)

The only positives in my opinion:

1. Knowing how many times you've been hooked & who's been hooked.

2. A sound when the killer has been blinded.

3. Hatch escape animation.

4. Crawling animation isn't too bad.

In conclusion, if some of these things can't be fixed without causing even more problems, you guys should simply revert the changes and take it one step at a time not all at once. Focus on remaking the maps first and improving those graphics along with trying to fix the hit boxes and finally character graphical updates. We can worry about whether or not the game truly needs new animations or not. Perhaps in some areas but not all. I prefer quality over something fresh. The game was perfectly fine the way it was before besides some buffs/nerfs to killers/survivors & like mentioned before, THE HITBOXES. Thank you. Feel free to screenshot this and share it over Social Media guys.

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  • Member Posts: 36

    I took M. Cote's advice this time, I almost did with the billy trainwreck but this one takes the cake.

  • Member Posts: 347

    It feels pretty smooth to me, except horrible hitboxes. I'm already used to new animations and they seem to me very smooth and more realistic than before. But they clearly need to be polished and idle one needs to be changed.

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    I can live with the new animations in peace. Except the walking animation.

    The walk feels slower and the movement causes unexplained dizziness.

    Besides, the animations feels completely different and probably need a rework especially the standing animation.

    The new UI confusing especially when the state of the survivors needs to be checked.

    Personally it takes me longer seconds to understand the meaning of the effects on their portraits.


    The update made me play fewer hours, the hitbox, the slow animation made me feel a little annoyed and a need to take a break to do something else.

    I can't wait for changes 😢

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