Killers teleporting/HUGE hit box

Wolfie33 Member Posts: 1

After the latest update, several friends and I have encountered an issue when you drop a pallet and stun the killer, he gets teleported to your side. It's happened in almost every game we've played.

Their hit box seems to be insane. If I fast vault through a window and I'm at least 6 feet away from the window, the killer still hits through the window. Same with being around a corner, killer is 6ft or further behind yet still gets a hit.

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  • Kissumi
    Kissumi Member Posts: 30

    I thought I was the only one but seems like everybody is encountering this exact issue. It’s ridiculous hopefully it gets fixed asap

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    All killers are Nurse. Behold her glory.

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