Feedback on PROPOSAL for Object of Obsession
That; is incredibly wrong, lots of Killers have add ons that allow them to control aura reading without being handicapped like Myers is.
Both Wraith and Pig have aura reading add ons that function like scratched mirror, (i.e using the killers power) The Pig has Amanda's Letter, and Wraith has "All Seeing" - Blood. Very strong add ons in the hands of good killers.
The Oni has Renjiro's Bloody Glove, this does require an indoors map offering and intentionally letting the survivors bleed without collecting the blood, doing so will eventually give you complete map awareness.
The Plague has Black Incense, all she has to do is make them sick and she has wall hacks on them.
The Clown has Cigar Box, which is actually really strong when used on indoor maps.
PH, Deathslinger,DG,and GF technically have their own versions, but they're too situational to be worth adding to the list.
The point being, Myers is not the only killer who can control aura reading. Many actually can and some are actually quite strong. It's also worth mentioning that OoO doesn't work on Myers or stealth killers, you can't see them but they can see you when they use their power, putting the survivor at a severe disadvantage.
Post edited by Avarice10 on1 -
I don't understand why this perk is being nerfed. It's good for stealth killers as you can't see the auras of undetectable killers while they can still see you (This is literally the only argument people have why this perk is "overpowered"). You could compare this to NOED on the killers side but at the end of the day the developers are all like rank 16 killer mains so people complaining won't change anything
Also nerfing this would in a way buff Freddy, an already broken, piece of ######### killer that requires no actual skill.
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I'm a survivor main. I like this change. It stops the killers playing mean because someone is using object. And it also stops survivors getting themselves killed because they just stare at the killer all game.
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It also prevents Object users from monitoring the Killer all game and reporting where all the traps are.
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The game has become a trash heap. Everything is done to improve the game of the survivors. The maniac is simply suffering. Now your Game is about maniacs, not survivors.
Why does a maniac have 4 perks in total?
When the survs have a total of 16.
Why do most maniacs only make skills worse for the maniac himself?
The developers are just pieces of #########. I bought the game and regret it.
Why does the game last 5 minutes?
You have cheaters in the game and you do not ban them, the assistant in the Russian segment says that you need to RECORD the game AND ONLY BAN. Are you out of your mind?
The maniac most often has to take the perk against the things of the Survs, despite the fact that they have a watch and a knife, but you ######### ruined the momentomori. What the ######### is playing this?
Don't play as maniacs save your nerves
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It looks pretty good actually, and it is not useless as well. It looks like a very good change overall. I really like how they told us what they were doing to it before they put it in the game.
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I knew you were going to mention the other aura reading. The survivor version has a bigger radius than the killers. 12 meter all seeing? 12 meter letter? Now 8 meter Blight? There is a reason why I didn't mention the other killers. Meyers has THE best range out of all of them he can actually control the power. Plaugue needs to puke and survs can cleanse. Survs can avoid getting hit by Oni. Stealth is very advantageous to stealth players because of the maps, especially in open areas. It is a very good time waster for killers. Adding a perk, where a survivor can preemptively make a killer waste, time at best, adding an aura, or can relay info to their team at worst. The thing works when the killer isn't necessarily looking a the survivor as well. There is a reason why it is banned in tournaments.
Going back to your point on the killer's aura reading. The stealth killers' aura add ons do not matter because the PIG and Wraith are Undetectable. OoO is in a bad spot with them anyway. As for terror radius killers, this new effect is perfect. They all have some sort of aura reading. This new effect uses THEIR aura reading AGAINST them by giving you vital info. They see you and in turn you see them as much as they see you. The new effect normalises the playing field against Oni's and Plague's [or any other] add ons. Also makes it consistent with other killers and perks that don't have a terror radius but no undetectable effects [ie. Oblivious]. As it is controlled wall hacks for the Survivor during a chase.
Post edited by HelterSeltzer on0 -
Just my 2 cents on the proposal:
it actually sounds like a pretty cool change.
as survivor, mainly solo i would use this perk while i never touched original OoO outside of Lauries adept.
As killer i don’t think this proposed version will be as annoying anymore.
one thing though: the survivor may circumvent the aura reveal with lockers. Maybe that’s intentional, but maybe the timer could also be stopped while in a locker to make the playstyle revolve more around the perk.
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Experienced survivors already go into a locker to counter BBQ and Chilli. I think the aura every x amount of seconds is an overdesign. Just my opinion.
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Nah, Oni and Plague has the best range, not Myers, Plague can see where they vomit anywhere on the map, survivors can counter by cleansing but by doing so they're giving her corrupt purge which is what she wants. Oni can see survivors anywhere on the map when they pass through blood, yes survivors can "avoid" being hit, but that's not really realistic, especially against good Killers. Oni also typically runs the add on with indoor map offerings, where by wounding survivors he will eventually be able to see survivors anywhere on the map, which is a lot stronger then scratched mirror, he still has access to his power as well. Myers scratched mirror is also extremely map dependent, if he doesn't get a map like Lery's while running the add on they tend to DC. Oni and Plague do not have this problem.
The Oni, Plague, Pig, and Wraith are not map dependent. Neither of the killers have to sacrifce their power and movement speed to utilize their aura reading add ons. So Myers actually has the weakest aura reading add on despite its range because of how map dependent it is.
Take the Wraith for example, he might have to use his ability to see survivors in a 12m radius but he doesn't sacrifice movement or his power to see the survivors, so he won't have a hard time catching survivors once finding them unlike T1 Myers.
As for OoO, it's unclear if the new OoO will allow the survivors to see stealth killers when the killer can see the survivor, but the perk would most likely still light up thus warning the survivor of the danger. It would not be completely useless against stealth killers, just severely weakened.
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we can't know for sure how it will work out if we don't actually try it in live games.
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This perk seems more like a perk for a killer. survivor has 0 control of proc. I can imagine a bunch of unwanted aura flashes.
the new OoO better give automatic ds, iron will, and unbreakable... cause no way survivors are gonna want their auras revealed with no control over it. At least let them see killer aura every 40/35/30. cause like i can pretty much tell if a killer has BBQ and IF they're gonna come to me. I don't need no perk telling me that, especially if my auras gonna be revealed every 40 in 1v2, 1v1, or when teammates are all slugged. I can see killers just waiting for the 30 second proc. promotes slugging boring gameplay. but that's how u win IG.
food for thought: screw old OoO, new OoO, AND bond. empathy is the best info perk. It shows the instant a surv get hit and goes into injured state (shows teammate and killer location). the range is nuts, u can tell who and where the killer is on by looking at the auras that are loopin/running around and fast vaulting. and if everyone's always uninjured, then u didn't need perks to start with!
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Will the perk be active at the start of the game? If so, survivors can still tell what killers they go against as soon as the game starts
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Everything you said is true, but seeing through walls mid chase Is much more useful for survivor than killer, because killers are mainly playing pro-active, while survivors play reactive. Meaning killers are guessing where the survivor is going next, but survivors are trying to react to whatever the killer does. It's a lot easier to react to a moonwalk/double when you see the killer at all times and this would be incredibly aggravating for killers because they couldn't do any mindgame to catch you. Even if they can see you too, you can instantly react to whatever move the killer makes, making it effectively impossible for the killer to catch you unless the survivor makes a major mistake.
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My personal proposal is to turn it back to the old version of the perk.
Where both killer and survivor had to look into each others direction to get their aura revealed.
As soon as 1 looks away the link is broken and the aura's are hidden again.
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My feedback: Get it in the live servers now! Awesome change.
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I'm very content with this change. I think that this will make killers more lethal in a match without having problems with object of obsession.
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I just feel this would make Distortion kind of obsolete. You'll find out what aura perks the killer has, which is Distortion's main gimmick. It also doesn't have tokens unlike Distortion and will ativate much more often.
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I've talked about this a lot already, but I guess it's worth saying it again. I think the idea is great, specifically the first part, but it's the 2nd part that I have an issue with, because it has the same issue as old Discordance. The 2nd part doesn't objectively make it a better perk as it tiers up, depending on your playstyle.
If you are more of the stealthy type, then the lower tier will be better for you as you get revealed less. However, if you want more information for where the killer is, then the 3rd tier is best.
My proposed change to it would be to, instead, make the 2nd part read as follows: "When your aura is revealed it will last 0/1/2s longer". This means that, for example, if the killer had BBQ and saw your aura for 4s, at tier 3 he will see it for 6s, but this also means that you get to see their aura for those extra 2s. Which I think it's better than on a timer, which is completely out of your control.
Obviously some might still argue "well, first tier is better because then I won't have my aura revealed for that long", but I think it would be a better secondary addition to the perk.
On top of that, the 2nd part should not be tied just to the obsession. Just because it's called "Object of Obsession" doesn't mean the obsession has to have some special effect when using the perk. It should just increase the change of becoming the obsession and that's it.
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I think a better fix would be to make it a hybrid between premonition and old OoO, so to clarify.
As the obsession, every 45/30/15 seconds, when you look in the killers direction, their aura is revealed to you for 3/6/9 seconds and your aura is revealed to them.
This way the survivor who is the obsession has control over when the perk activates, instead of it happening at random intervals.
I would also suggest that cool down doesn't start until after the aura reveal deactivates. So the cool down on tier 3 would actually be 24 seconds, and the cool down on tier 1 would be 48 seconds. We could also add a maximum range of within 48 meters or so, that way the obsession won't see the killer across the map.
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I think the idea was to stop survivors from gaining info when THEY wanted it, which is what made OoO annoying. This change would essentially change nothing with OoO, as with the current version you can essentially do what you proposed.
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Not survivors, SWF squads. If OoO is changed it's to stop SWF from giving info of where the killer is during the whole match. By reducing the range and adding a cool down to the perk it prevents SWF from abusing it because they can't give info 24/7.
It also allows survivors to maintain control over the perk which is how it should be. OoO does not need to be gutted, it just needs to be balanced for SWF. Killers don't care about OoO when it's a solo player, when it's used by Squads it becomes a problem.
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I disagree, removing survivor control over when the aura gets revealed would not gut OoO, it would change its purpose, which I personally would like. However, I don't agree that the obsessions aura should be revealed every X seconds, because that removes any form of stealth. I am okay with survivors losing control over when auras get revealed, I am not okay with them losing it to the point it becomes detrimental.
That is why I like the first part, it's tit for tat, you see me, I see you and that's it. That is why I think the 2nd aspect of the perk should not be anything that lets you decide when to see the killer or have the game put you on a timer when to see it again.
To me, the first part of OoO would be just the perfect change, but because they still have tiers added to perks, it means they keep having to add unnecessary additions, just so they have a scalable parameter.
That is why I think what I proposed, have it simply extend the duration of aura reveals, would be a good change. It doesn't give power to swf (because, let's be honest, even if they added a range limit and put a time limit, that would still be too much info; plus the range would either be so far that it wouldn't matter, or too close where it is detrimental).
Also, I personally hate OoO even in solo, because it means someone sees all my actions as killer. Just because it isn't as strong as in a SWF group, doesn't mean it isn't annoying against a solo player either.
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I disagree, the change they're proposing and the part you're missing is that the new OoO would be heavily reliant on the killer bringing perks or add ons that will reveal the survivor, if the Killer doesn't do this then OoO will get no use whatsoever in game, your proposed change doubles down on the fact the survivor would never get any use out of the perk if the killer does not bring any aura revealing perks/add ons.
That's why the Devs proposed the passive reveal after a period of time. I too dislike this change because it does destroy stealth, and the old OoO paired with Sole Survivor was a strong stealth perk for the last survivor. The new OoO would be extremely detrimental to solo survivor who is the last person standing.
Hence why I proposed that should they go ahead with the new OoO, then the second part of the perk should be a balanced version of the old OoO that only functions if the survivor is the obsession, if the survivor is not the obsession they wouldn't be able to use it at all, and again if the killer doesn't have any aura revealing perks a survivor who isn't the obsession would not get any use out of the perk whatsoever and that's a massive nerf when you compare it to the original. This also means a killer can counter OoO obsession ability by transferring the obsession to another survivor, negating the obsession ability to OoO.
It's really important that the new OoO is still usuable and is not overly reliant on the killer in order to function otherwise OoO really would be gutted, and I'm strongly against gutting any perk simply because the Devs are unable to balance the perk for Squads.
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You underestimate how common aura revealing perks are. 99.9% of your games, the killer will have an aura reading perk. It really isn't an issue. Not only that, but it's a risk reward perk, killers have lots of those and they are doing fine. If the killer doesn't have an aura reading perk, then I think that goes in your favor most of the time. I would rather have it to where the perk is useless, because now I know the killer doesn't have aura revealing perks. Or you could pair it with MoM, proc it, and now you will have permanent aura reading of the killer.
All of this is much better than just force the perk to do something just because you are going "well, we can't have this perk just not do anything". It's okay for a perk like this to not do something from time to time, because in most games it will have an effect and in the rare case you'll have no use out of it. But, as it stands, the majority of the games the killer is bringing at least 1 aura revealing perk. I mean, heck, BBQ is the most popular killer perk for a reason.
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Wherever Killer aura reading perks are commonly used or not, that's beside the point. The point is no survivor perk should be entirely dependent on the killer bringing perks to get any use out of it. That's a bad design, and it's not even a high risk/high reward perk, it's a perk that lets you see the killer WHEN the Killer already can see you. If it's information you want, there's spine chill, if it's stealth you want, there's distortion. The new OoO being entirely dependent on the Killers kit is extremely weak. BBQ is probably the most common aura reading perk, and frankly the return value just isn't worth it. The killer sees all survivors for 2s and you see the killer for 2s and that's it? The perk is more rewarding to the killer than the survivor because it was designed to aid the killer. The survivor would be better off bringing Kindred. It's essentially the survivors version of BBQ but better.
I understand OoO is an unpopular perk to killer mains, but gutting it to the point where it's entirely dependent on your/Killer perks is going too far tbh. The only way I could potentially see any real value out of a OoO that is dependent on the killers kit is if the new design of OoO blocked your aura whenever it would be revealed to the killer and instead allowed you to see the Killer, if that were the case then this perk would be valuable and justified to be dependent on the killers kit, but that's not the case currently.
Honestly, the more I think about the proposed rework for OoO the more apparent of how garbage it is.
1. You see the aura of the killer WHEN they can see yours
2. If the killer doesn't bring aura perks you get no use out of it
3. Randomly have your aura revealed to the killer every 30 seconds
This is garbage.
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Whenever generator is completed reveals killer's and survivor's auras to you for 5 seconds your aura is revealed to the killer for 10 seconds. Trumps blindness and undetectable. Your aura cannot be hidden by lockers or any aura perk.
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The idea of object of obsession is for the two to always see each other when looking in the same direction. Why change this perk after 3+ years? The current version I see nothing wrong with it as it fits its niche very well. A high risk high reward perk for good survivors. Once again, you are drastically weakening a perk because of killers view the perk as powerful when it is not. This change seems to once again be to appease killers with no benefit to survivor.
Instead of nerfing survivor perks, they should be buffed if anything. The state of the game is dismal for the survivor side. Killers have extremely powerful perks that tilt the game massively in their favor, most of which shows the auras of survivors constantly and you are nerfing a perk where the downside of using it is exactly the upside.
Don't change the perk.
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Of course you'd be the one to claim OoO was "niche" and didn't need to be nerfed.
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When considering each of those facts in reverse order, the logic flows more clearly:
3 - Your aura is revealed to the killer every 30 seconds.
2 - Some killers also utilize perks that reveal your aura situationally too.
1 - Whenever the killer sees YOUR aura, YOU SEE THEIRS TOO.
Ergo... even if they're using 0 aura perks.... you BOTH see each other every 30 seconds.
There is a bit more to it, where point 3 at the start there is actually "If you're the obsession, then..." though I didn't wanna get bogged down on details before I could stress how those facts intertwine for the main idea here: the killer seeing you is about you seeing them. When you add in the stipulation, yeah there's a situation where the perk could go unused but that just puts it in line with like what half of all perks though. I'd w stager statically far more likely to be used per every time equipped than even something people value like unbreakable where its a function of getting slugged at all.
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Nope. Leave it alone. This isn't a re-work, you are effectively removing OOO from the game, and replacing it with something else entirely. Every 30 seconds makes it like a homing device attached to the survivor and means they have zero control over using it. Stealth is no longer an option with the proposed changes to this perk.
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So you'd rather a Survivor have infinite wallhacks? Cool.
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you are pretty much guaranteed to be the obsession so this perk still hinders you more than it helps you. like he can literally see you every 45 seconds
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Which is providing a chance for you to see them every 30-45 seconds....
And if you REALLY don't want to be seen during some specific activation period---pretty sure you can try to time yourself so you're in a locker when it'd proc and block the event.
There's a lot more play potential around the perk now for survivors and killers, and it at least mitigates one serious issue that *needs* to be addressed regarding the voicecoms problems in this damn game. The adjustment is pretty damn clever.
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You do realize if the killer sees you with any aura you can see the killer back right?
You do know that's extremely powerful can it can give so much information on what perks and addons the killer is using.
Nurse's Calling? Revealed, BBQ and Chili? Revealed, I'm All Ears? Revealed, Micheal Myre's mirror? Revealed.
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really? i thought you can only see his aura when he has aura perks. thanks for telling me
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really? i didnt know you can see him back every 40 seconds. i thought that you could only see his aura if he has aura perks
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This change is way better than the old OoO it still provides good utility while removes at-will wallhacks.
Which benefits the solo survivor more heavily than the SWF.
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I'm 99% certain.
The phrasing on the perk is very meticulously worded to express the logic of perk interactions: stressing your deal is seeing their aura when they see yours, and stressing this function guarantying they see your aura at times.
Ironically, but as usual, their phrasing actually ends up more confusing when read naturally because they're reluctant to include information that's (in their logic) expressed already and redundant. I guess its like a right-sided brain thing.
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The only issue I encounter with the current proposal is the limit to the Obsession getting the aura reading, but other than that I believe it is a healthy change for the current state of the game and how incredibly stressing was to go against full 4-SWFs teams where one ran Object of Obsession.
Whatsoever, I believe we could've the perk as a an "extension" perk since being the Obsession is a gamble at the beginning of the match and people running Decisive Strike, Nemesis, For The People and so on will always cause switches half through the match. So, I'd say that even if the person being the Obsession isn't running Object of Obsession, perhaps, the perk can still give them aura reading if someone else in the team is running it as an extension perk like people with Kindred can give some insight to other players, etc. That'd be my only suggestion for the current proposal.
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it could work , even as weapon vs stealth killers maybe , at least it still can be used to draw the killer to you potentially so , i guess nothing wrong with this change and will be refreshing etc .
it will still feel like a nerf to a lot of players that love this perk, but ive been myers main a lot and to be honest its sad vs these players so understandable really
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IMO it's fine the way it is. The only thing I think should be changed is that there should be a 'setting up' period at the beginning of the match where the killer's aura isn't shown until after a certain amount of time. This would give killers a chance to set up traps and things like that at the start. OoO is high risk, high reward.. Idk it just seems a bit drastic to me. If this change were to go live then RIP to Nurse's and any other killer perk that reveals auras at close range. Most people who run OoO are potatoes anyway. lol
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Oh you need to check again, there is no Killer aura rading perk anywhere near as close to power as Object is! Like, not even remotely close!
When a decent team uses Object there isn´t much a Killer can do, and Trapper might as well go afk and cwy in a corner lol
There is no risk to using it if you´re at least average at Survivor. You control 100% of the perk as of now despite the super busted effect. You need to look up the perk description again, the Killer does not control the reveal :)
Oh and most Killer perks are as bad as most Survivor perks, both sides have their handful of super busted stuff and not much going regarding the other 90% of perks other than meme potential haha
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You seem to have come to a conclusion based on an assumption.
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You said you'd prefer leaving it alone, which means you'd rather leave it as infinite wallhacks.
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It's a buff to Rancor: Obsession won't really be able to tell the difference between Rancor and Bitter Murmur until they're exposed.
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I don't think that is a fair comparison. BBQ gives killer immense map knowledge of where to go next so it gives him an upper hand. Killer perks shows survivor aura without survivor's consent. If 2 are on a gen and the other is crouched in the corner, he can go stop that gen instantly and then gen perks remove objective progress. He can know not to camp which is huge. But Object of Obsession shows the aura to each other so how can you say that is a huge advantage for the survivor. I see it as a fair trade. In theory, it's a lot more advantageous for killer to know where survivor is positioned.
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I like this design, I think you guys did a great job! What I like about it, especially, is that it maintains the dynamic of the original perk, but restricts the information communicated to a reasonable amount. Also, this indirectly makes killer perks that only give a sound notification more appealing, as you can gain some information without revealing yourself to OoO users. Sound notificatons help, but they give no depth perception of the noise, so it's not going to increase the efficacy of noise notification perks, either.
Just... climb into a locker, BBQ nullified. Also, BBQ does not give them the upper hand as many survivors use it against killers; as a survivor, when you see hear hooked survivor scream, begin stepping into locker; count to 4, step out of locker and take a wide birth to the hooked survivor - some killers will run all the way over to open that locker.
Also, I'm sorry, but you probably haven't seen or experienced OoO being used by powerful SWF groups. It makes the game almost impossible for the killer to do anything without the survivors knowing exactly where the killer is at all times.
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I think the perk should only be a counter to aura detection perks and not be a scanner every 30 seconds. I think if it only countered aura perks from the killers it wouldn't possibly become a meta perk but it would remain very useful to the survivor. But instead that idea does both. Plus there is that spine chill aspect to it which i never liked. Also, the fact more than one person can use the perk and get value out of it even if they aren't the obsession event though the perk name suggests only the obsession should get an effect out of it. So i would make it so that it only reveals auras when you are revealed and it only works if you are the obsession. No timer, no seeing the killer if they don't have an aura perk. You can see them for as long as they can see you unless they are undetectable. Only my suggestion however
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So if you're not the obsession, you have a dead perk all game? Ok.