Feedback for UI & Animation



  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    As a survivor I noticed that certain things were hard to see such as bleeding out and the deep wounds status effect even at 100 percent.

    As killer, I noticed I hardly looked at the new ui because everything was so spread out which is weird because you would think that it would make someone look at it more.

    I think it is also weird that status effects are not near the character who is affected by it on the HUD. Stuff like mangled and oblivious status effects would be nice to see who is effected by it next to their portrait.

  • negoose17
    negoose17 Member Posts: 13

    Let me start off by saying that I am not a fan of this new HUD layout and I know majority of the DBD community isn't either. I am very disappointed to see the Devs actually bring this update to live servers after majority of the DBD community said that "THEY DO NOT WANT THE NEW HUD LAYOUT". Now lets get into why I do not like the New HUD and why I think it hurts killers. As a Kiiler main I played a lot of the PTB/new update and I have noticed that the placements of the HUD is all over the place! I constantly had to keep moving my eyes all over the screen which made me miss opportunities to find survivors on the map. Killers are already at a disadvantage by playing in first person, so why are you making it more difficult for them with distractions all over the screen? Killers eyes should be focused mainly on the center part of the screen because this is where they're going to find potential survivors on the map to chase. The way it was before was perfect because all the killer had to do was look in the bottom left hand corner to see how many gens are left, their power logo and character logos all in one spot! Now its just scattered across the screen and it looks incredibly sloppy.

    I am a Plague main and having to look up in the top left hand corner of my screen to see whos infected/ broken is incredibly frustrating for me. The character logos is one of the Plagues main sources of tracking. For eg. If I puke on a Gen and leave that gen and then I see a character logo turn green that means someone interacted with that specific Gen that I puked on. Because of this new HUD I had to constantly shift my eyes in the top left hand part of my screen to check the character logos. This distracted me because I sometimes lost track of Generators and lost chases because of all these distractions. In my honest opinion any Killer that depends on looking on the HUD consistently throughout their matches is going to suffer from this new HUD change and The Plague is one of them! I made a video on my Youtube channel discussing these issues in greater depth. I'll leave a link to it down below.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

    About the UI: my eyes are in constant movement to gather information, sitting far away from the tv while playing on console its hard to tell whos almoat going to second stage. A lot of this was already said above and i agree.

    The movement: ive recently watched how the game looked like in the alpha version. This looks worse, the survior looks like a mannequin standing, like the hunchback from Notre dame when the match starts. The spine is unnaturally bend when in the dying state.

    The hitboxes from certain killers(pig, legion, oni) are just completely off.

  • NeanderChaos
    NeanderChaos Member Posts: 29

    I can't go anywhere DBD related and not hear people screaming "The sky is falling!". I keep trying to understand their frustrations because how could an entire mob of people be wrong? I played a few matches yesterday and a ton today (Survivor & Killer mind you). Um, what is everyone smoking?

    People seem to be upset that the UI is in multiple locations on the screen. As if peoples eyes are glues forward and they have to rotate their head completely in a new direction to see the information. People are like 'The focus is everywhere!!!'. You mean like a lot of other games out there? Metal Gear Solid had a radar top right. Life/Armor top left. Weapons bottom right, and items bottom left. Obviously the UI was just to complicated for PS1 players to understand so the game never sold any copies and it's a barely known game now a days (sarcasm). The new UI is fine. Every match I've played I was able to find the information needed within a split second. I think what we have here is a bunch of people with thousands of hours really upset the game has changed, and they don't like change. Please -_-

    The Survivor pictures for the new UI are pretty bland & out of place though. I keep seeing a mock UI example in this thread where the Survivor faces are just a simple white portrait (I don't care the location these portraits get placed on the screen mind you). Those simple white portraits are dope as hell and would fit the UI/game waaaaaay more. The color portraits used new just for some reason aesthetically don't work.

    The animations are okay. I'm not going to say they're great but they work.

    Survivor new movements are just amazing though!! (I've been playing mainly Survivor mind you!) Having people spin like drills because they spam keyboard & mouse movements has always been super cringe. I mean this community wants this game to become competitive right? Having absurd movement actions doesn't give DBD credibility at all. Trying to use a Killer power on a Survivor who is spazzing their movements out has made a lot of long time Killer vets stop playing specific Killers, or Killer at all. I'm speaking about people with thousands of hours practiced just dropping fun Killer because of how erratic Survivor movements have become. It was only a matter of time before BHVR had to reign in how extreme the movement have become. Don't worry Survivors! Remember, these type of movement abuses only really work on "Baby" Killers, right? So why care if they get nerfed? You know you play so many hours you usually play vs high ranked Killers anyways. Obviously such tactic which is only good vs "Babies" won't be missed at all, right? (sarcasm) Typical exploit abusing gamers with their backward logic *rolls eyes*

    After the complete overreaction displayed about this update I can now understand why BHVR doesn't regularly ask for feedback from the community like they did with the new possible OoO change. The DBD community is just mental.

  • Siren
    Siren Member Posts: 71

    First: I love DbD and I want to always support it, however. Please, please, please, please listen to the feedback you get from the PTB. The players that take the time time download the test build, sink time into it, and provide feedback from it are among your most dedicated players. There's no reason our feedback should be ignored until the update is released to live and then the public outrage causes you to have to save face. Why should we waste our time on your test build when you ignore our feedback anyway? All of this same feedback listed in this entire thread was given to you already back during the PTB.

    UI: I don't mind it, but the survivor portraits are way off. I don't really like the fact that all of the elements have been spread all over the screen, but I'd get used to it. With the survivor portraits, I know that they aren't actually bigger than the old ones, but because they are spread so far apart in their vertical line and they're so far from the actual top/side of the screen, they feel like they take up such a huge chunk of the stream. Moving them closer together and more into the actual corner of the screen would make them much better. I find as a survivor that I don't look at the portraits that much, just a glance when someone gets hooked or to see who all is injured. I look a bit more now that there are hooked tally marks, but with them being so big and close to the center of the screen now, they're so obtrusive to the game.

    The full color portraits are weird as well. If they were able to match the cosmetics being worn it would be a different story but I know that would be a huge undertaking. The colored portraits just don't match the "drawed" aesthetic of the rest of the UI. I do love the new injured status appearance though and I'm super happy that bit of feedback from the PTB was taken into account. I feel like if there was better communication with the community about why the portraits were changed, rather than the generic "this is for future things" excuse, it would be much better received.

    Animations: I love most of the new animations. I like that the survivors stand up straight when still and are hunched over when walking rather than being hunched over all the time. It feels more realistic. I also really like the recovering and crawling animations, although I am a bit sad that I can't spin around in circles when downed anymore. The running while injured animation feels awful though. It reminds me of bugs scuttling around and not an injured person trying to move quickly.

    Most importantly though: the hitboxes are so horribly broken. I know you know, but I'm going to repeat it. I was not one to complain about bad hits before, but with this update the hitboxes are so bad that I've been hit consistently in every game with about 2 or 3 survivor lengths between me and the killer. Every hit feels bad and they feel like they're coming from so far away. I just want to play and enjoy the new archive challenges and I just can't because there's no running from killers at the moment.

  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    The UI is awful. No need for everything to be spread out, keep it at the bottom. And the survivor's red health bar is too small and hard to see. It also no longer flashes when a survivor is being healed or picked up by the killer which is a nerf to solo queue. Exhaustion timer is hard to see, especially for colorblind people.

    The movements are what have really kept me from even updating (I played on PTB) and I don't see myself playing anymore (2k+ hours) until they are adjusted or reverted. They feel awful and sluggish. The whole start and stop thing that was added is just a bad idea, it makes it near impossible to dodge projectiles. It also looks really...unnatural? I'm also assuming the new movement has something to do with the awful awful hitboxes going on right now which is unacceptable tbh.

  • Revellations63
    Revellations63 Member Posts: 2

    I know I don’t have much to add to this in terms of creativity but I thought the Devs should hear all opinions and make a decision based on that whether to change stuff or not.

    Anyways: I play mostly killer and on console. I have never had an issue keeping track of stuff with the old UI layout, and yes things are moved so it will take time to get used to that, but no I shouldn’t be turning my head numerous times in a chase and taking my focus away from key info as much as I am.

    After playing one match as the clown I was so frustrated with knowing who was injured, seeing if it was an unhook/totem cleanse/ vault that I literally gave up on the match.

    I was genuinely overwhelmed trying to keep track of everything, it went from a fun game with focus required to a job with 100 customers in the store.

    I felt exhausted and overwhelmed after the match (like a mental burnout).

    I got a down and had to slug (late into the game) and they had unbreakable. I was in a chase and got my down and headed back over, searched for about 6-8s only to realize I only had 1 character icon for “dying”.

    In conclusion and with keeping my opinion constructive and curteous; I have lost the desire to play as killer for now. Its too much of a hassle. I’m not just saying that because I am upset and in the moment. I genuinely did not enjoy playing...

  • df15ch13
    df15ch13 Member Posts: 6

    I'll keep this short n simple, I can barely see the hook countdown timer when anyone's on hook. Pls help to make it more visible? Thank you, much appreciated.

  • risingredkite
    risingredkite Member Posts: 22

    Also, about the Animations:

    I don't think they're that bad, but most of them could use some improvements. For example:

    Animations like the crawling, recovering, crawling into the hatch, or the transitions from downed to injured, standing into crouching, or walking in one and than the complete opposite direction look good, in my opinion. But then there are other animations which look very artificial and unnatural like standing still or running while injured. They don't look very good to me and in those cases, I prefer the old ones a lot more.

    And then there are some issues with the camera movements, especially when getting downed or picked up again. The camera moves down very fast when getting downed to show the Survivor better. I like the idea but the movement itself is too rapid and unnatural. It confuses me more than anything else and the camera arc/ease in and out needs to be adjusted.

  • warcrafter3001
    warcrafter3001 Member Posts: 57

    I'll start with what's good!

    Seeing which survivor is which at a glance, great!

    Killers seeing how many hooks they've gotten, very useful.

    Survivors seeing the hook progress on each other, very handy!

    The high definition icons for powers, items, and perks, beautiful!

    Now with what I think could be improved.

    The location of the survivor portraits is in a spot that is inconvenient. You're eyes are normally in the middle of your screen or the lower part of the screen, because you want to look at scratch marks, red stain, moving grass, etc.

    The size of the important elements are smaller than the size of the unimportant ones. The survivor portraits are the most important piece of information on the HUD. Therefore, it should be the largest and most easy to see and interpret. Also, the icons for the power/items are very large for how unimportant the information they give is.

    On the same vein, the scoring events are also very tiny and hard to notice. While most of the time its not necessary to view them, there are situations when they come quite in handy; such as a survivor with calm spirit runs into a clown bottle.

    The gens are also at an inconvenient location for the same reason the survivor portraits are. It's out of the way hard to see out of your peripheral vision. Personally it's caused my to recoil in shock, after the last gen was completed when I thought there were 2 left!

    In summary, the HUD is very nice and high definition, but the elements are a bit too scattered. Its very nice to see iteration and attempts at improvement. And I think with a bit of tweaking this could become a great HUD!

  • NoNoedMelon
    NoNoedMelon Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021

    Hey BHVR, the new UI is too spread out like a mobile game. It makes it look like a cheap and free mobile game. It is too time consuming and inefficient to look at all 4 corners of the screen to figure out something, such as did I successfully get a safe hook rescue? - check top right. Is my teammate still mending? - check top left squinting because mending bar is so small. How many gens left? - check top middle. Is my item used up? - check bottom left. Is spine chill on? - check bottom right. If you want to include hook counters and such, adding that to the old UI is still possible. Hopefully you get the point. The survivor portrait does not fit the vibe as well, almost any suggested changes made by a random redditor shows a better portrait and injured state mechanism.

    As for the new animation, I think running looks finnicky especially when injured because it looks like we're running with very small steps. In the old animation, running while injured it more like a dragging an injured leg motion, whereas now its just happy feet running quickly while clutching arm.

    The main thing that upsets me and I believe most of the community is the fact that these changes were brought to the PTB for a month for testing. After receiving an overwhelmingly negative feedback especially to the UI, BHVR refused to revert the UI back when there was a month to receive feedback. What is the point of the PTB if feedback is ignored?

  • cfc
    cfc Member Posts: 5

    I haven't played DBD since the new patch released, and until the HUD layout and animations are fixed, I probably won't be back.

    This is what we all want:

  • crimsonspider
    crimsonspider Member Posts: 1

    I like the idea of the new hud elements but scattering it around the screen makes it feel like a mobile game and it doesn't look right. Implenting the new hud elements into the original UI places would greatly improve what we are seeing now, in my opinion. You had the placement right the first time. You shouldn't change it. I think the only good animation to come out of this update was the floor crawling, everything else feels like it was animated by hand. Sadly it feels like a downgrade. I love the game but seeing it set back like this hurts. You guys are doing a good job on the maps, I personally don't like breakable doors but overall, good job on them. I've never seen so many people consider to stop playing the game. I wouldn't quit personally but I hope you guys take everything people are saying into consideration. I know that this kind of stuff takes a lot of effort but you might want to go back on some of this.

  • XayahXRakanFTW
    XayahXRakanFTW Member Posts: 55

    You guys probably don't get a lot of good feedback so.. I really love this new HUD it's a lot better compared to the old UI where all the information just gets crammed into the bottom corner and it looked really messy for both sides thanks so much.

  • Lando
    Lando Member Posts: 1

    I think that UI changes are always going to be something that is hated at first due simply to the fact that it is change. I am giving this UI a fair chance, but as of right now (and what I see of the future with this UI) it is far less helpful.

    This UI is spread far apart it makes it difficult to, at a glance, know what is happening in game. (I play both sides equally around 1k hours of gameplay).


    • the health bar is too small to easily read what a hooked survivor’s health is at.
    • I find myself having to stare at the top left icons to understand what this new UI is saying


    • Depending on lighting and map, it can be difficult to read the white text at the top saying how many gens are remaining
    • With the current portrait of the survivors, it is difficult to understand quickly who is the obsession.


    • bloodpoints earned are so difficult to read in the top right. I don’t believe this changes gameplay in the slightest other than morale. I like being able to see how many points a given action is, especially for when we have bloodpoints events
    • (personal preference) I think animation for the survivor icons going from dying state to injured or injured to fully healed, although very small, is distracting. Although I am happy to change.

    I will still be giving this UI a chance, but I do believe that the use of it as an information tool has decreased due to the layout and size of icons (even after adjusting the size). I find myself relying more on my memory than the UI, which I feel defeats the purpose.

    I believe that the change, if left permanent, will grow on people, but I also think that the UI is too flashy and dispersed for such a fast paced game.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    Bring back the old HUD.

    There was no need to update.

    We don't need to see more info, as it breaks the balance.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    I like the UI, it’s beginner friendly and great for solo survivors and new killers.

    if I had to nip pick, when a survivor is injured the icon of the slash seems out of style, yes I understand it’s clear and visible for gamers but it needs to look thematic.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    I will just add to the comments myself to show my support of the changing both the UI and the animations. I also want to put one input that isn't about the UI or animation, but will likely be completely ignored.


    • All over the HUD. I genuinely find myself wondering what is going on or if anyone is even being chased or is injured.
    • Blocks the view often, making it hard to see where things are occassionally.


    • Characters look awkward and stiff.
    • Running animation looks like they are going for a light jog and not running from a Killer, very unnatural looking.
    • Idol animation looks like the survivors are trying to legit fight someone. Very unnatural look for females, sorta unnatural for males.
    • Survivors do not look behind them while running, head movement is very awkward.

    I would legit love it if they simply reverted the animations and kept the originals forever. They looked incredibly good for what they were and very natural.

    My extra input is breakable walls. Breakable walls seriously make it extremely difficult to play normal m1 killers. I can not tell you how many times I have had to kick a wall that did not need to be there before in order to make a window somewhat more bearable to play against. If this mechanic is seriously here to stay, there really needs to be some adjustments made to their placement because as it is right now makes it super difficult for normal m1 killers to play without getting frustrated or possibly losing the entire match because of one wall.

  • dannynel477
    dannynel477 Member Posts: 9

    If this UI is kept or is changed a little it should possibly be made more intense. Like as each gen goes down, the ui changes. For example it becomes more violent(?) and you gotta hurry in order to escape/k1ll all. Also the little points thing, it should maybe be underneath the character icons. These are my experiences so far. Also an item with no charges should look like it's empty. In addition, maybe different UI options?

  • Jobra
    Jobra Member Posts: 27

    It's as simple as no one really needed an UI change.

    And even if it was, what is the reason to place info all over the place on the screen and making it harder to see.

    Just place the new icons on the bottom left as it used to be for the sake of UX.

    I would love to see the user made UI used or even revert the update but I guess that is way too much to ask.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I like most of new animations. But idle stand animation looks weird. It doesn't fit to every character. They look like kids asking if I have games on my phone. It would be absolute great if idle stand was unique for every character and reflect character's nature.

    I don't like whole new UI. But worst part for me is probably tiny health bars. If I was new player, it would take a lot of time to figure that there is health bars and they seem to mean something. Health on hook, health on ground, deep wound status. All that bars are important and they should be clearly noticable.

  • Dom06
    Dom06 Member Posts: 3

    About a year ago I would’ve confidently said “Dead By Daylight is my favourite game,” but since the deathslinger dlc the game has slowly but surely gotten progressively worse through the map changes (breakable walls, the new aesthetic, more needless dead zones in maps, etc) frustrating killer mechanics and other unnecessary changes. I know I don’t speak for every player when I say this but from someone who’s spent thousands of hours in the game it’s just sad to see the Frankenstein’s monster this game has become compared to its’ former self. The game really had charm.

    NEW UI:

    This new UI does an excellent job of being the absolute opposite of what a UI should be. Confusing, clustered, ugly, not to mention completely unnecessary. I saw someone saying the old UI was like a good car dashboard, clear and concise plus it was all in one area so that you could glance down and then go straight back to keeping your eyes on the ‘road’. However, the worst part isn’t the UI at all though, it’s the fact that almost the entire community gave you negative feedback on the UI and you released it anyway. As a console player myself I could tell from the initial reveal that the UI was a complete downgrade. The excuse that you released the UI is because you want console feedback is complete rubbish. You’re not being straight with the community and it’s turning players away. Having said all this if I had to choose between the new UI or the new animations I would pick the UI any day of the week over the abysmal new animations.


    I updated the game with my fingers crossed hoping the new survivor animations and movement didn’t make it through the PTB and we could forget this ever happened. Oh boy was I wrong. The new ridiculous animations somehow made it through and it’s even more upsetting to see how bad survivor feels to play now. I just don’t even know what to say. Who asked for this?! There was absolutely nothing wrong with the old ones. The only decent looking animation is probably the uninjured sprint, but that’s only because it looks similar to the old sprint. Sure the old animations looked kinda goofy but they had charm, much like the old maps but I know for a fact we’re not getting them back so I’ll stop bringing them up. With the new ones they’re not goofy, they’re not realistic (which I’m guessing is what you’re going for(?)) it’s just some weird uncanny valley where I’m just wondering what on earth I’m looking at. In the matches nothing gets done because everyone is just standing still confused at what happened to their survivors and the UI. I don’t even need to talk about the new movement and hit boxes because they’ve made the game unplayable right now for survivors and I trust it’ll get fixed swiftly. The thing that makes dbd for me is the chase mechanics and now that, with the movement, it’s virtually non-existent, what’s the point on playing? It’s like you’re designing your game so that people sit on gens and play immersed, you might as well remove pallets and window vaults at this rate.

    CLOWN AND MAPS (Not sure if you wanted feedback on this but here’s some anyway)

    First of all, the clown change has made no impact whatsoever on his chase interaction the pallet is still camped and dropped early. Whether the survivor is sped up or slowed down the survivor has to drop the pallet and run to the next one. The same exact chase interaction is occurring just at two different speeds now instead of one. The only change really is that he now can speed himself up when hooking or walking to generators which I guess is fine just a lazy rework to be honest. It’s nice to see the Gideon meat plant now looking more like it’s from a saw movie although the map now plays even worse with more safe pallets and the introduction of breakable walls (honestly as killer and survivor cold wind farms are now the only enjoyable maps). I played a game earlier on the game where when I dropped into the bathroom above the basement there was no way for me to escape without the killer breaking a wall and so our entire team was trapped trying to save me (surely this wasn’t intentional right?!). Haven’t played the new Crotus prenn maps yet because to tell the truth I’ve given up playing dbd until these changes are resolved but I’ve seen clips of people walking through walls so enough said there.


    It really is just depressing to see what dbd is becoming it truly was one of my favourite games. I’ve found myself watching through old noob3 vids getting my bit of dbd nostalgia (I wonder why he hasn’t been uploading since pyramid head! Maybe the charm of the game is gone for him too) BHVR your community is BEGGING you to revert these changes. I’ve never seen such stubbornness from a games developer after the community has come together like this please listen to your feedback it’s there for a reason!

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I already commented a longer piece here on page 1 about the UI and animations but have couple additional things to add.

    For UI: the bar for when an item is used up should be more clear that it is empty. Currently an empty item looks like it has charges.

    For animation: please bring back the ability to spin while in the dying state. This was extremely helpful to communicate to teammates while in dying state. I also used it as a way to thank killers that gave me the hatch as last survivor.

  • kylerabdcgamer10
    kylerabdcgamer10 Member Posts: 279

    Right now as the update has come out I am both extremely happy and grateful, but also incredible disappointed with the execution..

    **The animations**. For a very long time I have wanted to see a change in the survivor animations, and now its finally happening! but its not living up to my expectations sadly.. What I had originally envisioned was each survivor having their own set of unique animations "walking/running/vaulting and etc. But that's not what we got and I'm alright with that partly, but the new animations are not yet up to the quality and standard expected by a 2021 game and don't fit on every character, the old ones didn't either. The current animations range from great! to garbage.

    1. Lets start with the good! **First off the Crawling/Getting up "from the dying state" **, These animations are extremely smooth and blend well into crouching and other animations like crawling into hatch, that one is great. And the basic crouched and standing idle animations while injured look great but don't really blend well into walking, female idle looks good too! Falling down when injured looks stunning, it has actual weight and impact to the animation
    2. Now lets go to the bad. **First off Running / walking while injured** "both genders". The animation has a very short and stiff run cycle. It needs to be more varied with more stumbling, it also needs to look FAR more desperate "but only in chase" like they are actually running in terror, outside of chase it could look more "painful" and like they are trying to recover and catch their breath. both versions are far to similar. Walking while injured looks god awful on both gender's, It is EXTREAMLY stiff and does not fit with either running nor idle positions. It also needs to be more varied, pretty much everything I said about running. Also repairing gens while injured needs an animation, like they are struggling to do anything.
    3. Now this is my last thing regarding animation for now, its short and simple. the animation set needs to be tweaked to show more fear "when in the killers terror radius only" it can stay mostly the same when outside or far enough from the killer's terror radius . The best example to show what I mean is "Friday The 13'th The game's" "fear meter" the closer the killer get's the more visibly terrified the survivors get, or the more on edge they would get.

    Now regarding the new Hud, I honestly don't mind it, everything just needs to be moved around to be more compact like the last one.

    I have watched and played this game since launch so I'm glad to finally see change.

    Thank all of you for listening to our feedback.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I just listing here.


    1. Since all the arts are flat art (perk, items, powers, gen, survivor's status ect). Survivors' 3D portrait doesnt fit in, especially it suddenly changed back into flat art when they're dying. Make the art style isnt consistence.
    2. The hook progress bar is too slim and super hard to see. Enlarging required.
    3. I think its time to make a hook stage a full bar instead of two halves for 2 hook stages. If a survivor is hooked, they get a hook mark, the progress slowly depleted to 0%, they get another hook mark, the hook bar refilled, then continue.

    Survivor portraits get dimmer if they're no more healthy. this idea is from @edgarpoop


    Im ok with the animation, the only thing bug me is the standing tall that make me feel Survivors doesnt scared at all. I would fix it like this:

    Survivor after doing any action (walk run, gen heal totem ect) will stand low like the old Idle. After a few sec not doing anything, they will stand tall like the new Idle, their camera height is also higher for better view.

    It can be a little bit more details that when they're standing tall (new Idle), having Terror radius will make them stand low (old Idle)

    About getting flash lighted from survivor standing tall is the most scary thing in the game.

  • Megaris
    Megaris Member Posts: 105

    Guys, don't forget status effects like madness(Doctor), dream world(Freddy), and marked(Ghostface).

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    I can see what you were going for with the new ui but it kinda works against survivors that are working on gens as you have to look far away from the progress bar to check how fellow survivors are doing also the survivor portraits in the ui could use some work like maybe have the characters having icons like how the perks are where it's the characters head in white/gray

    Now for the animations the looking around are a bit jank like looking up and down is hilarious looking because how it looks like the head snaps up and down at certain speeds looking like a glitchy nod

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    I sadly can't try this out yet because my Xbox died.

    But it looks so good; I don't see the problem?

    It's a change, and that's why no one likes it? Because it's something different?

    They're also trying to get with the times and make their game look even better for next gen consoles and such.

    In my opinion, there needs to be an option to have the old stuff on or new.

    Because I really feel I'll love this update, and others will too; but plenty can't stand it for some reason or another - so they need a way to be catered too as well.

  • rebecca123
    rebecca123 Member Posts: 33

    Ok so to be more specific on the animation feedback:

    negatives :

    ~ you can’t hug walls as closely meaning looping is now less efficient

    ~ 360’s are more difficult and not the same as before, meaning you have less opportunity to juke a killer and escape

    ~ the movement looks overall rigid and less realistic than before


    ~ flashlights seem to be working on as getting the feedback on the blind (as before) which is great.

    ~ being able to crouch and use a flashlight is a good addition.

    UI - it does have information in very different places , I have a large tv and it makes it less efficient having to look all over my screen when the info used to be all in the same sort of area.

    Finally thanks for setting up a thread specifically for this .

  • jiwix
    jiwix Member Posts: 64

    Hello, HUGE player doesn't like the new HUD at all, it takes up a lot of space on the screen, it's a very bad idea to have put it this way, at least add the heads of the characters at the bottom left on the old HUD, yeah why not,but it's in the middle of the screen like the generators at the top, it's just disturbing, I personally would like to find my old HUD which was very good and didn't take all the space, thanks for adding the possibility to choose between the old and the new one.

    Bonjour, ENORMEMENT de joueur n'aime absolument pas le nouveau HUD moi également, il prend beaucoup de place a l'écran, c'est une très mauvaise idée de l'avoir mis ainsi, a la rigueur ajouter la tête des personnage en bas a gauche sur l'ancien HUD ouais pourquoi pas, mais la c'est au milieu de l'écran comme les générateur en haut, c'est juste dérangeant, j'aimerai personnellement retrouver mon ancien HUD qui était très bien et qui ne prenais pas toute la place, merci d'ajouter la possibilité de choisir entre l'ancien et le nouveau.

  • Cyrus
    Cyrus Member Posts: 5

    I had to make a break from DBD for several months and was so happy to play again this month. I also didn't buy the last 2 or 3 DLC yet, which I would do when playing again.

    With the new UI now implemented I will not play DBD anymore and save the money for DLC!

    BHRV you lost a long time player (since Beta) and a lot of money for DLC which I always bought because the game was really good. That new UI sucks and I am absolutely disappointed about your ignorant actions, you should have listen to the community reports after the PTB.

    Sorry I will not play DBD anymore, not before you can switch back to the original UI. You can still put in a hook count without changing the whole thing!

  • MeatN2Vedge
    MeatN2Vedge Member Posts: 56

    The new UI is fine the way it is, if you're too lazy to move your eyeballs a few millimeters maybe the problem isn't the game.....

  • laterzDBD
    laterzDBD Member Posts: 3

    UI makes me feel like im always looking around the screen like its a rocket ship control panel.. just put the survivors and gens close together in a corner and let killer see the hook count too.

    movement feels more random compared to old movement. glitches more often. Cant start or hold a moonwalk consistently.

    don't even feel like its a "getting use to" thing. I really feel like this hugely limited the skill cap for a lot of players that rely on movement and greddy/ risky plays to get enjoyment outta the game.

    i also don't like having to drop pallets and end my loops early cause I'm respecting the killer hitbox more. it makes me feel like a bb. : (

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I feel like this comment will get lost here. but here is what I want from the new UI

    • Killer hook counter. just give us the same as the survivors, killer who wanna tunnel, will tunnel anyway
    • If not. make it so it fills with a different color when someone doesn't get saved in time and spends another hook state on the hook
    • let us control the sizes of the UI and things like skill checks separate.
  • Inferno427
    Inferno427 Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2021

    the survivor information is awful. the 3d renders look terrible, adept portraits would fit the art style.

    it's hard to see information because it's so far out of the way. you cant't easily keep track of hook timers, slug timers, status effects etc. bringing it closer to the bottom and making it larger would be good. health states can be hard to see, using the old health state indicators in addition to portraits would be good.

    I think using the character's name, under the player's name, and using health state indicators instead of the portrait would portray the same information in an easier to understand way.

    the hook counter for killers is useless. i'd suggest changing it to a hook interaction counter, for the purposes of the devout emblem or just using the survivor's hook indicators.

    It's hard to keep track of generators because the counter is in a harder place to see naturally. if you moved it to the bottom of the screen, it would be more useful as you would more easily see it..

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    I don't know why you quoted me in the first place, when I simply stated my opinion and reasons I gave you as well, some people just gave more in-depth reasons, so you probably should read them to understand why majority of here don't like them.

    If you are too lazy read them all, then you don't care. I, on the other hand, read at least 5 first pages. I don't even need to read more of them since most of the reasons are the same, was it positive or negative feedback.

  • KDawg
    KDawg Member Posts: 29

    To preface, I'm a survivor main. I'm against the new HUD. I'm neutral on the animations (think they'll take getting used to) but am very against the movement changes associated with the new animations. All that said, I think the communication is the largest issue in causing frustrations.


    A lot of people don't feel heard in giving negative feedback from the PTB, etc. Not sure about others, but for me, it feels insulting to hear "You'll get used to it" or be outright ignored as a community when trying to give feedback. The PTB was released more than a month ago now and only this week have I seen anything that indicates that the negative feedback from the new updates is being taken into consideration (other than some of the colorblind feedback for the hud. Props for hearing/implementing some of those!). I LOVE that BHVR is asking for early feedback on Object of Obsession. That said, based on recent events, I'm not hugely optimistic that feedback will affect much


    People spend hundreds/thousands of hours in this game perfecting the mechanics. Some stuff will have to be re-learned due to new animations (e.g. how best to hide when standing tall when not moving, etc. - small things in my mind) but think the bigger issue is making previous movements that people had practiced (like 360s) completely different. I really don't want to sink a bunch of hours into a game learning fundamental mechanics when those fundamental mechanics might change with no reason given for it (which brings me back to communication)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    I definitely love the change for the injured status, such a good change compared to PTB version!!

    Overall I like the new UI. But it’s too spread out, and especially for survivor info which is pretty much needed at all times it’s inconvenient in the top left corner. Maybe change that with item/power placement, because that is not needed all the time and you also get a feel for when your power is ready (and kn most cases a sound notification)

    also I like the idea to use the achievement icons for character instead of the pictures now in use.

    for animation, again I like them, but at times they feel way too stiff. Especially the idle animation. Replace it with the lobby standing animation, that way the chars also show more individual personality in game..

    and hitboxes and/or laggy Hits definitely feel worse since the update. Or better expressed: more killer sided. I got some really scummy hits as killers

  • warcrafter3001
    warcrafter3001 Member Posts: 57

    yeah it's quite hard to differentiate between tier 2 and 3 madness as well as infection progress.

  • LucidDaydreamer
    LucidDaydreamer Member Posts: 27

    Here are some ways that I thought of that might help improve the animations.

    for some background, my only gripe with the animations is the female walking animation and the injured running animation, as well as some small details about the standing animation. I genuinely liked everything else. Here are some ideas that I had that might help.

    1. for the injured running animation, I feel like it looks stiff. not really the way someone would run if they had a serious injury. If I could add my 2 cents, I would say make the animation as if the character is running with everything they've got while at the same time they're movements are restricted due to pain and injury. A good example of this from the game Resident Evil 2: Remake. The running animation for the characters when they are in the "danger" state is a great example of this point.
    2. As for the standing animation, I love it, and I don't think it should be removed. however, when in close proximity to a killer, it does feel a little bit unrealistic for the survivor to have that relaxed posture. Some really good advice would be to make the survivors get into a different "ready" stance when within the killer's terror radius. Another example of this from another game is The Last of Us Part 2. In this game, when there are enemies nearby, the characters get into a different stance. this adds realism to the game, and would remove some of the uncanny-ness.
    3. As for the female walking animation, I wanted to point out that the default male walking animation feels good and intuitive, while the female walking animation feels stiff and a little unrealistic. I would suggest making the female walking animation more like the male one.

    I hope this message eventually gets to the devs and gets past all the nasty comments.

    Thanks for hearing me out.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited February 2021

    Survivors no longer look behind themselves erasing huge elements to running interaction with killer.

    Survivors run animations do not fit the speed they are running. They look like the are not very much in a hurry anymore.

    Desync makes things like vaulting, dropping a pallet dead hard and hook saves impossible to perform.

    Keep getting clipped on things in the environment due to uneven ground or invisible hit boxes of things along walls of the environment.

    Audio for being in chase is way too high.

    Juking back and forth is a huge element taken away by these new animations I feel like most of the running I once enjoyed will never be enjoyed again. Really disheartening all around.

    Stop trying to make up for the issues with bloodpoints. It comes off as out of touch and for the player's that's been here awhile, just not necessary.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    I can’t pin it on the game with 100% certainty but I woke up with one of the worst migraines this morning. I tend to get them every so often anyway but after playing several matches last night I started to feel a migraine coming on. The last match I played I was DC’d saying no internet connection code 8000 something. My internet was fine btw. I went to bed only to wake up to one of the worst migraines I’ve ever had. Could be from the rigorous eyestrain, I don’t know.

    I absolutely love the new graphic updates to maps. Very beautifully done. Sadly I think that is one of the only things I like about the new patch. I don’t like the new UI have to look all around the corners of the screen for info. Old one was much simpler, easy to follow. The tutorial needs to be redone for new players. It’s not good at all. What they did on mobile needs to be done on the other platforms. Mobiles tutorial is much more in depth than what we have. I think then some of the crap scattered on the screen can be eliminated or condensed.

    New animations are meh. They all look unnatural. Most are laughable at best. The entire feel of playing survivor has changed, and not for the better. New movements seem slower, I know that’s probably not the case but it sure feels that way. Turning sharply it’s almost like your character does a pivot. It feels sluggish, not smooth like it use to. This by far was/is my biggest gripe with the new update. Survivor movement should be reverted back IMMEDIATELY. I specifically remember hearing that survivor movement would be kept the same but here we are. It almost feels eminent you are going to go down and a chase no matter what you do. It feels clunky. It’s definitely a step back imo. Personally it doesn’t even feel like DBD anymore. It feels like a cheap knockoff. You can’t bob and weave like before. Take for example getting caught in the open by a Huntress, use to you could bob and weave side to side and sometimes making her miss. Now you are taking that hatchet like it or not. It almost seems playing killer is MUCH easier now. The hit boxes are completely and utterly broken right now. I’m getting hit from 2-3 survivor lengths away. Pallets are vacuuming killers to whatever side you are on. If they have STBFL you are immediately going down after dropping that pallet, they get the initial hit when they shouldn’t have then get vacuumed to your side and immediately hit you again.

    All this makes me so badly not want to play this game anymore. And frankly I’m not ok with that because DBD is my favorite game. I’ve put more hrs in this game than any other I’ve ever played, DS3 coming in a very close second. Please revert back the survivor movement. It’s really not good. I don’t particularly like the new UI but I can adjust to that over time I suppose but the movement I don’t think I will ever get use to that.

    I don’t think as a community we want this game to change drastically. It’s a masterpiece. Sure there are bugs here and there and some perks could be better or changed and maps reworked but changing something so drastically as survivor movement is kinda a kick in the nuts to all the veteran players.

  • moony003
    moony003 Member Posts: 2

    My opinion on the UI is the same as most complaints. Its blocking the view which is very important in a game where you are hunting or are being hunted. You need a clear view. The UI being in the bottom was out of the way because your opponent is not going to be down there. Changing the character icons is fine. Updating the text style is fine too. Add hook counts – sure, that’s fine. But all the information does not need to be spread everywhere. Keep it nice and neat at the bottom.

    The character animations are ok for the most part but I’m not a fan. They have taken a lot of fun out of the game. You can’t spin on the ground anymore. Also, the standing up straight when still looks ridiculous. First off, very few people have that great of posture. Second, you would not be standing like that in a survival situation when someone is hunting you.

    There are a couple of main issues going on with Behaviour in my opinion. First, they changed too much too soon especially for survivor. They changed the UI, updated animations, and on top of all that, the patch has broken hit boxes. It is miserable and frustrating playing survivor right now. It is so broken. Now the Rift and Lunar New Year events are out which is the prime time to play, but this patch is a real turn off. 

    The other main issue is that Behaviour has their priorities all wrong. They are trying to breathe new life into the game by reworking maps, changing the UI, etc instead of coming out with new content. I want a new map already. We’ve had two new chapters with no new map. They don’t seem to listen to the community. Why hasn’t Dead Hard been fixed? It’s a perk many survivors use because when it works its amazing but a lot of time its broken. How about updating the mori for Trapper and Wraith? That has been asked repeatedly and its been tossed to the side. On the flip side, when Behaviour does have a cool concept, it disappears. There was a PTB where they did a cosmetic test and survivors got bloodier as the game goes on. That was amazing, but I haven’t heard anything about it since. Please realize Behaviour that new content is going to bring more people into the game. Don't try to fix what isn't broken.

  • freestyle
    freestyle Member Posts: 6

    revert back to old ui

  • New locomotion just destroy the game for all good main survivor, i dont need to add anything.

    No game ever complitly change his movement system after 4 years destroying the game flow for all good players.

    Its a nice way to kill a game, still love the concept after 3k hours, if they revert i'm in again for sure !

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    Please keep the character portraits it makes it easier to track the obsession rather than pressing esc to find what character they are

    I would go one step further and somehow include their cosmetics too so I know exactly which one is which

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