The Monster Under Your Bed " The Ghoul & Jane Arkensaw" -Chapter Idea- (Updated V21 UNFINISHED)

B_Random Member Posts: 370
edited March 2021 in Creations

Original Image by " BleedingHeartworks " on Deviant Art

[Creepypasta]: The Sleepless Death by BleedingHeartworks on DeviantArt

Chapter Title: " The Ghoul Under Your Bed "

Dead by Daylight - Jeff the Killer: Lobby and Chase Theme (Fan Made) - YouTube

Introducing: " The Ghoul "

Real Name: " Jeffrey Woods "

Backstory: " Jeffrey Woods, a troubled boy with a life that wasn't too bad, to say the least, but was far from satisfactory. Jeff wasn't what anyone would suspect from a deranged serial killer; he didn't kill animals when he was young or torture any classmates that looked at him the wrong way, no. He was just a kid with a few problems that didn't correctly check or treated at the time. After moving to Mandeville, Louisiana, it doesn't help that things became much worse after a run-in with three bullies that were able to push Jeff a little too far over the edge. Two different fights, a flare-gun shot to the left side of his face, and months in the hospital getting taken care of. Jeff was only able to listen to what was happening around him; he heard things that made the mental wall in his head, keeping all the anger restrained, begin to collapse. Jeff was blamed for the fights and the flare-gun incident; his mother was worried that having him try to live a "normal life" after the accident would make her look like a bad parent. She didn't care about her child, she cared about how she would appear to the other people in her new neighborhood, and Jeff's father wasn't any help either, not doing much to even try to better the situation but allowed it to unfold before them. By the time he got home was the time the boy they were taking home was no longer their son "Jeffrey Woods" what sat in that car and wore those bandages to cover up the side of his face was all the anger and frustration he built up and tried to hold at bay, the ghoul that took his parents live the same night he came home. Before he left, he made sure Liu was fine. He wouldn't bring himself to hurt Liu in any way since Liu was the only one in his family that genuinely treated him right and cared about him. He had his final goodbye with Liu, unsure of when they'd both cross paths again, and if they did in the future, he wouldn't know how to approach him after all this time and with all the blood-soaked on his hands. "

Map: " House of the Ghoul | Fairmont Neighborhood, Mandeville "


Head: " Twisted Smile " - The aftermath of a flare gun accident, the load gun discharged and shot the flare directly at the left side of Jeffrey Woods lip and drew a path past the top of his eye. When first seeing the disfigurement on his own face, it looked like he had a smile burned in his face.

Torso: " Maniac's Night-Wear " - Torn up light grey hoodie jacket with blood splatters, black roughed-up pants and black shoes with blood soaking the soles. Some of the blood stains look moldy, makes you wonder how long he's been loose.

Weapon: " Psycho's Blade " - A dirty kitchen knife, his primary weapon used to cut through flesh and muscle. Making every moment so agonizing, the victim will wish for death to release them from the pain.

Difficulty: Hard

Base Stats:

Movement Speed: 115% 4.6 m/s

Terror Radius: 32 meters.

Height: Average

Power(s): Monster in the Dark

"Lurking in the Shadows" - You're well equated with the Shadows, and you know the best ways to maneuver around your prey without being detected. You can teleport anywhere in the map in long or short distances but only around interactable objects such as: chests, lockers, totems, gens and exit gate levers. Once you complete your teleportation you're undetectable for 20 seconds. When he gets ready to teleport to a location, survivors will hear a faint monotone laugh from map wide to put them on edge and give them a chance to be vigilant. If a survivor is working or interacting with an item, it'll be slightly slower to teleport to said item giving the survivor a chance to run and hide when they hear the faint monotone laugh.

Teleporting to items will take 3 seconds but teleporting to an item with a survivor will take 4.5 seconds, survivors interacting with said item will hear the monotone laugh a little clearer to give them a chance to run away from the interactable item.

[HIDING IN LOCKERS]: You also have the ability to hide in lockers as well having a third person view around your area while you're in the locker to know if any survivors are coming close to you. If a survivor is in 4 meters of range, they will have a white aura around them indicating that you can leap out with the attack button to injure or down the survivor. However if a survivor enters a locker with you inside, you will come out of the locker with the survivor on your shoulder. When in a locker, you have a range of 6 meters where you'll be able to jump out and stab someone.

Enter a locker, press the Spacebar button to enter, and press Spacebar to exit without attacking. Press the attack button to jump out to attack anyone who comes in range.

Press the LCtrl button while in a locker to relocate yourself into any available lockers on the map.

Settle hint for survivors to know if he's in one of the lockers, is you'll hear really quiet breathing when you're 12 meters away from a locker he's in, but it'll sound a lot louder when you're 3 meters from the locker he's in.

"UNHINGED SLASHER" - Press and Hold the power button to charge and slasher attack which will make you sprint forward and slash any survivor in your way. You can slash multiple survivors in your way for one health state. While in a locker, pressed the power button so you can leap out of a locker and do the exact same against unsuspecting survivors. Activation time should take no more than 1.5 seconds to start and if you cancel the power without using it, it should take 1 second to exit.

"I want to scare you, so I can to slowly kill you." -The Ghoul

Addons: [Finished]

Ultra Rare -

"Family Photo" - An old family photo with Sheela, Matt, Liu, and Jeffrey Woods. Jeff's family. The parents faces are carved out with bloody finger prints on them, and Liu has blood smeared across him. Jeff's face in that photo is partly burned away with a crudely drawn smile on it.

Unhinged Slasher will now be able to instantly down one survivor, and your ability will forcefully stop after you down instantly down a single survivor. This effect can only happen once every time you down a survivor with Unhinged Slasher. You can instantly down another survivor with Unhinged Slasher after you hook a survivor.

"You're free now, you're free now Liu." - Jeffrey Woods

"Blood Stained Gauze" - After the incident, Sheela and Matt wanted to hide you from the world, not to protect you but themselves so they can be seen as good parents who wouldn't allow their "deranged son" put himself in danger. Holding them reminds you of all the things they said when they thought you were out cold in the hospital, proving that you were only made to make their image appear better.

Lurking in the Shadow's teleportation time will become instant if a survivor is on or off of an object. Whenever you're in this mode, you'll be able to see all survivors current locations. Lurking in the Shadows now has a 45 second cooldown after teleporting once to an area.

"Ok, son, you scared me. Is that what you wanted?" - Matt Woods.

"Good, now I can start hurting you." - Jeffrey Woods


Very Rare -

"Bottle of Bourbon" - Taken from the drinking cabinet in Troy's house, after he got what was coming to him. Jeff decided to help himself to a shot of bourbon. This not only numbed his physical pain from the scars he carved in his face and the burn scar on the left side of his face. But it also made it even more mad than before, forcing him to rethink about his past and all the signs that he was right. Nobody but his brother was the only one who cared for him.

For successful hits on a survivor while in Unhinged Slasher you'll be able to keep dashing forward for a short period of time.

"Randy started it, you must of known that, but you ignored it! Liu had a busted lip, you must of seen that, but you ignored it! I was shot in the face with a flare gun, but you believe Randy, Why?! So you can fit in?" - Jeffrey Woods, to his Mother.

"Randy's Flare-Gun" - The same Flare gun that Jeff was shot in the face with by Randy, before he was hospitalized and before Jeffrey Woods had become the infamous Serial Killer he is today. Holding it as a reminder of all the bitter hatred he feels for Randy, making him into this ghoul, reminding him who's still alive and who will have to soon die by his hands some time.

Once you fully teleport to somewhere with Lurking in the Shadows, your Undetectable Status effect is increased by 25 seconds, and you'll be able to see auras of survivors 16 meters away from you during your undetectable duration.

"Check it out, my dad's Flare Gun." - Randy Hayden

"R-Rated Horror Movie" - A gruesome flick, with over the top the time violence, blood, and hints of dark comedy. To any other person, this movie might be deemed as disgusting or even sick. But you just get energetic when watching this, re-thinking about every move, slash, stab, and cut; but picturing yourself doing it for real, again.

You no longer give a notification sound if you teleport with Lurking in the Shadows.

"ZM Video, the owner knew us and would always let us rent R-Rated movies without our parents, and he’d always hook us up with a free video game rental if we got a few movies." - Jeffrey Woods, to Liu during breakfast a week after moving in the new house.

"Red Screen T.V." - The same T.V. that caused a police officer to shoot Simon in the back of his head, then committing suicide after giving a warning to Detective Dalton, before Dalton was kicked off the force. Red makes you hate.

When you activate Lurking in the Shadows and jump out of a locker, you will see the aura of survivors from 12 meters around you. You will dash out and being to sprint at increased speed 6.9 m/s allowing you to cover at least 16 meters around you. The dash lasts for 2.5 seconds at a time and a successful hit will injure a survivor, a missed attack will have you recover at normal speed. A successful hit will apply the Broken status effect on the survivor for 60 seconds. Hold the attack button when you jump out of the locker to continue sprinting forward, release is when you wish to cancel it.


Rare -

"Tape Recording: Interview with Jeff" - Tapes containing a one-on-one interview with Jeff the Killer and Benny Rosenberg, before the interviewer was found dead, and before Jeff laid low for 4 years after allowing that interview to take place. You made little work and had little effort dealing with the situation, and you were gone.

Dashing at Breakable Walls and Downed Pallets with Unhinged Slasher will instantly break them, while having a 2.5 second stun duration.

"Charred Zippo-Lighter" - Zippo-Lighter used to burn down Jeff's house on Fairmont, it was used in an attempt to silence Jane Arkensaw from looking any further into Jeffrey Woods. But she survived, this is a reminder to not hold anything back or else they might just escape like her.

Your Lunge from Unhinged Slasher is increased by 25%.

"Prescription Pain Killers" - Prescribed by his doctor to take every time his burn scars hurt, he kept them but he doesn't just use them for the scars anymore. He uses it to make sure that anyone who thinks they can slow him down, realizes that there is no escaping him, but they will understand how much getting slowed down enrages him.

When dashing into objects or being stunned after lunging with Unhinged Slasher, your recovery rate is increased by 25%.

"Sheela, it's probably the painkillers, he literally got up and got disoriented, relax for Christ sake." - Matt Woods.

"Jeffrey Woods: Brother, Friend, Killer. Book " - An auto-biographical book written by Liu Woods after years of trying to cope with the fact his brother was a serial murderer, soon after wrote a book to defend his brother's actions since he knows his brother did what he had done not because he was off the rails, but because he had reason that some people of Mandeville were trying to cover up.

When teleporting with Lurking in the Shadows, if you teleport on an item that survivors are interacting with they will become Hindered for 10 seconds.

"Green Tarot Card" - A tarot card seen in Dalton's nightmare, it has no image but instead it is just a frame with a solid green background too it any nothing more. Green makes you Fake.

When you activate Lurking in the Shadows and jump out of a locker, any survivor in 4 meters from that locker will let out a scream. You will dash out and being to sprint at increased speed 6.9 m/s allowing you to cover at least 12 meters around you. The dash lasts for 2.5 seconds at a time and a successful hit will injure a survivor, a missed attack will have you recover at normal speed. A successful status effect will inflict Mangled on the survivor for 90 seconds. Hold the attack button when you jump out of the locker to continue sprinting forward, release is when you wish to cancel it.


Common -

"Sawyer's Box of Colors" - A crudely taped up cardboard box with 3 little slips inside, all three slips have a unique color and writing on them. Name of what color on the front side, and the effects of it on the backside. However all that is left inside, is the Blue card. Blue makes you... you.

When you activate Lurking in the Shadows and jump out of a locker, you will dash out and being to sprint at increased speed 6.9 m/s allowing you to cover at least 8 meters around you. The dash lasts for 2.5 seconds at a time and a successful hit will injure a survivor, a missed attack will have you recover at normal speed. A successful attack will inflict Blindness on the survivor for 120 seconds. Hold the attack button when you jump out of the locker to continue sprinting forward, release is when you wish to cancel it.

"Caffeine Pills" - Just some little helpers to put a bit of pep in your step, can't reliably find someone if you're half asleep.

After successfully teleporting with Lurking in the Shadows, you're granted a short speed buff of 10% for 10 seconds.

"Broken Glass Bottles" - Glass bottles that ranged from containing soda to alcohol, either way even what could be seen as useless can have some use to it. Last anyone's check, don't think that broken glass should be in any of the mechanical parts or else it could damage something. Can't it?

When teleporting to a Generator with Lurking in the Shadows, survivors progress on that specific gen will be reduced by 10% for 20 seconds.

"Box of Dead Kittens" - A box that contained three living kittens, living before they were given to little Nina Hopkins. They were brutally mutilated when they were found nailed to the wall of the old little shack behind Jeff's now burnt down house. The sight of them fills anyone who looks at their disfigured bodies with dread.

Anyone hit successfully with Unhinged Slasher will suffer a de-buff effect making every action they preform go 5% slower for 2 and a half minutes.

"Aged Bicycles" - The bikes that Liu and Jeff road into town with in Mandeville, the same bikes Randy, Troy, and Keith were messing with while Jeff and Liu were looking at movies, talking about how their parents should get membership at the store. The same bikes, that started to have the "Feeling" seep through Jeff's mental walls, and leak through out his nerves. The rage builds from these memories, and the feeling grows ever so pleasing.

If you activate Unhinged Slasher, you instantly activate it and you can't cancel out of it.


Uncommon -

"Gouged Eyeball" - An eyeball gouged out from it's socket, it's hardly staying in it's spherical form, but the bright blue eye still remains well enough intact.

When activating Unhinged Slasher, and activating the power fully all Blood Stains and Scratch Marks will remain 3 seconds longer and will become visible brighter.

"Officer Williamson Walkie-Talkie" - The corrupted Cop that was used to get Randy Hayden out of trouble in both incidences involving Jeff. Paid by Max Hayden so that Jeff would have to take responsibility for Randy's misbehavior. He deserved what Jeff had done to him.

When entering a locker with Lurking in the Shadows your Terror Radius will remain audible for 12 meters, but every other locker will have a terror radius of 12 meters.

"Morgue Tag" - A tag from the Morgue that contained the body of "Brian Antoines", a follower to the cultish group of delinquents named "Jeff's Killers". Brian was dressed up as Jeff when he was out to kill Nancy Dermott and possibly her son Lane in the name of Jeffrey Woods. The fact he wasn't Jeff, doesn't help easy anyone into a calm state of mind.

When you activate Lurking in the Shadows and jump out of a locker, you're granted the Undetectable status effect for 10 extra seconds, if you jump out and successfully hit a survivor an extra 5 seconds is added to your Undetectable status effect.

"Liu's CD-Player" - A memento of Liu Woods, Jeffrey Woods younger brother, that he was wearing to fall asleep during the night Jeff killed his parents and left Liu. He hold onto the player and listens to a few songs from bands that his little brother enjoyed.

Your only able to hit one person with Unhinged Slasher but it grants 400% extra blood points for every successful hit on a survivor.

"I just wanted you to know that, I love you." - Jeffrey Woods

"I love you too, Jeff. I'm going to go to sleep now." - Liu Woods.


Perk #1: "ENRAGED" - In the killer's rage, the Entity grants them enhanced abilities. When you kick any generator with progress on it, your base movement speed is increased by +5%/+10%/+15% over time while the gen regresses. If you hit a survivor or the gen fully regresses, the movement speed boost will stop and it will return you back to base movement speed. You will also be able to see the progression on every gen in the map, for 3 seconds after kicking a generator.

"Shh, Go to Sleep." - The Ghoul

Perk #2: "Obsession: LIVID" - They're only fueling your rage, and this time they won't see you coming. This perk will work on everyone except the obsession, if you're stunned or blinded in anyway by the survivors you will gain the ability to see the survivors aura for 4/6/8 seconds each time, your red stain will also disappear for 10 seconds each time you're stunned. If you're stunned in anyway, you gain a speedboost of 15% movement speed for 5 seconds.

"No more running from me now." -The Ghoul

Perk #3: "HEX: ANGER MANAGEMENT" - The killer is extra abusive when bashing generators, leaving them more damaged and hazardous to repair. There will be 3 considerably hard skill checks, anytime you miss a single skillcheck and the generator blows up regressing the generator by it's normal amount, but it will injure any healthy survivors who work on the gen. If you're wounded, but are working with healthy survivors, it will injure all of them but it won't down any injured survivors. Power can be activated every 60/50/40 seconds.

"Now, I'm going to hurt you." -The Ghoul

Mori: The Ghoul's will turn the survivor over before he lays his index finger on the survivors lips and lays the knife to the left side of their neck. He'll whisper to them: "Shh". Then plunges the knife through the side of their neck till it poke out the other side. He'll pull it out quickly and cover the survivors mouth with his hand, then continue to stab into the survivors chest over and over, stabbing, slashing, cutting in a violent manner while laughing with a cold laugh showing his utter enjoyment of the Ultra-Violence. When he's done, he'll stand up and wipe the knife on his pant leg before proceeding to hunt down the rest of the survivors.

Successful hit animation: After a successful hit, he'll look to the knife and it's new coat of fresh blood before wiping it off on his pant leg. He'll laugh like a madman when he sees the coat and after he's done wiping it clean.

Locker w/ Survivor inside: He'll swing the lockers open, upon seeing the survivor he'll say in a low emotionless voice: "Found you." before he slams his fist clenching his knife tighter in his hand, grabbing the survivor by the neck and throwing them on his shoulder.


Survivor -

Original Image by " BleedingHeartworks " on Deviant Art

Introducing: " Jane Arkensaw "

Backstory: " A survivor from Jeff's attempt of murder, Jane Arkensaw was the daughter of Mr. Arkensaw, the new owner to take over Max Hayden's company when he took his family and fled in fear of Jeff the Killer to come to pay their son Randy a little visit. She's been poking her nose where it doesn't belong for some time, and all though that wasn't the whole reason why Jeff attacked her, he still wasn't just going to let her life and attempt to chase after him. After taking care of her to what he thought would have killed her, he went into hiding four years later. For the last four years, Jane Arkensaw has stayed in Mandeville doing lots of research about the town, the occult house on Short-Cut Rd, and how this might tie into Jeff's strange followers and especially Jeff himself. "

Difficulty: Intermediate


Perk #1: "Obsession: Observational Awareness" - You've spent years studying their every move, their techniques, and how they tend to catch people off guard; however you're not one to fall for such tricks so easily. Whenever the killer goes Undetectable while outside of or during a chase, you'll be able to see their Red Stain. Their footsteps will have sharper directional sounds and will be 20%/25%/30% more audible for you alone. This will considerably give you a higher chance to be the obsession in a trial. [Note: this only is active if you're the obsession.]

"You can't go in hiding this time." - Jane Arkensaw

Perk #2: "Fearless Fighter" - You're not one to stand down and allow someone to make you cower, you'll face danger Head-On even if you get hurt, you won't stop fighting until you've bested your opponent. If you drop a pallet and the killer doesn't get stunned by it, you'll have the ability to hop over the pallet while the killer stands in front of it and kick the killer forcing a stun effect to take place. If you're at a window as well, you can stun the killer when they're right in front of the opposite of the window, opposite from you. Causes the Exhaustion Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds if the stun was successful.

"You might have your tricks, but I got a few of my own." - Jane Arkensaw

Perk #3: "Resourceful Thinker" - You don't have much to work with, but you'll be damned if you don't use everything you have to your full advantage, even if that does mean to sacrifice one or two things. Whenever you fully deplete an item, press the Active Ability button to throw said item at the killer, which will stun the killer for 2.5 seconds each time. Once used, it will take 80/70/60 seconds to recharge to do it once more. If you throw any item that is not fully depleted, that item will be destroyed once it hits the killer. You can not recharge the perk while in a chase and outside of the killer's Terror Radius.

"Leave them alone, this is between you and me!" - Jane Arkensaw

That creaking of a floor board, could it just be the house, or is there somebody else with you hiding away in the darkness watching you. As you try to lull yourself back to sleep believing it was nothing, the faint sound of a man chuckling from the darkness in your room can be heard. You're unable to move, for you're afraid to know if it was your mind playing tricks to scare you, or if there has been somebody watching you.

Icon ideas.

Original Image by " BleedingHeartworks " on Deviant Art

[Creepypasta]: Doodloroonio by BleedingHeartworks on DeviantArt

This version of Jeff the Killer is completely based off of BanningK's 2015 Jeff the Killer story. This is in no way related to the older version, minus the name.

Perks and Power helped by " Rick Charles " aka " deinonychusempire " on Deviant Art

(Disclaimer: I was the one who originally suggested this a long while back, I suggested Jeff, he drew and wrote it and I updated a the perks he made, so most of the credit goes to him for most of these perks currently, but I'm the one who will clean these up to DBD standards.)

Update V3 with help from Exerath1992 for certain tweaks on perks and abilities.

Update V6 & 17 with the help of Default Jake Park on DbD discord, he's got a Trump Icon.

Update V19 with the help of AiresBattleblade 

Post edited by B_Random on


  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Can someone please give me feed back, it's killing me and I want this to be good.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update: Named the map and tweaked the 3rd perk to be a bit fair and not too overshadowing of overcharge.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Feed me Feedback!

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035
    edited November 2020

    I Like the idea and concept of the killer.

    The power is wicked busted, its so powerful it would be impossible to face. Let me summarize my thoughts:

    Psychos rampage: You can just instantly make everyone exposed for a whole minute AND you are significantly faster with very little drawbacks and 1.25 min Cool down?

    Think about how hard it is to get survivors exposed with other killers. Myers has to do a ton of stalking which slows him down a lot and it lasts for a shorter period of time, and he can only stalk so much. Ghost face has to stalk less but only affects 1 survivor. Canibal and billy Insta down, but their powers are hard to control.

    Exposed perks have long cool downs, are in situations where it will be difficult to get the hit, and/or have very short durations.

    Consider drastically reducing the duration, give it a creative drawback (on theme with the killer, if possible) with these kinds of changes, this would alone be enough for a killer to great, but with a stealth power too? Come on fam

    Lurking in the shadows

    Also too strong if used with psycho rampage, but could be a good power by Its self. Its basically the pigs entire power except instead of reverse beartraps you get a really powerful locker hide ability. I could see this being good by itself if you added one more gimmick or strength to it, like you can see the aura of something while in the locker. I've actually been thinking about doing a killer that does something special with lockers like this.


    Enrage - its... A 2nd bloodlust? With area survivor reveal? And a speed boost when not chasing? And no drawback? The speed boost during chase wouldn't work unless they permanently remove bloodlust. The other 2 aspects of it would be OP perks by themselves, and the survivor reveal would need a big drawback.

    Livid - i like the chase concept of this one. I would remove the grunts of pain. And instead of the current disabling method, make it one where it works on everyone except the obsession, and when you down someone within x seconds of starting a chase, they become your obsession.

    Anger management - like overcharge on steroids, coke, meth, and angeldust Lol. Otherwise, it's too complicated. If you made it where it can only be done once per game, then, sure, maybe. Otherwise, Its a bit complicated, I would maybe have a condition to when it can be used, like when you kick a generator within 6 seconds of a survivor hopping off it. Remove the deep wound status effect thing entirely. When you say additional 4% regression for missed skill checks, that's not in addition to the 10% regression they normally have, is it? Overcharge does 1/2 of a normal failed skillcheck, so if you're gonna have 5 difficult, sound delayed skill checks it has to be like 3% regression for each missed.

    Hope this helps!

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Ok first off, technically you can't use the same thing with the rampage. It's like Myers in a sense with his Rampage. He won't be able to stealth if he's loud and crazy.

    I could put a longer delay on Anger Management, because if it's used once then it's not really a totally good perk, and I'd like this to be good. I'm saying this because you can probably pair this with Legion or Wraith so you can have a bit of pressure.

    Enraged, yeah I need to work on that a little more. I kind of spit balled there.

    Rampage is something like Myers, but a little stronger, however I was thinking on reworking a bit of it here and there so it can be a bit like Myer's except just stronger.

    Lurking in the Shadows is going to have a little tweaks then. Helping the power a little, however I feel like having the killer see in 3rd person while in a locker wouldn't be too OP.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I know you can't use both at the same time. But having the ability to switch between a stealth mode to Sneak up and rampage mode to instant down is so dang strong. But its your art, do as you see fit :)

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    The art isn't mine. But I see where you're coming from and don't worry I'm going to fix this soon enough. But also, Ghost Face can kind of do something similar so you know. In a case of "go in stealth" and "jump out to insta down", just like for Ghost Face it's a 50/50 shot. Either you sneak up to instant down or you apply the expose and chase after them until the timer runs out.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Forgot to mention, the "Enraged" base movement speed increase when outside of a chase is to allow certain killers like: Hag, Huntress, Jumpscare Myers, Pyramid Head, Etc to apply gen pressure. I'm going to tweak it a little bit so it can be used for that specific purpose as well. The reason it's also in a sense "OP" is because that's what Hex perks should technically be. Since they have a chance to be broken. Yes Undying exists, to help those strong perks, but there's always a chance 3 of the 4 survivors will be breaking totems and one will be doing gens, or the opposite way around.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370


    Added the Ultra Rare addons.

    Tweaked all 3 of his perks.

    Tweaked his ability.

    Changed the chapter name.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    You're a killer main, i assume? it seems like you want "good killer perks" in the sense that they are better than anything else currently out there.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Well I like to play killer, however I used to be a killer main. I can't say I main either or. But something I want as a survivor is to be given more of a challenge. It's so easy when the killer isn't chasing you, and sometimes when I verse a good killer, they have a tendency to lose because of irritating survivors. Some killer perks are also hardly used and I'd like to see variety with killer perks, the same can be said for survivor perks. So that's what I'm wanting to do. I want to add perks that are good, to shake up strategies and make a few new play-styles for killer. So that it can get a bit more interesting when I play survivor. Rather than, hold M1, occasionally get chased, occasionally press space on skillchecks, and escape.

    You could say I main killer, however I've found I'm playing more survivor recently due to a variety of reasons. I also haven't gotten to making any new survivor's or survivor perks currently because there's less creativity when it comes to making things for survivor, since there's less uniqueness for survivors. Killers are more unique because they actually are different from each other, only difference between survivor is either how much they can endure or love getting hurt, along with how loud or quite they can express the pain.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370


    Added Base Stats, as if it was needed but felt like it.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    So its kinda simalar to pig with crouching and then a myers like other ability. Though I will say the design needs and overhaul since that picture looks a lot like legion and most killer can be described as a serial killer so maybe "The Stalker" could be better but he doesnt actually stalk so idk.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Also his 3rd perk is just that one doctor one on steroids isnt it

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Yes, similar to the Pig and Myers, however he's not a stalker. His power is kind of like Oni in the terms of charging, but on activation it's like tier 3 Myers. Except he's unable to have infinite tier 3.

    Yes, he looks a lot like Legion in a way, they do share similarities in appearance.

    Yes, I've heard this before. "3rd perk is Overcharge on Steroids" keep in mind, it's still subject to change, however it only injures healthy survivors. This also would overpower overcharge so using these 2 perks together would be like trying to use Noed on top of Devour Hope, one will technically overpower the other deeming the other as useless if used at the same time.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Also, the picture isn't mine. I'm borrowing it from an artist, all credit goes to them. Also this thing is based on Jeff the Killer. Since people want Slenderman in the game, I thought why not add the second most known internet horror icon.

    Don't also judge it for it's source, just judge if the idea seems balanced enough.

  • koko_el_crazo
    koko_el_crazo Member Posts: 3

    This is a very interesting idea, I think I would enjoy playing as the killer!

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Thank you. Any thoughts or changes you'd have in mind to balance this idea would be very appreciated. I know the Devs won't add this as a new licensed killer (if he needs a license at all, since he mostly belongs to the internet), but I still would like to imagine if I can make this good enough, the Devs will read this and give it a fair chance, hell even try and play test out most of it to determine if this would be a killer the 12 million fans would want in their game.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I think that the power might be a bit unbalanced a killer with both stealth and extreme snowball potential seems like it might be a bit to good. Also I dont think he should go to 3rd person while in stealth as that would probably be pretty disorientating and hard to implement

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Just edited it, he doesn't have 3rd person when he's in stealth. Only when he's in a locker, he can see in the 3rd person to mimic how the survivor sees in a locker. ONLY in the locker, he has 3rd person. It also will show the animation of him lunging out to stab the survivor that gets too close, before going back into first person. I understand it could be a bit disorienting, however it'll only go back to first person when he leaves the locker.

    Also the Myer's has a similar thing, along with ghost face in a sense. Ghost face primarily has the stealth thing where he can use it whenever and to use the exposed status, but Myers has the stealth at the start. With addons and perks he can continue with the stealthy approach at tier 2 and then go loud at tier 3.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370


    Changed the image, image done by BleedingHeartworks on Deviant Art

    Renamed him from "The Serial Killer" to "The Psycho"

    Renamed "Psycho's Rampage" to "Killer's Rampage"

    More updates soon.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370


    Tweaked his power.

    Added a few more addons.

    Tweaked the perks once again.

    Added 2 descriptive animations towards a successful M1 attack and whenever he finds someone in a locker.

    More updates soon.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 7.

    Renamed from Killer's Rampage to Unhinged Rampage, since it sounds a little better.

    Added new addon - R-Rated Horror Movie.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 8.

    Added new addon. - "Jeffrey Woods: Brother, Friend, Killer. Book"

    I know it's not much, but I am trying a bit.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 9.

    Added new addon - "Randy's Flare Gun"

    Changed "Prescription Pain Killers" from Very Rare to Rare.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    If anyone has any suggestions on what should be done to help make this killer better, please post comments here to help me. I'm really wanting this to be good. I know this won't be added in the game, but I want to believe maybe it could have a chance some-how.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 10

    No longer a killer idea, but a full chapter idea.

    Added Jane Arkensaw as a Survivor

    Given her 3 of her very own perks.

    I know I'm going to feel awful for making a survivor that encourages a little bit of bullying.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 11

    It's taken more updates to "perfect" this chapter, so that they may show their full potential.

    Tweaked UNHINGED RAMPAGE to be a little more fair, and charge like Yamaoka's Wrath in a sense so that the killer doesn't have to do nothing to get the power.

    Still looking for feedback.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 12

    Added Difficulty to both The Psycho and Jane Arkensaw

    Added new Uncommon addon. "Liu's Music-Player"

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 13 & 14

    Added new addon(s) that allows The Psycho to sprint out of a locker like Pig's Ambush Attack

    Finished adding abilities all the addons will do.

    Addon List is 75% done.

    The whole chapter is almost completely finished.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update .5

    Added possible ideas for Icons. For The Psycho's image, most-likely his power's ICON.

    For Jane Arkensaw, maybe part of a perk icon.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    And finally finished after Update 16, wooh!

    I would like feedback if possible, there's always room to have edits done and tweaking bits and pieces here.

    I'm looking to make this a good chapter.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Still looking for feedback of any kind. Mostly looking for criticism that will either be positive to know if I did a good job, or to point out any errors and how I should fix them.

    Criticism that only has the means to belittle my work is not welcomed. Criticism that's meant to help or improve my work is always welcomed.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Please give Feedback

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Update 17

    Tweaked the Killer's power "Unhinged Rampage" a little bit.

    Tweaked the Survivors perks a little, to allow slight effectiveness.

  • Amacky
    Amacky Member Posts: 94

    It's cool, a lot of details on your idea, good job !

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Thank you, finally I'm getting feedback.

    But if you have any criticism that could help improve this in anyone, I'm open to hear it. So if you have any, don't be afraid to say it.

  • Amacky
    Amacky Member Posts: 94

    I think it's pretty cool but one thing that confuses me is its power, it looks more like fused perks than a power, and I think what the devs are looking for is more of a new playstyle. In others hands, I like the details about the killer, it's pretty precise and the illustrations are really nice too

  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370



  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    I tried to go for a type of Michael Myers for his ultimate power, but in a less direct going to kill you way and a more sadistic maniac feel. Since Jeff is a sadistic killer in some ways, so I tried to think what a Sadist would be like if he was agitated with his victims. He'd probably try everything in his power and use most of his strength and "human" abilities to get to them but he still doesn't want the fun to end too quickly when catching them, so it can feel like he still has control over the situation.

  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120

    There was an error rendering this rich post.

  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120
    edited December 2020

    I'm trying to give out a long detailed explanation on the creepypasta serial killer and the creativity on perks and add-ons but it's not letting me. I guess it must be the quote system being broken with long paragraphs.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    I guess soo too. But if you have any criticism that could be summed up in a possibly smaller and straight forward style, please tell me. I hope what I made is good, since I'm trying to aim for good here.

  • Lefrongo
    Lefrongo Member Posts: 120
    edited December 2020

    Well in simpler terms, I actually had troubles sleeping due to the "Jeff The Killer" creepypasta, how he would be depicted to say "go to sleep" as his catchphrase in a creepy way. But now that I know the origins of how his image was made for the original story, it seemed mediocre.The perks and add-ons seem very creative and well made, however the "unhinged rampage" might need to be worked on since it can be seen as too overpowered, the second ability which lets you hide in lockers in order to leap at survivors seems like a nice game changer too. Now that I see these images, it brings back the fear of the story again. Although I still like horror movies and dark content in that nature, I can sleep just fine now hehe. Some cool downs might be considered for the survivor too, things like the perk that lets you throw used items at the killer so it's not abused.

    I'll state more and edit this later down the line if this reply doesn't get bugged of course.


    For the survivor Jane, I don't know much about her lore but what's up with her skin and her eyes being pitch black? She also looks like she could be classified as a killer. Her second perk "Fearless Fighter" kicking Jeff or any killer as a survivor goes through them by hopping over it would be another neat way to stun them, however if it's being spammed that's something that should also have a cool down of about 30 seconds or so, this is a way to prevent the abuse of such perk too.

    I'm guessing the perks for Jeff would work as similar to that of The Oni. The third perk should have to be worked on as well, having generators hurt survivors is another major game changer, there could be potential complaints about that. The cooldown for this perk seems reasonable enough already so it should be fine.

    Post edited by Lefrongo on
  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    I can understand the Unhinged Rampage might seem overpowered, but as stated [Not arguing, but just hoping you can understand why I made it the way I did, but if there's any way you can think of to make it still feel like he's angry and aggressive, I'd love to hear ideas.] it's supposed to be if a sadist is made with his victim because they're not allowing him to take control of the situation. So yeah. I tried for a type of Michael Myer's Evil Within power, since only allowing Jeff to be in lockers alone isn't strong enough to help him make a dent into a group of survivors.

    So that's why I added Unhinged. Yes, I'm trying to figure out preferable cooldown times for Janes perk so they can't be abused, since yes I know they would be abused, but I wanted a more "Fighting" set of perks for survivor, since Jane wants to stop Jeff rather than just run from him.

    But thanks for the feedback, always looking for more.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Still as always. Looking for Feedback

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Dead by Daylight - Jeff the Killer: Lobby and Chase Theme (Fan Made) - YouTube

    Doesn't this seem pretty cool. This guy just made it, I didn't commission him or anything he just did.

  • AiresBattleblade
    AiresBattleblade Member Posts: 25

    Concept is good, but feels like you took the Legion route, make a power only tangentially related to the backstory. Jeff is a guy who was kinda creepy and killed slot of people when he got angry? Why does he have a Legion-} Myers power? The locker thing is cool, but too weak to be a whole power. Maybe being able to hide under gens, lockers etc as well. Unfortunately this means he has comically bad pressure, worse than Wraith. I would say give him something like Legions trigger and stab power, but then he is just Legion with a hiding gimmic, so Legion with Insidious.