How Do People Deal with Bad Teammates?

It’s starting to get infuriating dealing with stupid teammates and my back is constantly hurting carrying them. I’m not amazing at this game but I would like to think I’m decent. I know the Killers aren’t like the Jurassic Park Trex for one, yes they can see you even if you don’t move(I watched teammates freeze in place when the killer comes their way) I’ve seen teammates hid in a corner in plain view of the killer and get downed. Not even trying to get out of their line of sight. It’s really starting to mess with my head cause randos already are a huge gamble to play with. I’ll do three gens by myself, watch someone get hooked, and have the other two play ring around the rosy with the killer near the hooked survivor. Makes me want to pop a blood vessel. I try to solo and just get stuff done on my own when I realize I have a dumb team but if they are immediately dropping like flies there’s no way for me to win this. What are your experiences with dumb teammates and how do you try to survive with them?
You leave them
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the game is in a horrible state right now, I got a survivor match in less than half a minute and 2 dudes dc in it with no gens completed so it's not even worth doing anything other than starting it up for the daily 50k and punching in the loot codes right now lol. I would rather play a social justice warrior feminist made game that is constantly insulting me for being a white straight man than dead by daylight right now, I would honestly have more fun with that as long as it was so ridiculous and insane that i could constantly get a laugh out of it. you can't laugh at how busted dbd is any more, it's just plain trash so keep an eye out for A Way to be Dead whent hat game comes out since it looks much more interesting anyways. as last guy I hid int he basement locker and went afk cause f*ck it. If he finds me he finds me if he don't he don't if I get banned idgaf any more 4 years later this game is still dogsh*t and it's always gonna be lol
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Yeah but I’m just going to lose as well. I can’t do all five gens by myself. They barely last long enough to do one.
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Well I mean I agree with the game being in a horrible state atm at least. The new update really has screwed this up bad.
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Yeah no. I’m level 5 and I’m still getting survivors acting like they are level 20.
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Left behind and a key. Or spine chill + resilience + wake up if you don’t have one.
Then when everything is going to hell you either key out or stand on a door and wait for the killer to find the hatch
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Not a bad recommendation.
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You have to focus on your own gameplay. You can't rely on 3 random people with varying skill levels. Just do your best to do well on a personal level.
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I just play the game.
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######### on hook. I am so sick of people playing so immersed, like you don't realize it's a video game life. Stupid Claudettes and Megs just crouch behind #########, and won't take a hit when you're going on death hook. Now remember, only reason I got caught is because was the only one who had balls to jump on a gen. While others would rather crouch around and just wait fo hatch. Useless teammates. Half these idiots don't even realize what stupid ######### they're doing and it's sad. Fact is this game attracts the stupid people over because the variety of dlc.
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I just laugh at their silliness and the dumb mistakes they make while carrying on with the game. It's solo queue, and everyone has both seen people do stupid stuff and been the one doing stupid stuff. It goes both ways and isn't really something that bothers me in the least.
As for an actual suggestion you could try using an aggressive build around keeping the killer busy so your teammates has all the time to do gens. If they do nothing all game, then that's okay as you'll probably be the first dead anyway and you won't have to sit in the match any longer. If you get good teammates then the gens will fly and they'll have your back.
If you really dislike bad teammates to the point it's starting to genuinely bother you then your best bet is finding a SWF on discord or wherever else that you can find people.
In my experience, expecting anything from teammates in solo queue is like playing polo and picking your team from randoms in the crowd and expecting them to know how to ride a horse. Sometimes you'll be surprised but most of the time it's disappointment.
It's not like it's their fault entirely either. Ranking can be all over the place and challenges can also have people throwing games. God knows I've thrown plenty of games doing challenges.
Not only that but some people might be doing perk wheel shenanigans, handicapping themselves for fun or doing who knows what to try and make the game more entertaining. Some people might just be messing around or even drunk which from personal experience is a pretty fun time.
It's because of things like that that I just can't be mad when I see people doing stupid things. Even if I do happen to get mad somehow, it's only ever for a couple minutes and then I'm over it and back to another match. I never carry it with me.
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Huge difference between being completely useless and making dumb mistakes. Of course we all make dumb mistakes. We're talking about useless teammates who do absolutelyyyyyy nothing
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As I said, it's not entirely their fault. The way the ranking system is, it's way too easy to rank up even if you die every game. Some people just don't learn very well but they play a lot and there you go, a rank 3 Claudette who Urbans everywhere and hides for 20 seconds when Spine Chill lights up once.
I agree I hate those kind of teammates as much as the next person but I can't hold it against them or get mad for the reasons I stated above.
There is also very little a person can do about it outside of playing super aggressive or super selfish.
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Learn to live with them. Don't expect to escape every game. Use every experience to get better.
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As far as immersive players go it is ironic that this recent update is forcing me more to be immersed thanks to bad animations and hitboxes, chases are not really fun anymore.
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You don't need to outrun the killer. You just need to outrun your teammates.
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doesn't left behind only start to work when you're the last one alive? I don't use it so idk for sure, but I think the reason I never used it was because I could already hear it once it's open and felt it was a waste of a perk slot
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Unless the killer tunnels then you’re screwed.
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lol he could swing past at least one of those teammates and hit you now anyways
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I alternate between raging screams and crying silently into my pillow.
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yeah it's a good opportunity for men to elarn how to cry when it's later at night and they need to scream quietly
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Got tired of doing 4+ gens a game while gremlens walk into bushes around me so I decided to play killer
haven't shifted main since
will still play a few rounds of survivor to remember why I don't play survivor
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I honestly don't blame anybody excessively creeping right now, since once theys ee you, you're pretty much getting hit by the time they're a body to a body and a half's stretched length away now although this is gonna train already problematically useless sorts to get hardwired into being utterly useless for good. not even good enough to throw at the kilelr any more.
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I usually get over it by the time the next match loads in. And if survivor queues are really long, I play killer. As someone who has no problem complaining about my teammates, I’m thankful at least that today I had some good matches! Though we all got killed I had no problems with my teammates, so thank God for that!
If survivor queues aren’t long, it’s usually not a big deal to move onto the next game. If they are long and I don’t feel like playing killer, well I’ve been playing Hades and going back to Witcher 3. Those are pretty good.
Haha your description of the game was hella funny!
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Why not both? Rage crying into your pillow lol
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I need to try that so I don't wake my neighbors up later tonight. Even if I give up again on dbd it'll just be Nioh doing it later lol. Nioh is the fun kind of rage though
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I stopped caring. I just adapt to the situation and let people play how they want. I don't judge anymore or blame someone/something.
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I try not to care. Really I does but it just gets to me. Especially when I’m trying to rack up points during this event so I can get everything.
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Yeah it’s when you are the last one, which should be happening often if you are as good as you think you are.
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I understand. I cared a lot when i played this game before. It is normal don't worry. Just normal human emotions.
Just take a break once in a while and you will be fine. :)
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Honestly due to the update I would have taken a break from the game. Then magically they decided to do the event during the update so can’t wait till they fix what they broke lol
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Do your best to read their moves.
For example. If you know you finished the first gen, someone gets hooked, and say you or the hooked survivor has Kindred and the other two are right at the hook crouching following a farm where someone went down immediately. This is a bad sign. This means you will most likely be doing gens that match.
So in essence when I see stuff like that right off the bat, I immediately just hope for points and a safe depip.
If they keep doing I’ll accept that it is a hatch match.
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No, it won’t help. I just played my first solo Q game of the night. I am a rank 4 survivor. I get a rank 20 teammate who randomly DCs at 5 gens left. My other teammates are rank 16, rank 15, and the killer is rank 12. They just follow me around leaving scratch marks when I clearly don’t want their help.
I literally cannot take solo Q. There is absolutely no reason not to just play killer instead outside of the 4 man sweat squads. Solo Q is literally garbage
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At least they are following maybe hoping to knock out gens together. I get people who scatter like roaches and go hid for the majority of the match.
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I don’t know why they were following me. I didn’t want a heal, I had iron will. All they did was lead the killer straight to me again. It got me killed. I’m not playing survivor again. It’s a waste of my time unless they fix the matchmaking.
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Honestly I had fun playing solo tonight after not playing this game for a year. It has flaws for sure and I can see what is wrong with the last update but I am enjoying it.
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Most of my matches tonight have been getting downed in the first few seconds of the match and everyone losing before even a gen is done.
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How? You could be a rank 1 and get 3 brown rank teammates. It’s actual dogshit. The matchmaking is the worst I have ever seen in a video game. If you are going to play solo, you should play killer. That minimizes the impact of the garbage ranking system
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I dunno I am just playing and having fun. I am pipping most of the time too but even if I didn't I wouldn't mind.
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Matchmaking is terrible for Killer. I’m rank 16 and keep getting red rank survivors to go against. Idk what is wrong with this game but the list of problems seem to be growing with each new “improvement and update”.
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Well I’m rank 1 both sides but rarely play survivor. So my rank has fallen steeply on that side. Take this for example. I just played it.
The rank 3 survivor was a solo Q. He got two rank 9 survivor teammates who got slaughtered. There was nothing he could do.
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You worry for yourself and capitalize on their mistakes. Survival and pipping don't require them to perform well, just you. I always find it hilarious when I look at the score screen with the top score and everybody else has a fraction of my points. Help them if possible but don't drag yourself down.
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That doesn’t surprise me in the least. Though when I play survivor the ranks are still all over the place.
I can’t wait for the new update where the Killer just swings his weapon in the air and everyone goes down. Lol. Seems how this game is going with these insane hit boxes. Btw not hating on you but I hate Leatherface. I can’t counter him at all and now with the hit boxes the dude is basically undefeatable.
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guess that’s fair but if you don’t have a key at the start of the match you’re just going to have a rough go at it.
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I don't bring keys, don't like giving killers a reason to remove me first. Im perfectly fine with taking the 50/50 chance on the gate if the killer gets the hatch. Few times I have used key on hatch is when I found them in game.
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And you tell me what you do. Your teammates are all brown rank. Someone disconnected at 5 gens left like 20 seconds into the game.
The map has little to no good pallets to work with. Once you are saved, your spine chill goes off while your teammates try to heal you. They keep following you like headless chickens until the killer finds you and kills you.
Thats it. There is no skill, no counter play, no carrying. You just lose.
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Try living as much as possible and run a selfish build, like Left Behind (to find hatch easily), Iron Will (to avoid being caught), an exhaustion perk (to last longer during chases), and one more perk of your choice (I would run DS but you could run Open Handed to improve Left Behind but I wouldn't recommend it). Sometimes relying on yourself is better than relying on others. Good luck out there.
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I pretty much just play my playstyle and change it as needed. I have one playstyle for SWF and one for no comms. I adapt to both but I approach both much differently. It's unfortunate that I have to go in with the mindset of "Oh, yeah they're not gonna unhook me and if they do it'll probably be while they're getting chased. So an unhook for another hook."
I wish people would feel more confident in running the killer or just feeling in control. Sadly, they don't. So I just play to pip when I'm with randoms. I used to run Prove Thyself, We'll Make It, Q&Q and Iron Will. Now I've been running more Q&Q, Diversion (pre-update as well), Deliverance and pretty much always lock in Iron Will. I honestly dislike relying on IW but it's just such a good perk until I get more comfortable looping which in the state the game is in currently, I don't feel that way. I mix and match stuff all the time for perks as I like trying out new ways to go about certain situations. Though I just try to do my best to be well rounded in a match with no comms. I'll get on a gen if someone's running with the killer and then get off it and immediately angle my way towards them when they get downed. If killer camps them depending my perk loadout I'll attempt to distract and/or go for the unhook. Outside of that honestly it's just kinda the way it goes. I've had people follow me in game at times and I've had people do exactly what you've listed you've seen. Hide in lockers in plain view, accidentally sandbag other players, attempt to blind killers while the killer is freely moving (big no-no). With cross-play it's a little harder but I used to just send messages asking if it was okay if I gave them a little advice. Now I just let what will be, be. They'll learn eventually and there's obviously a noticeable learning curve. If they choose not to learn then that's their prerogative and while I may end up dying in the match it is still very possible for me to achieve rank 1. Which I have done numerous times. Be calm, be chill. I know it's hard and it's easy to get worked up but benefits neither you or them.
Something I forgot to include is that I tend to intentionally run killers as much as I can. Of course I'm not the best at the game so I will always go down at some point or multiple points in the match but I try to do it to give my randoms more flexibility on gens and more comfortability.
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Ready for the next lobby.
I try to be the last to die when my team is that bad, but it happens. Play to the best of my ability and hopefully safety pip when killer steamrolls that early. If I'm going to let them heal me, I at least try to move to better positioning incase of failed checks.
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That’s right. There’s nothing you can do. You are a victim of the terrible matchmaking system that has plagued the game for years.
It would not be so painful to me if I had not seen better times. Years ago, in the PC only no cross play era, red ranks meant something. You would join a game and expect competent teammates. Now? You can get a full lobby of brown ranks.
And half the maps are balanced around SWFs who can loop. It’s a joke.