Rise In Hackers! EAC Isn't Cutting It. Game Becoming Like Destiny 2?

I've made more potential cheat and hack reports in the past month than I have in 3 years of this game. I've been forcefully teleported across the map, seeing people teleport across the map mid chase, people being hit enter Dying State and then get right back up INSTANTLY with a speed boost, people running with permanent Sprint Burst an entire match, gens being done almost instantly, 2 people who wouldn't be touched in any way shape or form as if they aren't there as they work on a gen, and one person actually flying around out of reach while doing gens in the sky.
I'm up to 15 minute queue ban now due to all the times I quit matches due to being fed up with these hackers and cheaters. What you're doing is NOT cutting it anymore!
I was playing as a survivor with one of my friends and 2 randoms yesterday and faced a ghostface huntress. Flying, speed, collision, insta mori and ghostface throwing hatchets. Game was only 2 min and 54 sec long. Q-ing take long and then you get this. Sonething needs to be done because it is happening more and more.
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Had another night of hackers tonight. A Jake would continuously phase through hits and not let me touch him at all despite me getting the hit connecting animation stun. In the same match I had a Claudette who'd straight up teleport mid chase in an open area of the map so she didn't 360 or LoS me, just POOF gone.
THEN I had a console player unlock Hatch without a key in their hand, and then AFTER I close it after they escaped, the hatch opens again miraculously with no one having a key in hand?
This ######### has GOT to stop! It's really is like Destiny 2's hackers. I mean really? 3 cheaters in a single night? Something's gotta be done, BHVR or you're gonna lose your player base like Destiny 2 has.