The Game Overall

Chases too long. Gens being done too quick. Perks should be remade and have more impact on the gameplay and balance them more because you have perks that give a massive plus to the killer or the survivor but it doesnt have any backfire which makes them unbalanced and unfun to play against. Your gameplay is glitchy. Too many and too simple loops. Killers are copies of each other just the ones you have to buy are on stereoids perfect example The Cannibal and The HillBilly. The fact that you need to buy perks that impact the game A LOT like decisive and BBQ is proof that this game is pay to win since most players play with those perks very often. Killers like Doctor,Spirit,Executioner and Ghostface are just questionable and annoying to play against with all the suddenly comes around and quickly double taps you shocks you to oblivion or one taps you with no backfire like slowing down they just chain everyone like its a connect four game. I dont know who is developing this game but listen if you dont want to put effort in the game dont make it because what you did here is a game that frustrates both sides with bad matchmaking, unfair perks combos to your simply bad game with its hit boxes, abilities and many other things. You made a very bad game and made it cost a lot and the fact that you dont even care what people say proves that you just want money. Your cosmetics are better than your game and that says a lot.
I agree that the game is unbalanced around swfs, but playing against solos shouldnt be much of a problem. Especially in lower ranks. While you play you will learn when to drop chases and pressure other survivors also.
Many perks need a rework, cause some of them do literally nothing. This kind of work would make a more diversity in the gameplay and it should be more fun i guess.
I dont agree that killers are copies of each other. Every killer has different ability and idk what you meant when you said that. Perks can be aquired through the shrine also, where you spend iri shards that you earn playing the game. So i dont agree with you that the game is p2w. Also, this game came 4 years ago, many dlc's came out, so you cant expect to buy the game with all dlc's for some small price.
Now, about the devs. Yeah, most of the time they dont listen, and most of the time they make new bugs which is annoying, but it is what it is, right now we dont have a better game than DbD. And i love it and hate it at the same time.
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Most of the gem related problems come down to map size. Killers are all different even old bubba and billy who used the same addons were really different.