Dead hard is completely useless right now

I mean being exhausted on the ground was a thing before, but right now you basically have to hit the button when the killer is 10m away. I just got denied a free escape because he could hit me from around the corner. Getting the timing right is pure luck right now.
It's not a free escape. It's an escape.
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They're all useless. Dead heard. Lithe. Sprint burst. This game is broken. Survivor sided? I think not. I was lucky to come out with 2 games survived before, but now? I haven't survived a single game since the release. And rank? You can forget about anything but backwards movement.
This game is broken. *Smh* they're gonna lose a lot of people over this and tbh not many are probably going to come back.
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Yep the whole update was a mess in a lot of aspects. The best thing to do is just take a break and wait until they fix it.
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Dead hard for distance still does what it's suppose to. so useless is not the word i would use.
But yes being exhausted on the floor is beyond frustrating
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I play Killer mainly but I've survived a lot of games as survivor too (solo queue), maybe evaluate your plays rather than blame the game.
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this thread was made like 5 min after it happened, so yeah i was kinda heated. DH for distance still works and i also escaped most of my matches because of rank reset (could even do most of the tome challenges in the first try). Hitboxes are a big issue, mostly as survivor but it's an issue for killers as well (getting teleported on the other side of a pallet after stun...)
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Same. I didn’t win a game as survivor since the midchap patch, this sh!t never happened to me before
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I've played more solo after the post and I seem to do better ( no change in strategies) for some reason *shrug* who knows.
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The sad thing is that people actually believe this.
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It still is very useful xD... What are you on?
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Or just quit the game and find something new that isn't made by complete #########.
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Holds up my two min exhaustion hatchets and dares you to try and run.
your complaint seems like your mad you can’t win a chase anymore with the perk and if you broke line of sight or stood still and killer used it to curve a hit that’s them outplaying you not the perks fault
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I actually never used exhaustion or second chance perks, but recently started to use it because when i play killer it's the most annoying and powerful perk imo (dead harding into the next pallet or vault to squeeze out some additional seconds).
I opened an exit gate, got injured and normally this is a FREE escape with dead hard but somehow the killer could hit me from 5m away before i even used it.
"completely useless" obviously was an exaggeration (like nearly 90% of all topics and complaints in this forum) because i made this thread like 5 minutes after it happened... but hits and timings being completely off is true.
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I don't think it's completely useless, but the post-update lag is making it frustrating, as usual.
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ok Sorry fir what I said but a easy fix for all killers would be exhaustion addons like one for wraith could be after a surprise hit targets exhausted for 30seconds thus negating any chase perks making them use skill to win I mean so many killers have powers that won’t one hit so making a survivor exhausted would even it out for the,
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Timing it right now is a pain in the behind. And I'm all about pains in my behind.
But seriously, I dropped it entirely and started running DS. Then I played like 10 matches straight and never used DS (I don't use it to work a gen in the Killers face like a turbo-nerd), so I dropped it for Inner Strength since I like to do a totem or two for points. I've only lost one match in red ranks thus far, and just had a match where I bullied a Spirit into DCing when I was about to leave through the gate.
It's not ALL doom and gloom at the moment, but it's pretty rough. Solid strats still win, and memes still lead to NANOMACHINES, SON.
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well, WAR HAS CHANGED but SOLID strats still win.
Today i forgot that i started a match as Spirit and was afk for the first 3 gens. When i found them grouped up i was like "KEPT YOU WAITING, HUH". I then slugged and basement-camped me to a 3k with hatch escape. They had their chance.
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If you dead hard for distance you'll never be exhausted on the ground. If you're dead harding to dodge a hit you were about to die anyway. If you use dead hard that way it should be a fluke because killers can very easily counter it anyway. Just bait it out. You should only be dead harding for distance and if you need to dead hard to dodge it should be a last ditch attempt.
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The have "improved" Dead Hard design with that patch (and strangely enough, none of the changes it got was in any patchnotes... because reasons).
You can now turn while DeadHarding wich is nice, but you also can't go trough killers, which is also very nice and force people to use it as its supposed to use it rather than to confuse killers by glitchign trough them and make the whole thing jankier than it already is.
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thats why i only use dead hard for distance.
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This. I know it's all the rage to whine about "hitbox" (which is actually latency, but hey, details) right now, but even before that patch, I kept having A LOT of DeadHard not fire despite me hitting the key at least 0.5 sec before I get hit. It was so bad I looked like the thing was supposed to be a on release action rather than a quick cast.
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It's been used on me a ton to great success since the new update; so I's not useless because it's literally saved survivors I am attacking plenty of times.
Is it working perfectly though? No.
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Funny the survivors im going against are using it perfectly. You wait....and wait.....and wait.....and dead hard ok swing oh perfect dead hard
I dont understand how thats even possible because if I wait to use it as survivor I get what op describes, splat on the floor
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It was a last ditch attempt since i was at the exit gates. And of course DH for distance is the most effective strategy but imo it's not about not getting downed, it's about prolonging the chase so the others can do objectives, and dead hard does this usually if timed well. 5 additional seconds in a deadzone can make the difference sometimes :)
Well it's mindgames. Killers are like "expect DH on everyone!" and survivors realized that all killers nowadays just wait for their DH. So they maybe started to not use it immediately when the killer is in reach, but keep the tension and use it a second later.
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It's actually more useful now than before if you stop with the pocket calculator and just use it to immediately gain some ground knowing how borked the hitboxes and janky the quick turn attempts are right now ... if you already start running early enough to not need it then save it for long before you hit a good corner or long before you come to a vault or once they are closing in on the 4 to 5 meterish range just to be safe ... use it to maintain as much as much distance and possible and stop trying to figur eout 'when' to use it until the hitboxes are looked into in case it's one of thos elaggy matches and you don't wanna find out the dead hard way