

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The thing that really needs to happen is they need to put the survivor stats back in the bottom left corner, horizontal. If the reason they're using this vertical layout is because they don't want long player names to get cut off, then they need to switch the locations of the bleed-out bar and the player names. That's all. Have the survivor portrait, under that have the space where the bleed-out bar goes, and under that have the player name (which can now be split up into multiple lines if need be).

    It's not just bad that the player names are sticking out into the FOV (but that is bad), it's also that the vertical layout hurts readability. It is slower to read the survivor stats in a vertical format than in a horizontal one. And the bleed-out bar not being centered with the survivor info hurts readability as well.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    Look at all of you. #NOTMYUI REEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    I hope that they'll make the hook/mend bar bigger. The layout is fine like this (aside from item/ability being huge, which is weird). It'd be nice if at some point one could pick if the names and portraits appear vertically or horizontally.

  • Skaels
    Skaels Member Posts: 92

    It's amazing the devs responded so quick with this, I feel hope in my widdle heart.

    If the portaits were horizontal this would be perfect. Pretty much where they were before.

  • Eareland
    Eareland Member Posts: 242

    Yo, it's me again. Community gave you solution already, very good pictures, they just need some icon adjusts and resizing.

    So yeah

    Character portraits to the bottom left, on horizontal line. (original placement from old UI)

    Character portraits replaced with Adept achievement pics.

    Thank you!

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    I hate how so many people think they are "listening to feedback". Numbers were way down, outrage on every platform was an all time high. Listening to feedback means making choices based on what we want. Releasing a hot fix when youre losing money and getting review bombed is damage control. There is a big difference and people need to understand that.

    anytime there is something we dont like, they dont start changing it until they start seeing dips in play or reviews... this isnt the first, but we'll take ur 50k bp, a pat on the head and be on our way, like last time, like next time...

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    They dont want Killer to priority target. But most of the time its only in a case of you see 2 healthy survivors on Gen, one has 1hook and one has 2hook, and you "should not" know how has 2hook.

    Other wise, tunneler will tunnel no matter what. And good memories players can remember who has 1hook or 2hook and decides to chase the 2hook anyway.

    The ideal is to let Killer know Survivors' hook stage. And remove the tunneling.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited February 2021

    I agree that it still looks off. I don't understand why they insist on having the survivor portraits vertical instead of horizontal. And why they insist on keeping the cartoonish and colorful portraits. The image you posted is way better. If they could copy that exactly then the UI would be perfect.

  • scorpio42084
    scorpio42084 Member Posts: 39

    Put the surviver icons horizontally on bottom left where items currently are and put items where hook counter is then put hook counter above items and gens. problem solved

  • pejii
    pejii Member Posts: 79

    the modified UI is still terrible, so much color (distraction) bad placement (top to bottom) and still too much spacing

    just remake the old one like boosted dwight posted here in this topic, its way better altho I would like the hook counter to be behind (left) of the gen counts or just removed completely, it doesn't give the killer the information he/she needs anyway (who was counted how many times) or just have the same hook count for killer (same counter the survivors have)

  • RosiepaiDeVille
    RosiepaiDeVille Member Posts: 24

    One of the primary causes for our issues is your near-religious adherence to deadlines preventing you from quality checking. Taking the time necessary to at least correct the worst issues, and making sure the mist significant new content works properly should be an absolute priority. Not pushing it out as fast as possible.

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    That's a great point and I haven't even been able to try out the recent changes sadly.

    But you don't usually try to look for survivors right underneath yourself so it should be much better having it down low than to either of the sides.

    I am definitely happy to see the actual survivor specific icons, as I get tired of bothering to keep names with characters in a match.

    Much easier to differentiate Bill from the Nancy that was just being a toxic little turd.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Just revert it lol

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I'll join the group of people that prefer the survivors being spread in horizontal, like the original UI. As someone already pointed out, it allows to read all the info in one eye movement (from left to right) instead of having to zig zag (L to R, down, L to R, down etc...).

    Also, if the portraits don't show the cosmetics I see no point in not using the black and white ones that already exist. They fit better since all the other icons use that style.

  • OrangeChonk
    OrangeChonk Member Posts: 8

    They seem adamant on making sure the names do not get cut off. I don't know if it's a good idea might look like crap but maybe they should try the horizontal but with staggered names. Maybe the name and health bar is swapped on survivor 2 and 4, this way the names can be long and not cut off by anything.

  • Skaels
    Skaels Member Posts: 92

    I think they are too worried about names. With the new portraits we don't need names.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    The WIP picture certainly feels like an improvement over the UI which is currently live.

    However, I personally still dislike how far the survivor indicators extend up the left side of the screen. I think relocating the killer's hook tracker (again) and sliding those indicators down into that space would potentially be an acceptable compromise if we're keeping the vertical orientation of the survivor portraits (which I'm assuming is the case).

    I have two suggestions for places I think the hook tracker could be moved to.

    #1: Shrink the add-on icons and double-stack them next to the power icon (similar to their previous layout, because they really don't need to be so large). Then the hook tracker could sit in the newly-opened space to their right (and directly underneath the gen counter, keeping both of the killer's objective indicators together).


    #2: Change the circular design of the hook tracker into a bar-shape and insert it in place of the dividing line (above the power icon and below the gen indicator).

    ***To really go above and beyond with the hook tracker, the hook icon itself (or the circular space around it) could be adjusted to change color based on the killer's Devout emblem progress (ie, turning bronze/silver/gold/iridescent when their requirements are met). This would further improve the killer's feedback on how well they are doing in the match (at least for the Devout emblem).

    I made rough mockups (like, really rough mockups) of both ideas. Shared changes between the two are the gen indicator moving further to the right and the survivor portraits moving downward (to just above the dividing line).

    Definitely appreciate seeing the DbD team share more WIP content to get better feedback earlier! Hopefully it will help to steer the UI in a direction that more people can be satisfied with.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I know they're stubborn but just,, do what the community says and PUT IT BACK WHERE IT WAS BEFORE,,, I get you want us to "get used to new things" but when it's complete unnecessary it's just,, why? Just... put it back to where it was and add additions above/change the icons? That's.. all you had to do??

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    My only big concern is that the bleed out bar is transparent. It’s hard to see, and needs to be bright so that it’s easily distinguishable.

  • NobleCygnus
    NobleCygnus Member Posts: 3

    The revamped UI should also support custom icons.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Hard to tell here, but I'd say make hook progress meter thicker in order to see it better. Also, give killers same info as survivors for hooks. Not having that info just feels more annoying rather than strategy/memory based.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I prefer the 1st image.But since the character never change in a trial. portraits can be dimmer and the status cover on their portrait with brighter grey

    Something like this

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited February 2021

    I think this post has the best examples on the entire thread. I'm pretty content with all of the mockups on this post but these in particular are my favorites. (For those scimming I didn't make these it's in the post I'm replying to is where I got them)

    Credit to who ever made these - The first one at the top I reposted is the one I'd be in favor for.

    If you're the one who made them then good job they look excellent.

    Post edited by Dustin on
  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    2 & 3 are very nice. I like the 3rd more cause B&W portrait are less distracting but these 2 are far better than the current or porposed one.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Yeah I prefer the black and white portraits or silhouettes because they're far less noisy / distracting when injuries and debuffs are on screen. I liked the third one because it was simple and straight to the point.

  • Coveycom
    Coveycom Member Posts: 1

    Please will you consider carrying the player portraits over to the scoreboard at the end of a game. I like to give kudos to players when due and having this visible would be appreciated.

  • Horror_Gaming
    Horror_Gaming Member Posts: 275

    I kinda liked the camera falling to the ground when you go down. That’s one change I’m going to miss

  • Biohazard258
    Biohazard258 Member Posts: 8

    Can we please just have the old UI and survivor movement back? Like I'm sure people appreciate the effort put forth to make these changes, but ultimately they were unnecessary and is causing a ######### ton of frustration for everyone involved.

    Just put it back, please.