Either rework or get rid of Wiggle

It’s useless without perks or DS. A killer can travel across the entire map to another hook before the survivor can even get the wiggle free meter halfway. It either needs to be reworked or just taken out. I’m tired of the false chance it gives. The amount of hooks in a map makes sure that wiggling never really happens that often unless the Killer is being really dumb.
No he cannot cross the entire map without you wiggling free, much less half the bar. That's simply not true and an exaggeration.
It is not useless. It's purpose is to put urgency on the killer to hook while it also applies a short enough duration that the team could allow an escape with body blocking potentially.
If you were able to regularly escape from wiggling that would defeat the entire point and no one would even bother hooking. You really want to be slugged every game?
The wiggle time is in a perfect place. It's not too long and it's not too short.
Of all the issues in the game (and there are quite a few), the wiggle duration is not one of them.
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Yeah remove the wiggle and its basement party all day all night lol.
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Wriggling is not supposed to be reliable in the slightest. 99% of the time, you're just wasting the Killer's time (which is very much worth doing) but it's supposed to make times you DO manage to escape more exciting.
The only thing I can concede is that most wriggling-based Survivor Perks are terrible and could use buffs, but a lot of care has to be taken with them to ensure they aren't abusable.
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Wiggle itself is fine but I think some perks need changed in relation to it, mostly buffs though for the unused perks
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So you wanna be carried to the basement every down?
This perfectly summarizes it. If a survivor doesn't wiggle, most killers will immediately realize they can be taken to the basement. Wiggling means they have to hook them with one of the hooks in the area.
Also, saying the killer can travel the entire map is a BLATANT lie. Unless every killer you run into has Iron Grasp+Agitation?
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I mean you could just pretend it doesn't exist if ya want?
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I've helped survivors wiggle out without the killer moving more than 4 meters so isk what you're on about
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I think they just need to remove hook vacuum. The amount of times I’ve had the bar full only to be sucked on to the hook from 3 feet away is so annoying.
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Rework idea:
Other survivors can grab the killer’s ankles to slow him down so you can finally wiggle free. As the killer drags survivors on each ankle, he can stop, shake a leg, and shake that pesky survivor loose, but injure them at the same time. The way he will do this is with a wiggle feature for killers. I know, it’s brilliant. Luckily with three other survivors, that’s three wiggle games that the killer gets to play while you only have one. Now you are guaranteed to get free every time.
(This has been your daily dose of satire)
Wiggle is just fine other than it wears out joysticks if you play a lot.
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As already stated, you are simply misunderstanding what the wiggle mechanic is for. You aren’t meant to reliably escape the killers grasp before being hooked. It’s to stop the killer from taking their time always carrying survivors to either the basement, or hooks that carry strategical weight, such as in the middle of a three gen so that they can then effectively camp the hook without camping the hook because there is no reason for them to travel anywhere else. The THREAT of a survivor wiggling free forces killers to go straight for the nearest hook.
If survivors were able to frequently wiggle free from killers then we’d either see WAY more slugging, or a significant drop off in killers, because who wants to play a game/role where the objective becomes increasingly impossible?
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Then if that’s the case the killer must have been stupid. There are hooks everywhere and usually they can hook someone before the meter is even half full.
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Yes I know what I said was exaggerating. Taking me full across the map was meant in a joking manner.
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i'm fine with wiggle but hook struggle should be changed to holding the button.